June Name Meaning

The name June is often associated with the month of June, which is known for its warm weather and lush greenery. It is also associated with the start of summer and the end of the school year. As such, the name June is often associated with youth, vitality, and new beginnings.

The History of the Name June

The name June is of English origin and is a variant of the name Junius, which was a Roman family name. It was derived from the Latin word “Junius,” which means “young”. The name Junius was also the name of several early Christian saints.

The Origins of the Name June

The name June first appeared in the English language in the late 19th century. It was a popular name for girls during the early 20th century and has been consistently popular ever since. The name June was especially popular in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s.

Popularity of the Name June

The name June was a very popular name for girls in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s, and it has remained popular ever since. It peaked in popularity in the United States during the 1930s and has been consistently in the top 1000 names for girls since the 1880s. In recent years, the name has seen a resurgence in popularity, particularly in the United Kingdom.

June is a classic name that has stood the test of time. Its meaning and association with the start of summer make it a timeless choice for parents. It’s a name that has been popular for over a century and shows no signs of losing its appeal.

Final Thoughts on the Name June

The name June is a variant of the Roman family name Junius. It’s meaning of “young” and association with the start of summer makes it a timeless choice. It was particularly popular in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s, and is a consistently popular name for girls in recent years, particularly in the United Kingdom.

Infographic of June name meaning, which is A Latin name inspired by the month and goddess Juno, June means the month of June.
Ask your friends & family about June…

June Name Popularity

How popular is the name June? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 221 250 0.071%
1911 240 226 0.0607%
1912 203 433 0.0859%
1913 162 679 0.1198%
1914 132 1,126 0.1616%
1915 96 2,125 0.2339%
1916 87 2,823 0.2922%
1917 73 3,357 0.3356%
1918 66 4,031 0.3756%
1919 64 3,951 0.3773%
1920 53 4,906 0.4412%
1921 50 5,149 0.4497%
1922 45 5,377 0.4826%
1923 42 5,801 0.5179%
1924 45 6,149 0.5295%
1925 39 6,645 0.5879%
1926 40 6,069 0.5518%
1927 43 5,734 0.518%
1928 44 5,517 0.5156%
1929 48 5,088 0.4912%
1930 47 5,090 0.4873%
1931 44 4,998 0.5064%
1932 44 4,839 0.4898%
1933 45 4,674 0.5017%
1934 46 4,381 0.4532%
1935 55 3,837 0.3948%
1936 62 3,512 0.3646%
1937 71 3,379 0.3429%
1938 79 3,137 0.3064%
1939 83 2,863 0.2815%
1940 82 2,944 0.277%
1941 90 2,761 0.2453%
1942 107 2,605 0.2063%
1943 111 2,485 0.1904%
1944 121 2,196 0.1772%
1945 121 2,062 0.1691%
1946 116 2,556 0.1732%
1947 120 2,836 0.1699%
1948 127 2,384 0.1493%
1949 137 2,281 0.1418%
1950 135 2,288 0.1421%
1951 142 2,273 0.1341%
1952 148 2,311 0.1324%
1953 155 2,258 0.1276%
1954 152 2,356 0.1289%
1955 164 2,137 0.1162%
1956 181 1,952 0.1034%
1957 189 1,840 0.0956%
1958 190 1,825 0.0966%
1959 197 1,797 0.0946%
1960 210 1,624 0.0857%
1961 224 1,459 0.0773%
1962 222 1,441 0.0785%
1963 236 1,352 0.0753%
1964 232 1,363 0.0774%
1965 267 1,016 0.0621%
1966 278 885 0.0567%
1967 310 727 0.0479%
1968 376 546 0.0364%
1969 381 563 0.0365%
1970 407 521 0.0327%
1971 404 496 0.033%
1972 468 344 0.0253%
1973 561 244 0.0188%
1974 554 253 0.0195%
1975 570 243 0.0189%
1976 577 231 0.0179%
1977 664 189 0.014%
1978 623 220 0.0164%
1979 640 225 0.016%
1980 708 190 0.013%
1981 811 145 0.0099%
1982 790 152 0.0102%
1983 876 118 0.008%
1984 998 93 0.0063%
1985 946 111 0.0073%
1986 980 105 0.007%
1987 1,013 102 0.0067%
1988 1,258 67 0.0043%
1989 1,174 89 0.0055%
1990 1,727 41 0.0025%
1991 1,571 50 0.0031%
1992 1,575 51 0.0032%
1993 1,552 53 0.0034%
1994 1,536 53 0.0035%
1995 1,666 42 0.0028%
1996 1,687 43 0.0029%
1997 1,758 40 0.0027%
1998 1,738 42 0.0028%
1999 1,819 40 0.0027%
2000 1,565 62 0.0041%
2001 1,815 45 0.003%
2002 1,647 57 0.0038%
2003 1,869 45 0.003%
2004 1,864 46 0.003%
2005 1,847 48 0.0031%
2006 1,241 130 0.0083%
2007 1,062 192 0.0122%
2008 871 267 0.0173%
2009 671 384 0.0257%
2010 568 466 0.0323%
2011 462 595 0.0418%
2012 433 674 0.0473%
2013 353 853 0.0599%
2014 305 1,030 0.0707%
2015 273 1,104 0.0759%
2016 262 1,161 0.0805%
2017 239 1,272 0.0911%
2018 236 1,312 0.0955%
2019 195 1,481 0.1094%
2020 185 1,504 0.1182%
2021 170 1,576 0.1289%
2022 171 1,682 0.1275%

