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3,453 results • Page 5 of 70
Name | Meaning | Origin | Popularity | Other Gender |
Selinda |
Heaven; the moon |
Latin |
Selinde |
Heaven; the moon |
Latin |
Seline |
Heaven; the moon |
Latin |
Selissa | ||||
Sellma |
Helmet of God; safe |
German |
Selma |
Helmet of God; safe |
German |
Selmah |
Peace; helmet of God; safe |
Hebrew |
Selodonia |
Swallow |
Greek |
Selyna |
The moon |
Greek |
Selyne |
The moon |
Greek |
Sema |
Semanntha |
English |
Semantha |
English |
Serafima |
Semara |
Guardian or protected by God; night talk |
Hebrew |
Semele |
“The one and only,” from the Latin semel, just once (or one). |
Greek |
Serafina |
Burning ones |
Hebrew |
Semelle |
Greek |
Serafine |
Burning ones |
Hebrew |
Semira |
Highest heaven |
Hebrew |
Serah |
Princess |
Hebrew |
Semiramis |
Highest heaven |
Hebrew |
Seraph | ||||
Seraphe |
Burning ones |
Hebrew |
Sena |
The moon |
Greek |
Senaida |
Senalda |
A sign |
Spanish |
Seraphin | ||||
Seraphina |
Burning ones |
Hebrew |
Seraphine |
Burning ones |
Hebrew |
Seneca |
Native American |
Sereena |
Serene, calm |
Latin |
Senecca |
Native American |
Serefina | ||||
Seneka |
Native American |
Serena |
Serene, calm |
Latin |
Senga |
Scottish |
Serenah |
Serene, calm |
Latin |
Serendipity |
Surprise good fortune |
American, English |
Senneca |
Native American |
Serene |
Serene, calm |
Latin |
Serenity |
Calmness |
English |
Serenna |
Serene, calm |
Latin |
Senoma |
Seona | ||||
Seonald |
God is gracious |
Irish |
Sepharina |
Gentle wind |
Spanish |
Sephira |
West wind |
Greek |
September |
Septima |
Seventh |
Latin |