Girl Boy’s name Dana Dana Dana means: from Denmark. Dana Name Origin: English Pronunciation: d(a)-na See what 1 person thinks about Dana Share Popularity Alternatives Lists Comments Infographic of Dana name meaning, which is from Denmark Ask your friends & family about Dana… Share Pin Tweet Email Text Dana Name Popularity How popular is the name Dana? Here’s everything we know. Chart Raw Data By State Year Rank # Births % Births 1910 900 5 0.0014% 1911 — 0 0% 1912 — 0 0% 1913 — 0 0% 1914 936 14 0.002% 1915 — 0 0% 1916 1,447 5 0.0005% 1917 1,201 10 0.001% 1918 996 23 0.0021% 1919 1,222 11 0.0011% 1920 1,102 17 0.0015% 1921 792 51 0.0045% 1922 1,056 21 0.0019% 1923 1,276 12 0.0011% 1924 985 30 0.0026% 1925 853 40 0.0035% 1926 904 34 0.0031% 1927 939 30 0.0027% 1928 1,104 18 0.0017% 1929 765 47 0.0045% 1930 855 35 0.0034% 1931 686 54 0.0055% 1932 756 43 0.0044% 1933 688 51 0.0055% 1934 653 63 0.0065% 1935 602 74 0.0076% 1936 503 122 0.0127% 1937 552 102 0.0104% 1938 595 90 0.0088% 1939 514 125 0.0123% 1940 432 201 0.0189% 1941 402 243 0.0216% 1942 412 262 0.0207% 1943 350 377 0.0289% 1944 301 467 0.0377% 1945 265 626 0.0513% 1946 271 684 0.0464% 1947 290 696 0.0417% 1948 280 726 0.0455% 1949 264 816 0.0507% 1950 248 900 0.0559% 1951 233 1,053 0.0621% 1952 231 1,122 0.0643% 1953 230 1,172 0.0662% 1954 217 1,323 0.0724% 1955 201 1,555 0.0845% 1956 174 2,057 0.1089% 1957 155 2,397 0.1246% 1958 161 2,378 0.1258% 1959 143 2,965 0.1561% 1960 141 3,082 0.1627% 1961 128 3,538 0.1874% 1962 117 3,954 0.2154% 1963 88 5,040 0.2808% 1964 70 6,080 0.3454% 1965 78 4,714 0.2883% 1966 68 5,275 0.3379% 1967 71 4,928 0.3247% 1968 70 5,008 0.3335% 1969 60 6,019 0.3907% 1970 54 6,402 0.4023% 1971 44 6,929 0.4611% 1972 52 5,604 0.4115% 1973 59 4,923 0.3797% 1974 55 5,149 0.3962% 1975 62 4,606 0.3584% 1976 64 4,399 0.3413% 1977 62 4,339 0.3219% 1978 71 3,996 0.2972% 1979 54 4,942 0.3505% 1980 68 4,437 0.3035% 1981 71 4,243 0.2886% 1982 67 4,232 0.2832% 1983 73 3,921 0.2657% 1984 73 3,930 0.2642% 1985 82 3,341 0.2201% 1986 92 3,065 0.2031% 1987 83 3,417 0.2239% 1988 90 3,186 0.2044% 1989 105 2,984 0.1849% 1990 114 2,926 0.1765% 1991 131 2,398 0.1471% 1992 144 2,142 0.1342% 1993 157 1,967 0.1262% 1994 168 1,787 0.1164% 1995 172 1,730 0.1148% 1996 175 1,785 0.1192% 1997 179 1,666 0.1126% 1998 216 1,400 0.0935% 1999 239 1,293 0.0863% 2000 312 985 0.0645% 2001 325 928 0.0616% 2002 339 861 0.0575% 2003 381 764 0.0502% 2004 440 652 0.0428% 2005 398 753 0.0492% 2006 397 767 0.049% 2007 438 692 0.0439% 2008 458 647 0.0419% 2009 525 532 0.0356% 2010 460 614 0.0426% 2011 603 430 0.0302% 2012 621 406 0.0285% 2013 723 319 0.0224% 2014 757 306 0.021% 2015 809 279 0.0192% 2016 824 274 0.019% 2017 840 248 0.0178% 2018 785 274 0.0199% 2019 901 209 0.0154% 2020 1,053 181 0.0142% 2021 1,124 155 0.0127% 2022 1,002 208 0.0158% Alaska (AK) Alabama (AL) Arkansas (AR) Arizona (AZ) California (CA) Colorado (CO) Connecticut (CT) District of Columbia (DC) Delaware (DE) Florida (FL) Georgia (GA) Hawaii (HI) Iowa (IA) Idaho (ID) Illinois (IL) Indiana (IN) Kansas (KS) Kentucky (KY) Louisiana (LA) Massachusetts (MA) Maryland (MD) Maine (ME) Michigan (MI) Minnesota (MN) Missouri (MO) Mississippi (MS) Montana (MT) North Carolina (NC) North Dakota (ND) Nebraska (NE) New Hampshire (NH) New Jersey (NJ) New Mexico (NM) Nevada (NV) New York (NY) Ohio (OH) Oklahoma (OK) Oregon (OR) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) South Carolina (SC) South Dakota (SD) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) Utah (UT) Virginia (VA) Vermont (VT) Washington (WA) Wisconsin (WI) West Virginia (WV) Wyoming (WY) Data via Names Like Dana If you like Dana, you’ll love these other names like Dana. What names are variants of Dana? Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Dana. