Delilah Name Meaning

A Hebrew name with a melodic sound, Delilah is rising in use. Meaning “delicate,” she’s a perfect moniker for a little girl.

Delilah is elegant yet approachable, lovely on a child and an adult alike. She can be shortened to Lilah if you choose or the adorable Dede, but she isn’t a name that’s automatically shortened if you’re not a fan of nicknames.

Delilah may have ancient roots, but she is a natural among today’s names. The -la suffix sound is trending with Camila, Layla, and Stella just some of its models. She may fit in the trend, but Delilah is anything but trendy and avoids feeling dated thanks to her history of use. While her Biblical ties aren’t the best, we think she’s grown to shed the association thanks to modern influences like the song “Hey There Delilah.” As more and more Delilahs arrive, the ties should continue to fade.

As far as personality goes, Little Delilah is confident, knowing what she wants without issue. She’s independent and bold in her style, unafraid to ruffle some feathers. She has a high fashion feel that we love, the perfect name for a little one born to entertain whether she loves to sing or dance.

Delilah has a few alternate spellings including Delila and Dalila. Similar names include Delia and Dahlia.

Infographic of Delilah name meaning, which is Meaning delicate, Delilah is a Hebrew name.
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Delilah Name Popularity

How popular is the name Delilah? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 889 5 0.0014%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 885 11 0.0019%
1914 1,063 10 0.0014%
1915 1,112 11 0.0012%
1916 974 20 0.0021%
1917 1,395 6 0.0006%
1918 978 24 0.0022%
1919 1,029 19 0.0018%
1920 1,136 16 0.0014%
1921 1,343 10 0.0009%
1922 1,110 19 0.0017%
1923 1,168 16 0.0014%
1924 1,136 19 0.0016%
1925 1,337 10 0.0009%
1926 939 30 0.0027%
1927 1,665 5 0.0005%
1928 1,545 5 0.0005%
1929 1,267 10 0.001%
1930 1,061 19 0.0018%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 1,438 6 0.0006%
1934 1,417 6 0.0006%
1935 1,145 12 0.0012%
1936 928 22 0.0023%
1937 0 0%
1938 1,497 5 0.0005%
1939 0 0%
1940 1,569 5 0.0005%
1941 1,007 21 0.0019%
1942 616 102 0.0081%
1943 964 30 0.0023%
1944 1,209 14 0.0011%
1945 0 0%
1946 1,112 23 0.0016%
1947 1,520 10 0.0006%
1948 996 38 0.0024%
1949 862 60 0.0037%
1950 778 81 0.005%
1951 675 120 0.0071%
1952 565 185 0.0106%
1953 586 176 0.0099%
1954 726 114 0.0062%
1955 795 98 0.0053%
1956 713 135 0.0071%
1957 763 127 0.0066%
1958 915 79 0.0042%
1959 1,062 54 0.0028%
1960 868 96 0.0051%
1961 1,078 58 0.0031%
1962 1,086 53 0.0029%
1963 1,438 22 0.0012%
1964 1,824 11 0.0006%
1965 1,539 18 0.0011%
1966 1,701 13 0.0008%
1967 1,758 12 0.0008%
1968 1,443 24 0.0016%
1969 1,179 45 0.0029%
1970 835 116 0.0073%
1971 906 94 0.0063%
1972 1,008 68 0.005%
1973 842 104 0.008%
1974 881 97 0.0075%
1975 932 88 0.0068%
1976 960 82 0.0064%
1977 899 106 0.0079%
1978 890 109 0.0081%
1979 792 146 0.0104%
1980 974 98 0.0067%
1981 1,140 70 0.0048%
1982 945 108 0.0072%
1983 713 185 0.0125%
1984 729 172 0.0116%
1985 715 192 0.0126%
1986 886 131 0.0087%
1987 785 174 0.0114%
1988 888 143 0.0092%
1989 1,035 117 0.0073%
1990 1,185 95 0.0057%
1991 1,132 108 0.0066%
1992 1,285 86 0.0054%
1993 1,250 87 0.0056%
1994 1,242 89 0.0058%
1995 1,094 112 0.0074%
1996 1,116 111 0.0074%
1997 889 178 0.012%
1998 883 188 0.0126%
1999 663 304 0.0203%
2000 680 303 0.0198%
2001 675 325 0.0216%
2002 716 294 0.0196%
2003 636 374 0.0246%
2004 597 422 0.0277%
2005 583 442 0.0289%
2006 559 484 0.0309%
2007 296 1,110 0.0704%
2008 192 1,714 0.1109%
2009 193 1,668 0.1116%
2010 185 1,647 0.1143%
2011 173 1,798 0.1262%
2012 155 2,068 0.1451%
2013 136 2,319 0.1629%
2014 129 2,499 0.1715%
2015 115 2,722 0.1871%
2016 115 2,707 0.1877%
2017 102 2,864 0.2052%
2018 93 2,975 0.2165%
2019 88 3,121 0.2305%
2020 70 3,304 0.2596%
2021 58 3,527 0.2885%
2022 58 3,847 0.2916%

