Josephine Name Meaning

With her incredible meaning of “God will increase,” and her sound, we’re not surprised that Josephine has been on the rise in recent years. She’s a clever way to honor a Joseph and is on trend with the vintage girl names movement that brought picks like Eleanor, Evelyn, and Sophia back into popularity.

Josephine is a mature name but don’t be fooled into thinking she’s stuffy or uptight. She easily can fit a little girl on the go, carrying with her a dash of sophistication. She shuns the cutesy feel of many modern names but can be softened with a variety of nicknames like Josie, Joey, and Jojo. If those aren’t your cup of tea, she has more like Sephi and Fifi.

Josephine has appeared in many works of fiction like Anne of Green Gables and A Series of Unfortunate Events. She’s been the name of several royals including queens, empresses, princesses, and countesses. She’s also dotted the halls of history with Josephine Butler fighting for women’s suffrage and Josephine Clara Goldmark pushing for labor reform in the United States.

She has a few variant spellings including Josefine and Josefene, and her longer sister Josephina packs an extra syllable of sass for those looking for something a little more.

Infographic of Josephine name meaning, which is A feminine form of Joseph, Josephine means God will increase.
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Josephine Name Popularity

How popular is the name Josephine? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 30 2,793 0.7933%
1911 29 3,005 0.807%
1912 28 3,972 0.7876%
1913 24 4,820 0.8501%
1914 23 5,896 0.846%
1915 22 7,602 0.8367%
1916 21 8,120 0.8406%
1917 21 8,321 0.8317%
1918 24 8,681 0.8089%
1919 26 8,104 0.7739%
1920 28 8,088 0.7274%
1921 28 8,130 0.71%
1922 27 7,863 0.7058%
1923 30 7,559 0.6749%
1924 34 7,271 0.6261%
1925 36 6,805 0.6021%
1926 37 6,404 0.5822%
1927 39 6,105 0.5515%
1928 42 5,668 0.5297%
1929 45 5,293 0.511%
1930 49 4,986 0.4773%
1931 51 4,492 0.4551%
1932 57 4,090 0.414%
1933 62 3,558 0.3819%
1934 60 3,735 0.3864%
1935 75 3,252 0.3346%
1936 77 3,131 0.325%
1937 82 2,937 0.2981%
1938 83 2,971 0.2902%
1939 84 2,834 0.2786%
1940 89 2,731 0.2569%
1941 92 2,711 0.2409%
1942 100 2,728 0.216%
1943 108 2,650 0.203%
1944 115 2,307 0.1861%
1945 120 2,124 0.1742%
1946 127 2,207 0.1496%
1947 133 2,334 0.1398%
1948 134 2,207 0.1383%
1949 143 2,146 0.1334%
1950 146 2,072 0.1287%
1951 159 1,943 0.1146%
1952 169 1,844 0.1056%
1953 173 1,771 0.1001%
1954 186 1,706 0.0933%
1955 199 1,561 0.0849%
1956 212 1,446 0.0766%
1957 222 1,408 0.0732%
1958 238 1,252 0.0662%
1959 258 1,138 0.0599%
1960 263 1,132 0.0597%
1961 258 1,171 0.062%
1962 269 1,067 0.0581%
1963 283 1,011 0.0563%
1964 297 929 0.0528%
1965 307 833 0.0509%
1966 306 789 0.0505%
1967 323 690 0.0455%
1968 331 656 0.0437%
1969 339 659 0.0428%
1970 364 633 0.0398%
1971 383 557 0.0371%
1972 371 538 0.0395%
1973 386 491 0.0379%
1974 386 492 0.0379%
1975 447 392 0.0305%
1976 463 369 0.0286%
1977 453 397 0.0295%
1978 452 401 0.0298%
1979 466 392 0.0278%
1980 441 447 0.0306%
1981 452 433 0.0295%
1982 439 451 0.0302%
1983 447 420 0.0285%
1984 477 385 0.0259%
1985 499 363 0.0239%
1986 488 394 0.0261%
1987 501 380 0.0249%
1988 462 448 0.0287%
1989 469 477 0.0296%
1990 440 528 0.0319%
1991 432 550 0.0337%
1992 433 540 0.0338%
1993 420 556 0.0357%
1994 401 586 0.0382%
1995 375 666 0.0442%
1996 372 691 0.0461%
1997 353 753 0.0509%
1998 349 799 0.0534%
1999 312 957 0.0639%
2000 287 1,100 0.072%
2001 277 1,108 0.0735%
2002 264 1,173 0.0783%
2003 258 1,225 0.0805%
2004 242 1,311 0.086%
2005 229 1,470 0.0961%
2006 220 1,536 0.0981%
2007 222 1,549 0.0982%
2008 210 1,606 0.1039%
2009 200 1,611 0.1078%
2010 183 1,668 0.1157%
2011 180 1,721 0.1208%
2012 160 1,946 0.1366%
2013 159 2,006 0.1409%
2014 146 2,275 0.1561%
2015 128 2,499 0.1717%
2016 114 2,777 0.1926%
2017 107 2,791 0.2%
2018 91 3,023 0.22%
2019 89 3,076 0.2272%
2020 87 2,923 0.2296%
2021 71 3,152 0.2578%
2022 70 3,236 0.2453%

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Delaware (DE)

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Utah (UT)

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Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Names Like Josephine

If you like Josephine, you’ll love these other names like Josephine.

What names are diminutives of Josephine?

A diminutive is a name that’s like Josephine sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Josephine, but shorter.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive form of Josephine.



God will increase


What names are variants of Josephine?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Josephine.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A short form of Fifine, which is a French diminutive of Josephine.



Jehovah increases



Short form of Josefina

Italian, Spanish


Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



A diminutive form of Josephine.



