Infographic of Leslie name meaning, which is holly garden
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Leslie Name Popularity

How popular is the name Leslie? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 713 11 0.0031%
1911 0 0%
1912 761 16 0.0032%
1913 757 20 0.0035%
1914 652 40 0.0057%
1915 777 36 0.004%
1916 737 47 0.0049%
1917 686 60 0.006%
1918 671 71 0.0066%
1919 716 57 0.0054%
1920 928 30 0.0027%
1921 723 65 0.0057%
1922 690 71 0.0064%
1923 644 88 0.0079%
1924 642 92 0.0079%
1925 674 77 0.0068%
1926 616 93 0.0085%
1927 687 69 0.0062%
1928 762 51 0.0048%
1929 721 57 0.0055%
1930 624 79 0.0076%
1931 728 48 0.0049%
1932 846 31 0.0031%
1933 614 70 0.0075%
1934 663 60 0.0062%
1935 539 100 0.0103%
1936 492 128 0.0133%
1937 530 113 0.0115%
1938 516 127 0.0124%
1939 517 124 0.0122%
1940 439 195 0.0183%
1941 294 445 0.0395%
1942 234 802 0.0635%
1943 191 1,101 0.0843%
1944 180 1,183 0.0955%
1945 142 1,679 0.1377%
1946 130 2,129 0.1443%
1947 132 2,348 0.1407%
1948 130 2,302 0.1442%
1949 132 2,405 0.1495%
1950 134 2,317 0.1439%
1951 131 2,539 0.1497%
1952 104 3,570 0.2045%
1953 96 3,905 0.2206%
1954 99 4,147 0.2269%
1955 99 4,401 0.2393%
1956 104 4,386 0.2322%
1957 77 6,101 0.3171%
1958 79 6,008 0.3179%
1959 84 5,651 0.2974%
1960 92 5,240 0.2766%
1961 84 5,669 0.3003%
1962 80 5,780 0.3148%
1963 72 5,857 0.3263%
1964 73 5,600 0.3181%
1965 75 4,874 0.298%
1966 71 4,997 0.32%
1967 66 5,318 0.3504%
1968 66 5,283 0.3518%
1969 64 5,831 0.3785%
1970 64 5,621 0.3532%
1971 68 5,111 0.3401%
1972 76 4,174 0.3065%
1973 75 3,954 0.305%
1974 65 4,459 0.3431%
1975 71 4,106 0.3195%
1976 65 4,310 0.3344%
1977 65 4,251 0.3154%
1978 63 4,334 0.3224%
1979 65 4,494 0.3187%
1980 61 4,778 0.3268%
1981 56 4,934 0.3357%
1982 60 4,983 0.3335%
1983 67 4,248 0.2879%
1984 75 3,808 0.256%
1985 76 3,606 0.2376%
1986 87 3,217 0.2131%
1987 89 3,195 0.2094%
1988 94 3,071 0.1971%
1989 108 2,849 0.1766%
1990 116 2,812 0.1697%
1991 124 2,539 0.1558%
1992 133 2,465 0.1544%
1993 139 2,273 0.1458%
1994 131 2,378 0.155%
1995 138 2,289 0.1519%
1996 119 2,645 0.1767%
1997 115 2,801 0.1894%
1998 111 3,062 0.2046%
1999 101 3,323 0.2219%
2000 90 3,596 0.2354%
2001 84 3,597 0.2387%
2002 92 3,507 0.234%
2003 91 3,622 0.2381%
2004 93 3,484 0.2286%
2005 103 3,109 0.2033%
2006 109 3,017 0.1927%
2007 127 2,677 0.1697%
2008 147 2,314 0.1497%
2009 160 1,962 0.1313%
2010 196 1,555 0.1079%
2011 243 1,273 0.0894%
2012 257 1,202 0.0844%
2013 279 1,088 0.0764%
2014 330 972 0.0667%
2015 360 865 0.0594%
2016 404 767 0.0532%
2017 430 672 0.0481%
2018 499 553 0.0403%
2019 509 524 0.0387%
2020 596 436 0.0343%
2021 611 416 0.034%
2022 669 395 0.0299%

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Rhode Island (RI)

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South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden



Holly garden


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  1. We liked. That name we really never heard that name

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