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Wyoming (WY)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender









What names are variants of Delilah?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Delicate, gentle



Languishing, lovelorn, seductive


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Valley; church leader



From the alder grove



From Delos



Rolling hills



Darling, beloved









Leaping water

Native American


Leaping water

Native American

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Lion of God






My God has answered



God is gracious



Of the sea



Pleasant one














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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God will strengthen



  1. I plan to name my goat to be born next year Delilah. Best name ever!

  2. This name slays it’s the best name

  3. Our daughters name is Delilah Aubrey! Aubrey was my dad’s name. She will tell you she hates her name but I’m confident she will grow to love it. Best name ever in my book.

  4. Dilijla that’s the way you spell it

    • No.

    • how dare you so rude

  5. I love the name

  6. I had the name Delilah in my notes on my phone for years because to me it’s unique it has a meaning to it and of course the song ?.I love the name Delilah it fits her perfectly .

  7. We chose Delilah because it sounds very feminine, dainty and more old-fashioned. We gave her the middle name Rose to which we call her ‘Delilah Rose’ more often than just her first name!

  8. I hated it during elementary school. People continued to Mis-pronounce it.

    Now Grown. I Love it.
    So many Stars and regular people are naming their Daughters Delilah.

    I found the true meanings of it and where it came from.
    It Fits Me To A T.
    Strong, Loving, and Determined.
    Being a Leo. Adds Spice.

    • Hi there, I have a week old girl and the moment she was born the name that came to me so strongly was Delilah. I love the name so much but the meanings I keep hearing are delicate and weak. I really want to give her this name and would be SO grateful if you could share with me what you have discovered about it’s true meaning! My email is

  9. We named our daughter Delilah Lynn after my mom (Diane Lynn) and my husband’s mom (Denise Lynn).

  10. When i seen her i knew what her name ought to be. It wasn’t what we originally planned but it fits her perfectly.

  11. Just feel the name is very beautiful

  12. My husband and i just heard the name and both really liked it. So we stuck with it

  13. I love her

  14. I love the name! It’s not a name you hear often

    • Delilah is such a cute beautiful name is perfect and it’s fits in with. girl

  15. Named our daughter Delilah Pearl and our son Leonard (Leo) Walter. As a teacher, I have A LOT of name associations. My husband was very adamant about our children having their own name, meaning neither of us could ever have known anyone one with their names (first and middle included).
    As for my son, I wanted an old man’s name. My husband and I realized that all the characters’ names on Seinfeld were “old” and we landed on Uncle Leo and paused. Decided to make it leonard. As for Walter, inspiration came from Wally from “Leave it to Beaver.”
    For my daughter, things were much harder. I was team Pearl from the get go (taking inspiration from Adam McKay’s daughter from “The Landlord” video with Will Ferrell (if you haven’t seen it, DO IT)). My husband thought it was just okay. I wanted my kids to not be one of a million Jacksons, Aidens, Sophias, etc so my rule was to not be in the social security top 100 for the past few years. My husband and I thought for awhile about Delilah because we didn’t want her name to be “cheesy” as the song “hey there, Delilah” was HUGE while we were in high school, which was when we began dating also. Eventually we realized, we both like it and it fits our ridiculous parameters so who cares what the association is (which is kinda cute anyway?). And thus, she was Delilah Pearl (about a week before she was born).
    BOTTOM LINE: Look through the social security website for names if you’re wanting stats on your child’s peers’ names. Whether you want to be on trend or unique it’ll help!

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