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



The Lord adds; Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases



God will increase



Jehovah increases



Jehovah increases


Lists With Josephine

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Josephine.

Siblings of Josephine

Mamas with kids named Josephine also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Late summer



Good news



Of unknown meaning



God is my oath



A favorite son



  1. Joseph is a family name on dad’s side, so we wanted to honor that. Josephine means “God will increase”, so we love the meaning. And we love the nickname options – Jo, Josie, Joey. Also, not something we thought about when choosing the name, but Josie has lots of cute rhyming words – cozy, rosy, toesie, nosy, etc.

  2. She is named after her Grandmother! It’s a blessing to honor my husband this way by naming her after his mother.

  3. We named her after Saint Joseph, the husband to Mary the mother of God. We are catholic and loved the symbolism of a Holy Family. St Joseph is often depicted in art with a Lily, so her name is Josephine Lily. I also love the classic Little Women character and was a nanny for a family of 9 kids and Josephine was one of the littles I got to take care of. Just a special, classic name that I can tell her all about when she gets older.

  4. We chose Josephine because it means “Yahweh will grow”. Her middle name is Joy. Yahweh will grow joy in our little one.

    • AM Josephine and i think God will grow and increase everything in my life

  5. We love the meaning and history behind Josephine. As Christ followers, we appreciate and honor our Hebrew roots. We also love nicknames and many can come from this name!

  6. Josephine JoanneJojo

    Josephine after St Joseph and St Josephine
    Joanne after my grandma
    Jojo for short!

  7. Sounds like a good name for a future leader

  8. Growing up my mother loved the name and I grew to love it too. My husband liked it alot so the decision was easy. I love how elegant and old fashioned it is and it’s not a name you hear that often anymore.

  9. Josephine Rose I’m home of St Joseph in all he has done for our family. Using the nickname Josie which we love, especially how it goes with our first daughter Ellie (Elizabeth). Dislike how long it is and then some people think it’s old sounding.

  10. My name is Josephine. I have two sons, Nathaniel and Benjamin. I’m currently pregnant with a baby girl due soon. I’m having an extremely difficult time choosing a name that I love as much as my own. My mother named me after her grandmother.

  11. I chose Josephine because I have come to love all of the Joseph’s in the Bible. Initially I didn’t like the idea of Josephine and was bummed I couldn’t use the name Joseph for this child as it’s a girl, but my husband pointed out the nickname “Josie” and it really changed my mind. In addition to that, St. Josephine Bakhita has an amazing story so using her name is a way to call upon her intercession.

  12. I named myself after my paternal grandfather. It’s actually a baptismal name I choosed because of the love I had for him (grandpa). He was always happy, smiling and accommodating even in the face of tribulations. Granny is no more but i still see that smiling face and this encourages me to keep moving….

  13. We chose this name after Saint Josephine. Her story really moved me the first time I read about it. I also liked how traditional the name was, but still able to have nicknames if we wanted.

  14. Josephine is my own grandmother’s middle name (baby’s great grandmother). She was like another parent to me growing up and was so excited to meet her first great grandchild. Unfortunately we lost her very suddenly 1 week before baby’s arrival. It was always the plan to use this name if we had a baby girl and now it feels extra special.


  16. My husband and I love the nickname Josie… I wanted a name with a good meaning behind it that could be used in the original form or a shortened form. Josephine means “God will increase”. We tried for 8.5 years to conceive, the Drs basically told us 6 years ago that we would probably never have our own biological child because my body wasn’t producing eggs, not even with fertility drugs. We decided to leave it up to God… and He provided… He increased our family and our faith/trust in Him!

  17. grandmothers name.

  18. My husband and I tried to get pregnant for 8 months before our positive. This is our second child and we didn’t have any wait with our first, so we were becoming discouraged. While waiting and praying for another child I came across the name Josephine. In Hebrew it means “Jehovah increases,” I just knew if The Lord blessed us again with a child it would be with sweet Josephine.

    • I believe I shall get pregnant this month and put to birth again, my first child is now 10, my name is Jehovah will increase, Josephine, please join in prayer ?

  19. Two major reasons:
    1) the name means “God will increase or add”. I love this and believe he added to our lives greatly when he gave us our little girl. She has brought so much joy into our lives. She is the greatest gift and an amazing addition to our family.
    2) I have always loved Little Women. Jo March is my favorite character. I love her charisma and her sense of adventure. She is everything in so many ways I’d hope for my daughter to be: full of life and spirit, fun, creative, adventurous, bold, unique, beautiful in mind and soul, and an amazing sister, friend, daughter, etc. I love the nickname Jo for a girl, too.

  20. We named her after her great great grandmother. We fell in love with calling her Josie for short. And we also loved the meaning of the name “God will increase”

    • I thank God for the name I bear.
      I was told my parents waited for years after their first born before God gave me to them. Immediately after me no waiting again till they completed the 6 children they had.
      Even the way things happen in situations in my life, I convinced that I am really what my name is.

  21. She named after her great great Grandma…we love her name so much

  22. Named after St. Josephine Bakhita, we call her Jo for short!

  23. Her name just came to me and was the only name I thought about. I knew I had great aunts on both sides of my ancestral lineage with the name Josephine and/or Josephina. Plus, we ended up finding out that her father’s great grandmother was named Josephine. It was just perfect!

  24. We chose Josephine because we wanted something old school but not popular. Also, the book Little Women is a huge part of my life (read it every year, watch the movie the first snow day of every year with apple crisp) so when we were rethinking our original name, I suggested Josephine and my husband loved it. As he said good mix of feminine and masculine. We love it and thought we chose wisely!

  25. Family Name

  26. Named after my mother. Her name is a version of Joseph which means”God will add”. Her middle name is Nadine which means hope. Her initials are my husband’s and mine.

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