Infographic of Rachael name meaning, which is ewe, female sheep
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Rachael Name Popularity

How popular is the name Rachael? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 768 8 0.0023%
1911 678 13 0.0035%
1912 776 15 0.003%
1913 762 19 0.0034%
1914 771 25 0.0036%
1915 811 33 0.0036%
1916 596 87 0.009%
1917 614 82 0.0082%
1918 621 91 0.0085%
1919 684 63 0.006%
1920 817 43 0.0039%
1921 658 84 0.0073%
1922 717 65 0.0058%
1923 817 46 0.0041%
1924 1,022 26 0.0022%
1925 891 35 0.0031%
1926 820 44 0.004%
1927 1,020 23 0.0021%
1928 1,120 17 0.0016%
1929 900 29 0.0028%
1930 1,096 17 0.0016%
1931 0 0%
1932 1,431 6 0.0006%
1933 1,286 8 0.0009%
1934 1,544 5 0.0005%
1935 1,389 6 0.0006%
1936 0 0%
1937 1,494 5 0.0005%
1938 996 20 0.002%
1939 1,417 6 0.0006%
1940 1,001 21 0.002%
1941 1,054 18 0.0016%
1942 1,129 18 0.0014%
1943 1,283 12 0.0009%
1944 1,120 18 0.0015%
1945 1,264 12 0.001%
1946 1,036 29 0.002%
1947 1,101 30 0.0018%
1948 980 40 0.0025%
1949 956 44 0.0027%
1950 983 45 0.0028%
1951 1,067 36 0.0021%
1952 1,162 28 0.0016%
1953 809 84 0.0047%
1954 814 86 0.0047%
1955 974 58 0.0032%
1956 1,014 58 0.0031%
1957 998 64 0.0033%
1958 785 114 0.006%
1959 928 79 0.0042%
1960 939 79 0.0042%
1961 782 128 0.0068%
1962 824 113 0.0062%
1963 789 124 0.0069%
1964 760 137 0.0078%
1965 659 174 0.0106%
1966 604 200 0.0128%
1967 444 411 0.0271%
1968 431 443 0.0295%
1969 334 688 0.0447%
1970 311 857 0.0539%
1971 311 824 0.0548%
1972 269 952 0.0699%
1973 258 937 0.0723%
1974 210 1,175 0.0904%
1975 185 1,358 0.1057%
1976 177 1,417 0.1099%
1977 184 1,483 0.11%
1978 162 1,684 0.1253%
1979 151 1,845 0.1308%
1980 140 2,046 0.1399%
1981 132 2,121 0.1443%
1982 120 2,467 0.1651%
1983 123 2,403 0.1628%
1984 103 2,640 0.1775%
1985 99 2,762 0.182%
1986 103 2,698 0.1787%
1987 98 2,832 0.1856%
1988 100 2,827 0.1814%
1989 109 2,829 0.1753%
1990 111 3,024 0.1824%
1991 114 2,915 0.1788%
1992 122 2,745 0.172%
1993 117 2,741 0.1758%
1994 124 2,541 0.1656%
1995 119 2,599 0.1724%
1996 128 2,478 0.1655%
1997 154 2,028 0.1371%
1998 170 1,731 0.1157%
1999 186 1,635 0.1092%
2000 229 1,366 0.0894%
2001 244 1,280 0.085%
2002 299 1,011 0.0675%
2003 320 942 0.0619%
2004 365 821 0.0539%
2005 389 768 0.0502%
2006 388 789 0.0504%
2007 392 797 0.0505%
2008 474 622 0.0402%
2009 600 453 0.0303%
2010 690 360 0.025%
2011 827 263 0.0185%
2012 890 229 0.0161%
2013 986 188 0.0132%
2014 1,102 152 0.0104%
2015 1,147 143 0.0098%
2016 1,413 88 0.0061%
2017 1,595 61 0.0044%
2018 1,780 43 0.0031%
2019 1,941 33 0.0024%
2020 4,337 6 0.0005%
2021 3,581 11 0.0009%
2022 3,782 11 0.0008%

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Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

Names Like Rachael

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What names sound like Rachael?

If you like how Rachael sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Rachael.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Ewe, female sheep



Ewe, female sheep



Ewe, female sheep



Ewe, female sheep



Ewe, female sheep





Ewe, female sheep



Ewe, female sheep



Powerful leader


What names are similar to Rachael?

Find a name that’s like Rachael, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Who resembles God?




Indian (Sanskrit)


Ewe, female sheep



God heals



  1. I really adore the name Rachael because is a precious and lovely name.i keep thanking my mom for dedicating that name to me , because anytime someone ask me of my name , when I mention Rachael , they will be like wow what a gorgeous name, people really love that name allot

  2. My name is Rachael and I feel very privileged to have such a beautiful meaning in the bible. I absolutely adore children who are everything to me and I teach and tutor those in need at no profit and especially children who need help and nurturing. I feel all children are so precious and deserve to have the opportunity to learn how to believe in themselves and know how special they truly are. The other meaning to Rachael I only just discovered means mother to all and that made me appreciate my name so much more!

  3. We just thought it was a beautiful name that isn’t super common these days. Her whole name is Rachael Grace Brink which has a nice rhythm to it and everyone we’ve shared it with has said how pretty the name is, literally no one has objected. She’s a very pretty little girl so it fits. Rachael means ewe (female sheep/lamb) and is a prominent female figure in the Bible, Grace was given because I like it’s many meanings. I also intend to give other similar names if I have another daughter, Natalie Hope or Abigail Faith.

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