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Daena From Denmark English Danaca From Denmark; morning star; from Denmark Slavic Danah From Denmark English Danay From Denmark Greek Dane From Denmark English Danet From Denmark English Daney From Denmark; God is my Judge Hebrew Dania From Denmark; God is my Judge Hebrew Danica Morning star; from Denmark Slavic Danna God is my judge English Danya From Denmark; God is my Judge Hebrew Dayna From Denmark English Dayne From Denmark English Donnica From Denmark; morning star; from Denmark; lady Slavic What names sound like Dana? If you like how Dana sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Dana. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Dagna New day Scandinavian Dahna Lady Italian Daina God is my judge; song; melody Hebrew Danae She Who Judges Greek Danea Greek Dani God is my Judge Hebrew Dany God is my Judge Hebrew Dawna The first appearance of light, daybreak English Deana Valley; church leader; divine Latin Dena Valley English Dhana Wealthy Indian (Sanskrit) Diana Heavenly and divine Latin Dina Decoration; valley; justified; spear ruler Hebrew Dona Lady Spanish Duana Dark, swarthy Irish Duna Dark, swarthy Irish Dwana Dark, swarthy Irish Dyana Divine Latin Dyna Justified; spear ruler Hebrew Tana Russian Lists With Dana Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Dana. Two Syllable Girl Names With Balance and Beauty // 233 names Find the perfect rhythm with two syllable girl names. These balanced beauties are some of the best of the best, containing great meanings, cute sounds, and so much more. Old School Girl Names With Retro Charm // 190 names Travel back in time and tap into vintage vibes with old school girl names. From trendsetters of yesteryear to timeless treasures, we’ve got them all in this beautiful bounty of names. Simple Girl Names That Stand Tall // 135 names Simple girl names have a familiarity and warmth that forever read as “home” to your heart. See which simple stunner catches your eye. Common Girl Names With Widespread Appeal // 142 names Common girl names have celebrity-level name recognition, not to mention gorgeous sounds and meanings. Get to know them with us. Preppy Girl Names With Buttoned-Up Style // 207 names Preppy girl names have a pop of sweet sophistication. Browse our list of preppy girl names and see which prim pick winds up on your favorites list. Share Your Thoughts 1 Comment Dana Aug 26 at 11:37 am My name is Dana and the doctors thought i might die giving birth or shortly after. I had to mentally prepare for the worst. I wanted my baby girl to have something to remind her everyday that even tho im not here i still love her very much so i decided to give her my name. I did end up getting very sick after my csection and spent almost two weeks in icu. But i made it! And baby Dana came out looking EXACTLY like me! I got my tubes tied after her, she is my 5th girl and i couldnt be mappier with my life, my 5 beautiful girls and naming my baby after myself. ? Reply Share your thoughts on the name Dana Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. 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Dana Aug 26 at 11:37 am My name is Dana and the doctors thought i might die giving birth or shortly after. I had to mentally prepare for the worst. I wanted my baby girl to have something to remind her everyday that even tho im not here i still love her very much so i decided to give her my name. I did end up getting very sick after my csection and spent almost two weeks in icu. But i made it! And baby Dana came out looking EXACTLY like me! I got my tubes tied after her, she is my 5th girl and i couldnt be mappier with my life, my 5 beautiful girls and naming my baby after myself. ? Reply