Infographic of Romilly name meaning, which is From a French place name
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Romilly Name Popularity

How popular is the name Romilly? Here’s everything we know.

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  1. The Name Romilly as a first name is a boys name meaning ” Appertainer of Rome ” . The famous artist Augustus John had a son called Romilly John ( 1906 – 1986 ) was in the RAF, a civil servant, a poet , an author and amateur physicist . A derivative of Romulus and Remus , and from Romani gypsy origin. ” Rom” meaning husband in the Romani dialect . It has recently become fashionable as a girls name. It does not mean ” Rock of Lillie’s ” or ” Sea dew ” these false meanings have no etymological merit or basis in Onomastics.

  2. I love this name I’m French so I really do love the origin, I named my second daughter Romilly because I thought it was cute and sounded great with my eldest daughters name Ellia Rose. Now my kids are 11,8,5,3,and I have twins who are 3 months. So Now I have Ellia she’s 11 , Romilly she’s 8, Phoenix he is 5, Maxen 3, Rivers and Rue the identical girl who are 3 mounths

  3. I found this rare name through SJ Straum. She makes baby name lists on youtube.
    I love how it reads and how it sounds. It has multiple meanings, including God’s Beloved.
    I don’t love how people react the first time they hear it because it is so rare. Otherwise, we love our choice!

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