Infographic of Daria name meaning, which is maintains possessions well
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Daria Name Popularity

How popular is the name Daria? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
1921 0 0%
1922 0 0%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 0 0%
1926 0 0%
1927 0 0%
1928 0 0%
1929 0 0%
1930 0 0%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 0 0%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 0 0%
1944 1,477 6 0.0005%
1945 1,208 13 0.0011%
1946 1,124 23 0.0016%
1947 833 63 0.0038%
1948 891 52 0.0033%
1949 953 45 0.0028%
1950 954 48 0.003%
1951 907 57 0.0034%
1952 949 52 0.003%
1953 946 56 0.0032%
1954 813 86 0.0047%
1955 818 90 0.0049%
1956 889 78 0.0041%
1957 847 96 0.005%
1958 982 68 0.0036%
1959 831 104 0.0055%
1960 890 90 0.0048%
1961 935 86 0.0046%
1962 891 90 0.0049%
1963 823 110 0.0061%
1964 1,056 58 0.0033%
1965 1,077 49 0.003%
1966 1,026 55 0.0035%
1967 1,224 34 0.0022%
1968 1,002 59 0.0039%
1969 1,190 44 0.0029%
1970 959 83 0.0052%
1971 1,001 75 0.005%
1972 1,240 40 0.0029%
1973 1,160 47 0.0036%
1974 1,247 43 0.0033%
1975 1,155 53 0.0041%
1976 1,472 29 0.0023%
1977 1,288 47 0.0035%
1978 1,267 49 0.0036%
1979 1,377 42 0.003%
1980 1,453 39 0.0027%
1981 1,485 37 0.0025%
1982 1,413 41 0.0027%
1983 1,552 31 0.0021%
1984 1,413 40 0.0027%
1985 2,112 16 0.0011%
1986 1,717 28 0.0019%
1987 1,552 38 0.0025%
1988 1,584 38 0.0024%
1989 1,432 55 0.0034%
1990 1,688 43 0.0026%
1991 1,496 56 0.0034%
1992 1,245 92 0.0058%
1993 1,488 59 0.0038%
1994 1,412 66 0.0043%
1995 1,260 83 0.0055%
1996 1,064 120 0.008%
1997 915 169 0.0114%
1998 769 229 0.0153%
1999 832 209 0.014%
2000 1,182 117 0.0077%
2001 1,314 92 0.0061%
2002 1,221 109 0.0073%
2003 1,435 81 0.0053%
2004 1,269 109 0.0072%
2005 1,442 86 0.0056%
2006 1,339 110 0.007%
2007 1,570 79 0.005%
2008 1,656 70 0.0045%
2009 1,541 80 0.0054%
2010 1,523 79 0.0055%
2011 1,499 80 0.0056%
2012 1,872 43 0.003%
2013 1,753 51 0.0036%
2014 1,657 60 0.0041%
2015 1,542 70 0.0048%
2016 1,615 60 0.0042%
2017 1,779 45 0.0032%
2018 1,496 68 0.0049%
2019 1,480 70 0.0052%
2020 1,908 52 0.0041%
2021 1,910 49 0.004%
2022 1,635 78 0.0059%

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California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

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Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

South Carolina (SC)

Texas (TX)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

Data via

Names Like Daria

If you like Daria, you’ll love these other names like Daria.

What names are variants of Daria?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Daria.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Maintains possessions well



Nugget of wisdom; maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



A variant form of the feminine equivalent of Darius, from the Old Persian, meaning “possessing wealth.”



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well; dearling; darling



Maintains possessions well



Nugget of wisdom; maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well



Maintains possessions well; from Doris; gift



Maintains possessions well; from Doris; gift


What names sound like Daria?

If you like how Daria sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Daria.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Nugget of wisdom



From Doris; gift


What names are similar to Daria?

Find a name that’s like Daria, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Nugget of wisdom


Lists With Daria

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Daria.


  1. growing up in britain i used to get called diarrhoea and dairy milk dorito dory dora etc i love my name but i really hated it at first i was named after the saint and born in a country that used to be part of the soviet union this as a common name that my mother loved i met another daria in primary school the name isn’t very rare i think it ranges on countries also i love the show and ive found that both d(A)ri (A) and dariuh work fine

  2. We chose the name Daria after my and my husbands deceased grandparents and two of our aunts. In honor of their memory. She is the light of our life and blessed to have her.

  3. I’ve grown to love my name, though I used to find it frustrating: it leads to unpleasant gastrointestinal teasing versions, especially in Jr High ??. My family and husband will sometimes call me Dasha. One day…ONE DAY, I will find a novelty key chain/mini license plate/etc that actually has my name on it, but that day has not yet come. Fun fact: I was born on the same month, day, and year, as Gregory Hines’s daughter Daria!

  4. People always pronounced my name wrong and I just let people start calling me “Dee“. I believe the name to be beautiful and unique and I am 47 and have only met one person with that name.

  5. It ALWAYS intrigues me when I lived so many years alone ?with the name Daria. And NOW to be an adult @58 I find the name becoming more common. ?I now have learned to LOVE ?my name but not at first? because of ALL of the MIS PRONOUNCIATONS that I’ve often recieved ?!! There maybe a lot more, SAME NAMED Daria’s in the world today but, WE ARE ALL UNIQUE IN OUR OWN WAY ???From DARIA WITH LOVE

  6. i love having the name dar?a i think it such a beautiful and unique name i barley meet people with the name dar?a

    • ?Hiiiiii!!! Now you know another Daria?

    • There’s also the name daria, which I didn’t see..

  7. I’m Russian and my husband is half-Persian. As the name is Persian originally and common in Russia, it seemed like a perfect match

  8. My husband named her Daria because she was supposed to be a boy and we were him after him (Daryl) so we named her after me instead

    • I hated my name as a child as well. It was mispronounced by teachers as well as the students. My Mom got the name from a church member. She was the only one I had ever heard of until I met Gregory Hines. His daughter’s name is Daria. Then the MTV show destroyed me because mine is pronounced dare-e-ah not daur-e-ah. But I have grown to love the uniqueness of it. I do know it’s Persian. I was told it meant “queenly” after King Darius.

      • I’ve lived with my name Daria for 75 years. Was always the butt of jokes… Queen , derivative of Darius is what I found… which was cool because my last name meant “mountain Lion” … so I always say ” I’m queen of the mountains lions!”

    • I truely love the uniqueness of my name.Actually I have heard very few people having this name,so my name has remained unique in every place I live.I will always love my name??.

  9. Actually, the name doesn’t mean “maintains possessions well”, I’m not sure where this came from. It’s a Persian name, derived from “???? o (dary?)”, meaning “sea,” “ocean”, or “river.” I think it’s a beautiful name and meaning.

    • Exactly!!! I was told it meant “OCEAN” as well!!?

      • The name Darya is Persian. It is derived from the male name Darius. It means The Sea in new Persian, and perseverance in old Persian. It’s a beautiful name. Persians spell it Darya and Russians spell it Daria. I named my daughter Darya.

        • Nice . I am Persian and if my baby be a girl i will name her Darya ( the sea ) .

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