Infographic of Helena name meaning, which is sun ray, shining light
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Helena Name Popularity

How popular is the name Helena? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 317 104 0.0295%
1911 319 107 0.0287%
1912 318 168 0.0333%
1913 319 180 0.0317%
1914 299 270 0.0387%
1915 289 355 0.0391%
1916 302 362 0.0375%
1917 294 397 0.0397%
1918 285 451 0.042%
1919 302 404 0.0386%
1920 339 335 0.0301%
1921 336 342 0.0299%
1922 353 306 0.0275%
1923 347 319 0.0285%
1924 355 330 0.0284%
1925 372 296 0.0262%
1926 430 204 0.0185%
1927 410 235 0.0212%
1928 408 230 0.0215%
1929 415 211 0.0204%
1930 446 179 0.0171%
1931 418 193 0.0196%
1932 449 165 0.0167%
1933 475 137 0.0147%
1934 470 142 0.0147%
1935 473 134 0.0138%
1936 501 123 0.0128%
1937 475 143 0.0145%
1938 548 111 0.0108%
1939 515 124 0.0122%
1940 505 138 0.013%
1941 511 138 0.0123%
1942 501 174 0.0138%
1943 517 162 0.0124%
1944 544 127 0.0102%
1945 537 138 0.0113%
1946 533 170 0.0115%
1947 573 167 0.01%
1948 572 164 0.0103%
1949 549 182 0.0113%
1950 567 170 0.0106%
1951 552 190 0.0112%
1952 597 167 0.0096%
1953 584 177 0.01%
1954 599 181 0.0099%
1955 652 156 0.0085%
1956 638 176 0.0093%
1957 598 217 0.0113%
1958 645 187 0.0099%
1959 613 214 0.0113%
1960 676 176 0.0093%
1961 675 184 0.0097%
1962 642 199 0.0108%
1963 608 224 0.0125%
1964 563 263 0.0149%
1965 608 208 0.0127%
1966 638 178 0.0114%
1967 693 149 0.0098%
1968 736 130 0.0087%
1969 713 149 0.0097%
1970 758 143 0.009%
1971 757 146 0.0097%
1972 720 148 0.0109%
1973 748 135 0.0104%
1974 714 153 0.0118%
1975 716 152 0.0118%
1976 784 130 0.0101%
1977 760 148 0.011%
1978 721 167 0.0124%
1979 701 188 0.0133%
1980 765 160 0.0109%
1981 741 169 0.0115%
1982 736 178 0.0119%
1983 787 147 0.01%
1984 816 139 0.0093%
1985 909 119 0.0078%
1986 818 152 0.0101%
1987 991 105 0.0069%
1988 930 132 0.0085%
1989 1,058 111 0.0069%
1990 957 147 0.0089%
1991 993 142 0.0087%
1992 1,014 133 0.0083%
1993 918 157 0.0101%
1994 736 237 0.0154%
1995 648 287 0.019%
1996 651 300 0.02%
1997 698 259 0.0175%
1998 684 287 0.0192%
1999 593 370 0.0247%
2000 660 323 0.0211%
2001 622 361 0.024%
2002 602 378 0.0252%
2003 526 496 0.0326%
2004 551 473 0.031%
2005 547 483 0.0316%
2006 503 562 0.0359%
2007 521 560 0.0355%
2008 619 451 0.0292%
2009 552 510 0.0341%
2010 531 503 0.0349%
2011 581 449 0.0315%
2012 552 479 0.0336%
2013 551 475 0.0334%
2014 493 582 0.0399%
2015 533 531 0.0365%
2016 507 556 0.0386%
2017 500 559 0.0401%
2018 446 639 0.0465%
2019 449 624 0.0461%
2020 506 547 0.043%
2021 513 530 0.0434%
2022 480 623 0.0472%

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Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Sun ray, shining light



Sun ray, shining light



Sun ray, shining light



Sun ray, shining light



Sun ray, shining light


What names are similar to Helena?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

The moon



From the alder grove






Sun ray, shining light


Lists With Helena

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Helena.

Siblings of Helena

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Free landholder






God's gift






  1. Helena is named after her paternal grandmother. Luckily I love the name. Of course she is super cute, strong and adorable

  2. Three Generations of passing down the name!

  3. I’m so glad so many people like my name, I’ve always loved it. Hope youe life is going somewhat ok <3

  4. We named our daughter Helena after my husband’s beloved grandmother who passed away last year. The meaning of the name is also significant to me. She was a “shining light” of hope for me, as I became pregnant with her very shortly after having a second trimester miscarriage.

  5. My husband & I named her Helena because I was passing my name down since my mom passed her name to me. Also, we passed her grandma’s first name down to her as her middle name, Joleen. She is Helena Joleen or Helena Jo! All mothers names passed down.

  6. My name is Helena, pronounced: Hell-in-a, like helen, with an a. I always loved my name but got so many different variations of pronunciation, it was frustrating growing up. Most people compliment the name, either of the three possible pronunciations: He Lee Na, Hell in a, or He Lay na. My maternal gramother was Helen, and Paternal grama was Lena, so mom was creative and said, combine them! Here i am!

  7. It is my grandmother name

  8. My mum was named Helen and although I wasn’t a fan when we found out we were pregnant I wanted to name our little girl after my mum after some research we came across the name Helena pronounced Hell- ena it is a beautiful name and suits our little one

  9. I name my baby girl helena just because i love the name with good meaning

  10. We named our fourth daughter Helena. ( Ha-lay-na ) we thought about changing the spelling for pronunciation purposes, but ultimately loved the simplicity and classic spelling, so keeps it. I think it works great with her sisters, Evangeline, Felicity and Adelaide.

  11. We heard this recently (pronounced Ha lay na) and love! Beautiful!

  12. My husband and I both had Grandmothers named Helen. After we found out we were pregnant, we took numerous trips around Washington state and at one point we visited the beautiful Mt St Helens.
    I had planned on the name Ahnika (was introduced in a dream pre-pregnancy!) but when she was born, she didn’t seem like an Ahnika. She was larger than I expected and had a strong, serious presence. Helena sounds like a strong beautiful name and it means light or bright light. My husband agreed! The only downside to the name is people pronouncing it differently than we intended. I love that it is relatively unique.

  13. Pronounced Ha-lee-nah we love this names beautiful flow! We named our daughter Helena after her great great aunt and great grandmother. We often shorten it to Lena (Lee-nah). We love how unique and different this name is…a true classic and beautiful name for your daughter!

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