Infographic of Elsa name meaning, which is God's promise; God is my oath
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Elsa Name Popularity

How popular is the name Elsa? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 502 31 0.0088%
1911 409 57 0.0153%
1912 479 61 0.0121%
1913 420 96 0.0169%
1914 431 116 0.0166%
1915 394 183 0.0201%
1916 465 146 0.0151%
1917 470 148 0.0148%
1918 559 117 0.0109%
1919 544 117 0.0112%
1920 545 130 0.0117%
1921 594 106 0.0093%
1922 619 97 0.0087%
1923 631 94 0.0084%
1924 656 88 0.0076%
1925 673 77 0.0068%
1926 649 82 0.0075%
1927 609 96 0.0087%
1928 588 97 0.0091%
1929 605 86 0.0083%
1930 599 92 0.0088%
1931 550 99 0.01%
1932 591 80 0.0081%
1933 610 71 0.0076%
1934 662 60 0.0062%
1935 634 64 0.0066%
1936 582 83 0.0086%
1937 613 78 0.0079%
1938 626 79 0.0077%
1939 545 105 0.0103%
1940 621 84 0.0079%
1941 590 97 0.0086%
1942 674 78 0.0062%
1943 642 93 0.0071%
1944 675 77 0.0062%
1945 674 78 0.0064%
1946 799 63 0.0043%
1947 712 98 0.0059%
1948 693 103 0.0065%
1949 737 91 0.0057%
1950 672 112 0.007%
1951 641 135 0.008%
1952 582 176 0.0101%
1953 581 179 0.0101%
1954 571 201 0.011%
1955 530 248 0.0135%
1956 528 262 0.0139%
1957 518 295 0.0153%
1958 578 244 0.0129%
1959 591 234 0.0123%
1960 588 239 0.0126%
1961 595 241 0.0128%
1962 587 240 0.0131%
1963 570 249 0.0139%
1964 581 241 0.0137%
1965 570 234 0.0143%
1966 543 260 0.0167%
1967 614 192 0.0127%
1968 600 207 0.0138%
1969 578 243 0.0158%
1970 573 264 0.0166%
1971 597 240 0.016%
1972 589 225 0.0165%
1973 597 214 0.0165%
1974 590 218 0.0168%
1975 610 213 0.0166%
1976 587 225 0.0175%
1977 661 191 0.0142%
1978 691 180 0.0134%
1979 744 165 0.0117%
1980 702 193 0.0132%
1981 692 199 0.0135%
1982 763 165 0.011%
1983 702 189 0.0128%
1984 702 184 0.0124%
1985 808 149 0.0098%
1986 825 149 0.0099%
1987 918 127 0.0083%
1988 961 123 0.0079%
1989 831 177 0.011%
1990 799 202 0.0122%
1991 901 169 0.0104%
1992 850 187 0.0117%
1993 942 151 0.0097%
1994 905 162 0.0106%
1995 827 188 0.0125%
1996 901 167 0.0112%
1997 1,010 139 0.0094%
1998 1,007 148 0.0099%
1999 891 188 0.0126%
2000 950 175 0.0115%
2001 914 196 0.013%
2002 816 234 0.0156%
2003 731 302 0.0199%
2004 799 265 0.0174%
2005 759 302 0.0198%
2006 786 297 0.019%
2007 750 339 0.0215%
2008 719 364 0.0236%
2009 675 382 0.0256%
2010 603 440 0.0305%
2011 576 450 0.0316%
2012 554 477 0.0335%
2013 512 526 0.0369%
2014 281 1,107 0.076%
2015 478 616 0.0423%
2016 608 429 0.0298%
2017 663 367 0.0263%
2018 833 247 0.018%
2019 718 312 0.023%
2020 906 234 0.0184%
2021 990 193 0.0158%
2022 998 210 0.0159%

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Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Data via

Names Like Elsa

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What names are variants of Elsa?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Elsa.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God's promise; God is my oath



God is my oath



God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise; God is my oath



A variant form of Elsa.



God's promise; God is my oath



God is my oath


What names sound like Elsa?

If you like how Elsa sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Elsa.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God's promise



Noble, exalted; God's promise; God is my oath



From the blessed isles



What names are similar to Elsa?

Find a name that’s like Elsa, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Island of Alfsigr



Of nobility



God is my oath


Lists With Elsa

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Elsa.


  1. This is my story on the name Elsa. When I was born my biological mother decided to name me after her mom and to honor her as well. When I was being adopted my adopted mother decided to move the letters around named me Bella. I actually don’t mind that Elsa is a German name & Hebrew name. I actually like the meaning of Elsa. I do think it’s a beautiful name.

  2. It’s a family name and given to me as my middle name. I think it’s a beautiful name. Just sad that people will always think of the movie frozen when hearing it

  3. My oldest daughter Lyla was 3 when frozen came out, she was insanely crazy with the name Elsa and the and the princess! So when we had our daughter in 2015, she wanted to name it Elsa so bad, so we went with it! And now we love the name!!

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