Infographic of Fauve name meaning, which is Wild and uninhibited
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  1. It is my beautiful only grandaughters name,rhymes with Mauve..means wild and unihibited.I love it because it is unique as is my grandaughter.

  2. Name is shayden Jolie Fauve Fauve is my middle name and means noble women Jolie is beautiful shayden asked for so asked for beautiful noble woman is mean of my first child/daughter as she’s so beautiful it scares me

    • Arinya, can you pronounce Fauve for me clearly?
      Fahhv? one syllable?

      • You pronounce it as you say “boat” or “road”… “foav”, the “e” ar the end being silent.

        • I have never seen the meaning noble woman (where did you hear or see that meaning) ? My daughter’s name is FAuve, (French origin) I suggest you pronounce like the colour Mauve.. my daughter said at school to teachers that mostly got it wrong, sounds like Stove. It actually means ‘wild and uninhibited’ “little wild beast dancing with the spirit of flowers’ ‘first Lilly of Summer’ -Fauvism is an art movement, style of Artwork by very famous artists.
          Also if you get Judith Krantz novel ‘Mistral’s Daughter ‘ 1 st chapter starts with .Fauve. You’ll hear and read the meaning in both the book and mini series made for Television starring Stephanie Powers and I’ve just forgotten the others oops ?

      • My daughter’s name is FAuve, (French origin) you pronounce like the colour Mauve.. my daughter said at school to teachers that mostly got it wrong, sounds like Stove. It actually means ‘wild and uninhibited’ ”little wild beast dancing with the spirit of flowers’ ‘first Lilly of Summer’ -Fauvism is an art movement, style of Artwork by very famous artists

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