Infographic of Frankie name meaning, which is from France
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Frankie Name Popularity

How popular is the name Frankie? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 282 146 0.0415%
1911 284 146 0.0392%
1912 298 189 0.0375%
1913 301 204 0.036%
1914 308 245 0.0352%
1915 319 311 0.0342%
1916 311 341 0.0353%
1917 320 335 0.0335%
1918 294 434 0.0404%
1919 295 432 0.0413%
1920 300 428 0.0385%
1921 303 425 0.0371%
1922 306 416 0.0373%
1923 300 425 0.0379%
1924 285 498 0.0429%
1925 281 528 0.0467%
1926 286 504 0.0458%
1927 292 483 0.0436%
1928 287 481 0.045%
1929 293 462 0.0446%
1930 264 519 0.0497%
1931 266 493 0.05%
1932 263 531 0.0537%
1933 252 541 0.0581%
1934 256 558 0.0577%
1935 261 521 0.0536%
1936 257 537 0.0557%
1937 260 543 0.0551%
1938 271 503 0.0491%
1939 281 456 0.0448%
1940 273 484 0.0455%
1941 288 467 0.0415%
1942 294 502 0.0398%
1943 284 569 0.0436%
1944 292 506 0.0408%
1945 303 482 0.0395%
1946 352 428 0.029%
1947 352 473 0.0283%
1948 346 462 0.0289%
1949 366 424 0.0264%
1950 384 400 0.0248%
1951 394 385 0.0227%
1952 398 393 0.0225%
1953 415 388 0.0219%
1954 420 390 0.0213%
1955 440 364 0.0198%
1956 453 364 0.0193%
1957 481 349 0.0181%
1958 507 316 0.0167%
1959 536 280 0.0147%
1960 551 269 0.0142%
1961 567 262 0.0139%
1962 602 229 0.0125%
1963 600 232 0.0129%
1964 651 202 0.0115%
1965 554 250 0.0153%
1966 628 187 0.012%
1967 677 156 0.0103%
1968 685 154 0.0103%
1969 758 132 0.0086%
1970 837 116 0.0073%
1971 802 124 0.0083%
1972 832 109 0.008%
1973 979 72 0.0056%
1974 893 92 0.0071%
1975 1,114 57 0.0044%
1976 987 76 0.0059%
1977 1,181 57 0.0042%
1978 1,213 56 0.0042%
1979 1,571 31 0.0022%
1980 1,261 55 0.0038%
1981 1,572 32 0.0022%
1982 1,742 25 0.0017%
1983 2,064 15 0.001%
1984 2,293 12 0.0008%
1985 1,847 23 0.0015%
1986 1,603 33 0.0022%
1987 1,815 26 0.0017%
1988 1,383 52 0.0033%
1989 1,500 50 0.0031%
1990 1,538 53 0.0032%
1991 1,277 82 0.005%
1992 1,168 102 0.0064%
1993 1,101 114 0.0073%
1994 1,178 99 0.0065%
1995 1,721 39 0.0026%
1996 1,645 46 0.0031%
1997 1,550 55 0.0037%
1998 1,504 61 0.0041%
1999 1,617 52 0.0035%
2000 2,040 32 0.0021%
2001 1,866 41 0.0027%
2002 1,942 37 0.0025%
2003 2,149 30 0.002%
2004 1,623 62 0.0041%
2005 1,691 58 0.0038%
2006 1,972 43 0.0027%
2007 1,666 68 0.0043%
2008 2,089 38 0.0025%
2009 1,749 58 0.0039%
2010 1,692 61 0.0042%
2011 1,656 60 0.0042%
2012 1,300 110 0.0077%
2013 1,372 94 0.0066%
2014 1,183 132 0.0091%
2015 933 223 0.0153%
2016 904 229 0.0159%
2017 797 268 0.0192%
2018 788 272 0.0198%
2019 695 337 0.0249%
2020 616 420 0.033%
2021 592 434 0.0355%
2022 545 526 0.0399%

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From France



From France



From France



From France


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From France



From France



From France


Lists With Frankie

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Frankie.


  1. My name is Francise, I was named after my grandmother, as a child my father would always call me Frankie he would say it was short for Frankenstein, I shortened my name to Frankie I’m a 52 year old female, with grandchildren my friends tell me, they say it’s pretty cool they have a female friend named Frankie.

  2. I am 62 years old female named Frankie. I was to be named after my grandmother Francis. But my mom didn’t like my father’s mother so she named me Frankie. I was teased as a kid. They called me Frankenstein or Frankfurter. My close friend gave me the nickname Spanky or Spank. As I got older my name Frankie had a different twist of respect. It was a sexy name for a female. The song Frankie and Johnny was always a song brought up in conversation. Still today people would ask me did my mom want a boy, well my oldest sister is name Antoinette and we call her “Toni” ?

  3. I have the name Frankie and at my school I get called frank the tank by the boys I am 14 also

  4. Frankie was born on my dad’s anniversary of him passing, and his name was Frank

  5. We named our daughter frankie negme(#3 daughter) after her father & great grandma she’s a Navy MA, single mom of 2, in school full time for pharmacy,also work’s so her name fits her perfectly

  6. We chose the name Frances “Frankie” Eleanor after my grandmother. We were going to name her Amy after her dad’s late mom, but she just felt more like a Frankie – she’s definitely got spunk. And we love that she can go by the classic, elegant Frances if/when she wants.

  7. Do you think this name is too boy-ish and that baby girl will get made fun of ?

    • Speaking as a 14 year old girl named Francesca (Frankie), the answer is no. I have never once been made fun of for having a “too boy-ish” name. People have thought it was an interesting name before, but I have never been made fun of it. I’ve actually been complimented many times on how cool of a name it is for a girl, and I personally agree. Please don’t hesitate to name your daughter Frankie because it’s considered a “boy name.” Frankie is a great name for any little girl out there.

    • I’m not too sure, I’m 14 years old and my name is Frankie, I didn’t mind it as a child but once I hit 10 and started to make friends online, people started making fun of my name saying it was a guys name. And it wasn’t helping with the way my voice is, I don’t have a girly girl voice, it’s more raspy like and people automatically assume I’m a guy. I don’t think that anyone should name their daughter ‘Frankie’ because I personally am not a fan of it and I could just image how evil the future teenagers will be. Unless you’re from a nice and caring community then you shouldn’t name your daughter Frankie. But it is your choice.

  8. I chose the name Frankie Mae after both of her maternal great, great grandmothers. My husband’s Gaga (Frankie) helped raise him and my maternal great grandmother Beatrice Mae was a beautiful, Godly woman worthy of a namesake, plus they sounded beautiful together to us!

  9. Frankie signify tough, smart & lovely

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