Infographic of Evangelina name meaning, which is good news
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Evangelina Name Popularity

How popular is the name Evangelina? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 913 5 0.0013%
1912 0 0%
1913 1,167 5 0.0009%
1914 1,062 10 0.0014%
1915 1,252 7 0.0008%
1916 1,285 7 0.0007%
1917 1,064 16 0.0016%
1918 1,588 5 0.0005%
1919 1,102 16 0.0015%
1920 984 25 0.0022%
1921 1,077 20 0.0017%
1922 901 34 0.0031%
1923 915 32 0.0029%
1924 847 44 0.0038%
1925 990 26 0.0023%
1926 750 56 0.0051%
1927 755 55 0.005%
1928 774 49 0.0046%
1929 584 90 0.0087%
1930 656 71 0.0068%
1931 715 49 0.005%
1932 670 62 0.0063%
1933 623 66 0.0071%
1934 640 64 0.0066%
1935 652 61 0.0063%
1936 628 67 0.007%
1937 693 55 0.0056%
1938 712 54 0.0053%
1939 678 59 0.0058%
1940 632 78 0.0073%
1941 686 63 0.0056%
1942 672 80 0.0063%
1943 689 76 0.0058%
1944 652 84 0.0068%
1945 670 79 0.0065%
1946 740 77 0.0052%
1947 715 97 0.0058%
1948 797 71 0.0044%
1949 687 106 0.0066%
1950 723 97 0.006%
1951 737 99 0.0058%
1952 825 76 0.0044%
1953 880 67 0.0038%
1954 826 82 0.0045%
1955 953 62 0.0034%
1956 967 65 0.0034%
1957 942 73 0.0038%
1958 936 74 0.0039%
1959 908 84 0.0044%
1960 1,033 62 0.0033%
1961 902 91 0.0048%
1962 948 78 0.0042%
1963 999 66 0.0037%
1964 1,068 57 0.0032%
1965 910 75 0.0046%
1966 938 68 0.0044%
1967 956 67 0.0044%
1968 899 80 0.0053%
1969 1,041 61 0.004%
1970 1,097 60 0.0038%
1971 1,002 75 0.005%
1972 1,021 66 0.0048%
1973 1,042 61 0.0047%
1974 921 86 0.0066%
1975 969 78 0.0061%
1976 1,089 61 0.0047%
1977 1,159 59 0.0044%
1978 1,100 71 0.0053%
1979 1,136 69 0.0049%
1980 1,171 66 0.0045%
1981 1,074 79 0.0054%
1982 1,151 68 0.0046%
1983 1,169 61 0.0041%
1984 1,317 48 0.0032%
1985 1,453 40 0.0026%
1986 1,353 49 0.0032%
1987 1,337 52 0.0034%
1988 1,557 40 0.0026%
1989 1,440 55 0.0034%
1990 1,560 51 0.0031%
1991 1,368 68 0.0042%
1992 1,550 54 0.0034%
1993 1,668 44 0.0028%
1994 1,630 47 0.0031%
1995 1,535 53 0.0035%
1996 1,608 48 0.0032%
1997 1,486 60 0.0041%
1998 1,757 41 0.0027%
1999 1,489 63 0.0042%
2000 1,612 57 0.0037%
2001 1,518 68 0.0045%
2002 1,622 60 0.004%
2003 1,493 75 0.0049%
2004 1,630 62 0.0041%
2005 1,366 98 0.0064%
2006 1,393 101 0.0065%
2007 1,331 119 0.0075%
2008 1,210 143 0.0093%
2009 1,317 117 0.0078%
2010 1,122 156 0.0108%
2011 1,267 116 0.0081%
2012 1,095 163 0.0114%
2013 1,127 145 0.0102%
2014 1,268 113 0.0078%
2015 1,280 111 0.0076%
2016 1,189 129 0.0089%
2017 1,205 117 0.0084%
2018 1,318 92 0.0067%
2019 1,448 74 0.0055%
2020 1,539 85 0.0067%
2021 1,423 92 0.0075%
2022 1,754 69 0.0052%

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1 Comment

  1. We chose this name because all of our children start with the letter E. Evangelina means “gospel” or “good news”. As Christians, this is special to us. I think it’s a beautiful and classic baby girl name!

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