Infographic of Gretchen name meaning, which is “The little pearl.” Regarded as a diminutive of Margarete, the German equivalent of Margaret, which see.
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Gretchen Name Popularity

How popular is the name Gretchen? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 451 45 0.0128%
1911 456 43 0.0115%
1912 409 89 0.0176%
1913 409 102 0.018%
1914 389 143 0.0205%
1915 356 242 0.0266%
1916 363 247 0.0256%
1917 404 205 0.0205%
1918 536 125 0.0116%
1919 628 84 0.008%
1920 647 82 0.0074%
1921 596 105 0.0092%
1922 596 107 0.0096%
1923 590 109 0.0097%
1924 666 85 0.0073%
1925 613 98 0.0087%
1926 599 99 0.009%
1927 599 100 0.009%
1928 525 128 0.012%
1929 550 110 0.0106%
1930 514 130 0.0124%
1931 458 154 0.0156%
1932 429 191 0.0193%
1933 417 198 0.0213%
1934 375 241 0.0249%
1935 369 249 0.0256%
1936 367 255 0.0265%
1937 347 295 0.0299%
1938 284 444 0.0434%
1939 299 379 0.0373%
1940 291 425 0.04%
1941 311 399 0.0355%
1942 322 418 0.0331%
1943 331 407 0.0312%
1944 303 464 0.0374%
1945 308 452 0.0371%
1946 314 517 0.035%
1947 335 526 0.0315%
1948 307 592 0.0371%
1949 316 561 0.0349%
1950 330 513 0.0319%
1951 319 579 0.0341%
1952 339 546 0.0313%
1953 353 531 0.03%
1954 369 514 0.0281%
1955 369 533 0.029%
1956 374 519 0.0275%
1957 379 534 0.0278%
1958 353 639 0.0338%
1959 335 768 0.0404%
1960 303 915 0.0483%
1961 289 1,008 0.0534%
1962 289 970 0.0528%
1963 299 928 0.0517%
1964 294 937 0.0532%
1965 294 869 0.0531%
1966 272 923 0.0591%
1967 273 931 0.0613%
1968 293 855 0.0569%
1969 261 1,078 0.07%
1970 246 1,234 0.0775%
1971 223 1,319 0.0878%
1972 217 1,242 0.0912%
1973 193 1,312 0.1012%
1974 198 1,256 0.0966%
1975 209 1,151 0.0896%
1976 198 1,204 0.0934%
1977 237 1,022 0.0758%
1978 252 914 0.068%
1979 259 908 0.0644%
1980 269 892 0.061%
1981 274 865 0.0588%
1982 322 718 0.048%
1983 376 563 0.0382%
1984 405 484 0.0325%
1985 472 405 0.0267%
1986 531 341 0.0226%
1987 551 320 0.021%
1988 587 295 0.0189%
1989 541 378 0.0234%
1990 647 296 0.0179%
1991 594 334 0.0205%
1992 695 264 0.0165%
1993 687 267 0.0171%
1994 728 240 0.0156%
1995 719 239 0.0159%
1996 722 248 0.0166%
1997 736 242 0.0164%
1998 757 237 0.0158%
1999 731 257 0.0172%
2000 744 261 0.0171%
2001 753 270 0.0179%
2002 829 228 0.0152%
2003 758 280 0.0184%
2004 869 230 0.0151%
2005 779 286 0.0187%
2006 785 299 0.0191%
2007 889 258 0.0164%
2008 928 239 0.0155%
2009 978 211 0.0141%
2010 1,059 171 0.0119%
2011 1,017 185 0.013%
2012 1,116 156 0.0109%
2013 1,175 134 0.0094%
2014 1,156 138 0.0095%
2015 1,283 111 0.0076%
2016 1,253 114 0.0079%
2017 1,513 70 0.005%
2018 1,719 48 0.0035%
2019 2,216 21 0.0016%
2020 3,421 12 0.0009%
2021 3,491 11 0.0009%
2022 4,462 6 0.0005%

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Vermont (VT)

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Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Favor; blessing



Favor; blessing


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

“The pearl,” a diminutive form of Margaret, which see.





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