Infographic of Mae name meaning, which is the fifth month
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Mae Name Popularity

How popular is the name Mae? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 65 1,422 0.4039%
1911 69 1,430 0.384%
1912 74 1,751 0.3472%
1913 79 1,796 0.3168%
1914 85 2,024 0.2904%
1915 89 2,465 0.2713%
1916 92 2,595 0.2686%
1917 96 2,494 0.2493%
1918 95 2,741 0.2554%
1919 99 2,622 0.2504%
1920 99 2,716 0.2443%
1921 109 2,580 0.2253%
1922 111 2,397 0.2152%
1923 109 2,420 0.2161%
1924 114 2,357 0.203%
1925 117 2,310 0.2044%
1926 118 2,241 0.2038%
1927 125 2,054 0.1856%
1928 131 1,791 0.1674%
1929 132 1,740 0.168%
1930 136 1,627 0.1558%
1931 141 1,433 0.1452%
1932 141 1,432 0.1449%
1933 148 1,258 0.135%
1934 147 1,363 0.141%
1935 159 1,239 0.1275%
1936 171 1,101 0.1143%
1937 185 1,036 0.1051%
1938 183 1,062 0.1037%
1939 180 1,026 0.1009%
1940 187 967 0.091%
1941 193 959 0.0852%
1942 205 963 0.0763%
1943 222 853 0.0653%
1944 225 816 0.0658%
1945 225 812 0.0666%
1946 252 769 0.0521%
1947 254 827 0.0495%
1948 253 851 0.0533%
1949 276 748 0.0465%
1950 285 711 0.0442%
1951 293 691 0.0408%
1952 319 615 0.0352%
1953 326 600 0.0339%
1954 373 501 0.0274%
1955 365 536 0.0291%
1956 415 431 0.0228%
1957 432 432 0.0224%
1958 490 334 0.0177%
1959 501 333 0.0175%
1960 508 314 0.0166%
1961 513 318 0.0168%
1962 621 214 0.0117%
1963 639 202 0.0113%
1964 693 171 0.0097%
1965 690 156 0.0095%
1966 733 130 0.0083%
1967 818 99 0.0065%
1968 970 64 0.0043%
1969 992 70 0.0045%
1970 994 75 0.0047%
1971 1,537 25 0.0017%
1972 1,116 53 0.0039%
1973 1,323 34 0.0026%
1974 1,468 28 0.0022%
1975 1,338 37 0.0029%
1976 1,845 16 0.0012%
1977 1,513 30 0.0022%
1978 1,622 27 0.002%
1979 1,762 23 0.0016%
1980 1,879 20 0.0014%
1981 2,654 7 0.0005%
1982 3,163 5 0.0003%
1983 2,121 14 0.0009%
1984 2,151 14 0.0009%
1985 2,636 7 0.0005%
1986 2,304 13 0.0009%
1987 2,304 13 0.0009%
1988 2,645 10 0.0006%
1989 2,636 12 0.0007%
1990 2,825 11 0.0007%
1991 1,927 30 0.0018%
1992 2,131 24 0.0015%
1993 2,814 10 0.0006%
1994 2,442 16 0.001%
1995 2,538 14 0.0009%
1996 2,589 13 0.0009%
1997 2,017 28 0.0019%
1998 2,167 24 0.0016%
1999 1,672 48 0.0032%
2000 1,481 70 0.0046%
2001 1,821 44 0.0029%
2002 1,474 74 0.0049%
2003 1,661 58 0.0038%
2004 1,357 94 0.0062%
2005 1,316 107 0.007%
2006 1,162 151 0.0096%
2007 1,135 164 0.0104%
2008 1,103 176 0.0114%
2009 1,073 179 0.012%
2010 933 213 0.0148%
2011 773 293 0.0206%
2012 739 316 0.0222%
2013 642 390 0.0274%
2014 655 379 0.026%
2015 571 473 0.0325%
2016 545 511 0.0354%
2017 619 408 0.0292%
2018 516 528 0.0384%
2019 521 513 0.0379%
2020 584 448 0.0352%
2021 499 546 0.0447%
2022 504 585 0.0443%

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

Names Like Mae

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What names sound like Mae?

If you like how Mae sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Mae.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Great; mother; the fifth month



The fifth month


What names are similar to Mae?

Find a name that’s like Mae, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Loyalty; belief



Glad, lighthearted



Blue crested bird; talent; riches

American, Asian, Latin


Joy, hilarity; baby






Smooth brow; star of the sea



Star of the sea





Mighty in battle



Joy, hilarity; baby



A diminutive or nickname for Rachel.


Lists With Mae

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Mae.

Siblings of Mae

Mamas with kids named Mae also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Sun ray, shining light







  1. mae, i liked the simplicity it had and sounded, my niece wanted it to be mae-lynn.

  2. I didn’t like the traditional way of spelling it like “Mae”. I ended up spelling her name “Maey

  3. I woke up one morning and told my partner, I think her name is Mae! I was about 7 months pregnant and we were having a lot of fun constantly testing out different names for our baby, but when I woke up with this feeling, I knew it was right for her! My grandmother’s middle name was Mae, and I love the strong simplicity of the name.

  4. I like Mae say from twig and turtle book and she is so cool, so I decided to write Mae in the book I am writing too but I decided not to copy the name, so I needed female siblings of Mae. But I did not find any female siblings of Mae only male siblings of Mae. But I think Lottie should also be a female sibling of Mae because in Twig and turtle book 6 Lottie was Mae Say’s cousin so I think it would be fair as Lottie to be Mae say’s sister

  5. Mae is a family name. It’s short, sweet, and has been around a very long time!

    • It is very sweet for a sweet girl who loves nature. Like Mae say is trying to save our earth and it is sweet of her.

  6. I wanted a timeless name for our baby girl, just like her siblings! I was listening to one of my favorite songs “Lady May” and it felt so right! Her name is Mae, middle name Elouise. Now that she is born, she is soo little miss Mae, fits her perfectly!

  7. Her name is Mae’Me but that name wasn’t there. Named her after me my middle name is Mae and she looks like me so that’s why I spelled it that way.

  8. It is actually her middle name. Her first name is Bobbie after her late great grandmother. And her middle name is Mae after her late great Aunt. I put them together and call her Bobbie-Mae, or Mae for short.

  9. I had a family member distant cousin named Mae and like the name. My friend used to use it as my middle name, even though it wasn’t. It just seemed to fit!

  10. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May three years ago so Mae felt like a month of rebirth and redemption.
    It also means pearl which our precious daughter is, a jewel

  11. It’s always been my favorite name, since I was really little. I always knew my first daughter would be named Mae. We found out that it can actually be short for Mary, which is another name I like, so we named her Mary and will call her Mae.

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