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Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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God is gracious



Queen of heaven


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  1. We love that June is a sweet old fashioned name. And when we gave our older daughter the choice between naming her little sister Marigold, Helen or June, she chose June

  2. I picked the name June years ago and then never thought I’d be pregnant and be able to use it. I don’t remember where I first heard the name but it was the only name my husband and I could ever agree on and I’m so glad we were able to use it! We love our Junebug!

  3. After looking for so many names my husband choose the name he said it sounded cool and it was uncommon. I love her name, I didn’t accept it in the beginning, but I love it now.

  4. I was born in the month of June and I’ve always loved the name. It reminds me of growth and flowers. I also love how feminine of a name it is.

  5. It’s a short and simple name like our other children’s names and I just like how it sounds!

  6. I am 73. My dad named me before my mom was pregnant. Boy or girl, I was going to be named June! Called bug or Junebug most of my life by those close to me. Called Junie by many but just sounds funny being Called that by some. Those remaining call me June!

  7. since I was a little girl I’ve loved the name June. Not really sure why or where it came from. I think God gave me the name.

  8. My husband chose June. I was terrified my baby would go past due date (6/20) and I would have to be induced in July so to reinforce positive thoughts I had a computer password using the word June. My baby girl came 10 days early and so fast I had to tell my husband in between surges to put up an out of office email message. When I told him the password and and we found out at delivery she was a 6 lb even baby girl we couldn’t help but call her our Junebug. I don’t like it because it’s not very multicultural (and we’re a multicultural family) and it’s rising in popularity. But, my husband called her that as soon as I pushed her out and she does look like a June.

  9. My middle name is June, the same as one of my grandmothers. My first name is my mother’s middle name. As far as names go, I like June well enough. Obviously, I rarely get called June, but it is a name that pairs fairly easily with others, especially longer names, and flows off the tongue.

  10. We chose her name from my husband’s great grandmother on both sides which is June Pauline then Donna came from my grandmother. I love her name through and through. She was born a few weeks earlier than expected but she has grown alot. She now weighs at 10 lbs!! ??

  11. It’s old fashioned and simple, and not super common

  12. She is named after all of the great grandmother’s, I am very proud of her and her name sakes.

  13. June Named after Johnny cash, but since she’s a girl,.:

  14. We found out our good news in June so we thought it would be a sweet and fitting name!

  15. We chose the name June because it was the month last year that we decided to move forward with having a family of our own. Our June bug is due any day now! (Currently 40+1)

  16. My husband has always had his heart set on having a baby girl named June! Then I happened to get pregnant with our baby girl conveniently born in June!

  17. I love it because it’s not a name you hear everyday. It’s easy to pronounce so no one will ever pronounce it wrong. It’s also a family name.

  18. I named my first child Anna after my grandmother. Her best friend was her sister-in-law, June. They talked every night at 7pm without fail. When I found out I was pregnant with my second girl, I knew her name would be Virginia June. I can only hope that my Anna and June will be as close as the strong women they were named after.

  19. We named her after June Carter Cash because we are big Johnny and June fans!

  20. My husband really loved the name June, and I obliged 🙂 No association or anything but multiple people we have met have said their best friends name is June or their grandmas name. It is an older name that I imagine is coming back in popularity 🙂

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