Raelynn Name Meaning

Raelynn is a modern, invented name, a combination of two names, “Rae” and “Lynn.” “Rae” is a shortened version of the name Rachel, which means “ewe” in Hebrew. “Lynn” is a version of the name Linda, which means “pretty” or “soft” in Spanish. So, the name Raelynn can be interpreted as “pretty ewe” or “soft ewe.”

History of the Name Raelynn

The name Raelynn is a relatively new name, it first appeared on the Social Security Administration’s list of popular baby names in the year 2000. It’s a modern, invented name, and it’s believed to have been created by combining the names “Rae” and “Lynn” to create a unisex and modern name for baby girls.

Popularity of the Name Raelynn

Raelynn has been gradually gaining popularity as a girl’s name in the United States over the past few decades. As of 2021, Raelynn is ranked # 548 on the list of most popular baby girl names in the United States, which is a significant increase from previous years. The popularity of the name seems to be growing, and it’s a name that is often chosen by parents who are looking for a unique and modern name for their baby girl.

Fun Facts on the Name Raelynn

Raelynn is a unique and charming name that has a modern and fresh feel to it. It’s a great name for a girl who is pretty, soft and unique. The name Raelynn is easy to pronounce and spell, making it a great choice for parents looking for a unique and memorable name for their baby girl.

Final Thoughts on the Name Raelynn

In conclusion, Raelynn is a unique and charming name that has a modern and fresh feel to it. It has been steadily gaining popularity as a girl’s name in the United States over the past few decades. The name Raelynn is perfect for a girl who is pretty, soft, and unique. If you’re looking for a unique and memorable name for your baby girl, Raelynn might just be the perfect choice for you!

Infographic of Raelynn name meaning, which is A combination of the name Rae and the common name ending -lynn, Raelynn means beam of light.
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Raelynn Name Popularity

How popular is the name Raelynn? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
1921 0 0%
1922 0 0%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 0 0%
1926 0 0%
1927 0 0%
1928 0 0%
1929 0 0%
1930 0 0%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 0 0%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 0 0%
1944 0 0%
1945 0 0%
1946 0 0%
1947 0 0%
1948 0 0%
1949 0 0%
1950 0 0%
1951 0 0%
1952 0 0%
1953 0 0%
1954 0 0%
1955 0 0%
1956 0 0%
1957 0 0%
1958 0 0%
1959 0 0%
1960 0 0%
1961 1,723 12 0.0006%
1962 0 0%
1963 0 0%
1964 1,974 8 0.0005%
1965 0 0%
1966 0 0%
1967 0 0%
1968 2,193 6 0.0004%
1969 0 0%
1970 0 0%
1971 0 0%
1972 0 0%
1973 2,538 5 0.0004%
1974 0 0%
1975 0 0%
1976 0 0%
1977 0 0%
1978 0 0%
1979 2,287 10 0.0007%
1980 2,580 7 0.0005%
1981 2,263 12 0.0008%
1982 2,875 6 0.0004%
1983 2,097 14 0.0009%
1984 2,614 7 0.0005%
1985 2,513 9 0.0006%
1986 3,309 5 0.0003%
1987 3,054 6 0.0004%
1988 2,710 10 0.0006%
1989 2,021 24 0.0015%
1990 3,839 5 0.0003%
1991 1,885 32 0.002%
1992 2,230 21 0.0013%
1993 2,036 27 0.0017%
1994 1,748 39 0.0025%
1995 1,725 39 0.0026%
1996 1,906 31 0.0021%
1997 1,981 29 0.002%
1998 1,495 62 0.0041%
1999 1,477 64 0.0043%
2000 1,859 41 0.0027%
2001 1,553 65 0.0043%
2002 1,496 72 0.0048%
2003 1,560 67 0.0044%
2004 1,436 83 0.0054%
2005 1,277 115 0.0075%
2006 1,290 120 0.0077%
2007 1,050 194 0.0123%
2008 896 254 0.0164%
2009 823 285 0.0191%
2010 626 421 0.0292%
2011 479 573 0.0402%
2012 331 903 0.0634%
2013 276 1,093 0.0768%
2014 259 1,214 0.0833%
2015 176 1,782 0.1225%
2016 156 1,957 0.1357%
2017 122 2,424 0.1737%
2018 113 2,592 0.1887%
2019 111 2,546 0.1881%
2020 104 2,530 0.1988%
2021 99 2,491 0.2038%
2022 100 2,695 0.2043%

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Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

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Hawaii (HI)

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Idaho (ID)

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Rhode Island (RI)

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South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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Beam of light




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The fifth month


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  1. My daughter’s name Raelynn comes from my family. My dad and brothers name is Ray and my sisters middle name is Lynn which she got from my moms name Linda. I love that her name came from my whole family.

  2. Honestly, I was just talking to a couple of my friends about baby names in the first week i found out i was pregnant and one of them brought up the name “Raelynn” and i instantly fell in love and my fianc? loved it and said it was the only name that stuck and that he could remember!

  3. honestly Raelynn is a good name!

    • I agree it’s a GREAT name ! Ha
      I was born in 1963 and of 7 kids I am 5th of 7 and got the most unique name. Not a name I hear often but the older I get the more I’m hearing of others sharing my birth name.

  4. I like they name Raelynn I’m naming my daughter Railynn I change the e to a I it go good with her middle name Simone so prefect fit I love it.

  5. My husband named our daughter raelyn, I never thought of another one. I love it cause it sounds pretty good

  6. Thinking about naming our baby if it’s another girl Raelynn R.A.E are the first initials of our boys, and Lynn is the end of our daughter name

  7. I like the name Raelynn because i think it is a unique name. Very beautiful sounding as well. And it goes with the middle name Love very well.

  8. I saw this name in the newspaper the summer before my girl was born. She was standing under a fire hydrant with her mouth wide open, tongue out, waiting for the water to land on her. The minute I saw her it, there was no other. I always tease her, “Where’d you get that name? It’s BEAUTIFUL!” She just laughs and says on point, “My mom & yes, IT IS BEAUTIFUL.” It truly is!

  9. This is my little sisters name and it was a combination of if a boy after my Uncle Raymond and if it was a girl Lynn after my Auntie well she got lucky and the names combined she was named after both.

    • I spelled it differently. Raylenn. Ray from Raymond and lenn from LEONard her 2 older brothers names

  10. My name is Raelynn and I have always wondered what it meant. I’ve tried to research it and I’m still not sure but I love my name. I used to hate it because it wasn’t like the other girls names. I feel that it has a peaceful beauty when spoke. That’s all haha

    • My name is Raye-lynn and I was born in 1956. I did not meet another Raelynn until 2023!

  11. I picked the name to go with her sisters name

  12. I chose the name raelynn because well first i like the name and her middle name is after my best friend and raelynn was the only name that went good with paige lol

  13. We named our daughter Raelynn after the country singer Raelynn!! My husband and I fell in love this Raelynn before we even new we was having a girl!!

  14. We chose the name RaeLynn because of the sweetness that comes along with the name. The name can mean beautiful lamb and she is just that! Our little blonde haired blue eyed beauty is a “Rae” of sunshine in our lives!

  15. Just thought it was a beautiful name ?

  16. My mother’s middle name is Rae and my mother-in-law’s middle name in Lynn. Turns out both of our sister’s middle name’s Dawn. Our little one named herself before we even knew she was a girl. Little miss Raelynn Dawn

    • My husband’s middle name is Ray and his Mom’s middle name is Lynn. I love this name also like the country singer this is where I first heard this name.

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