Infographic of Celia name meaning, which is A diminutive-variant of Celeste.
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Celia Name Popularity

How popular is the name Celia? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 178 345 0.098%
1911 181 354 0.0951%
1912 191 477 0.0946%
1913 198 502 0.0885%
1914 189 666 0.0956%
1915 195 823 0.0906%
1916 214 779 0.0806%
1917 210 804 0.0804%
1918 225 764 0.0712%
1919 238 680 0.0649%
1920 240 712 0.064%
1921 253 657 0.0574%
1922 253 639 0.0574%
1923 249 635 0.0567%
1924 254 636 0.0548%
1925 259 622 0.055%
1926 269 576 0.0524%
1927 272 556 0.0502%
1928 279 509 0.0476%
1929 286 470 0.0454%
1930 271 512 0.049%
1931 279 452 0.0458%
1932 324 345 0.0349%
1933 289 395 0.0424%
1934 298 394 0.0408%
1935 297 378 0.0389%
1936 296 373 0.0387%
1937 310 359 0.0364%
1938 306 371 0.0362%
1939 328 325 0.032%
1940 325 331 0.0311%
1941 335 339 0.0301%
1942 345 367 0.0291%
1943 349 379 0.029%
1944 325 396 0.032%
1945 359 332 0.0272%
1946 381 355 0.0241%
1947 376 417 0.025%
1948 347 460 0.0288%
1949 354 447 0.0278%
1950 346 477 0.0296%
1951 327 545 0.0321%
1952 320 605 0.0347%
1953 344 545 0.0308%
1954 371 512 0.028%
1955 351 561 0.0305%
1956 375 517 0.0274%
1957 404 481 0.025%
1958 399 490 0.0259%
1959 409 490 0.0258%
1960 412 500 0.0264%
1961 425 492 0.0261%
1962 415 506 0.0276%
1963 457 412 0.023%
1964 517 313 0.0178%
1965 497 318 0.0194%
1966 566 237 0.0152%
1967 574 226 0.0149%
1968 585 225 0.015%
1969 652 185 0.012%
1970 545 301 0.0189%
1971 635 211 0.014%
1972 687 161 0.0118%
1973 666 175 0.0135%
1974 665 174 0.0134%
1975 719 152 0.0118%
1976 723 151 0.0117%
1977 655 195 0.0145%
1978 736 161 0.012%
1979 706 185 0.0131%
1980 659 220 0.015%
1981 619 241 0.0164%
1982 682 205 0.0137%
1983 492 350 0.0237%
1984 427 456 0.0307%
1985 501 361 0.0238%
1986 566 307 0.0203%
1987 618 262 0.0172%
1988 599 286 0.0184%
1989 664 260 0.0161%
1990 601 334 0.0202%
1991 647 296 0.0182%
1992 663 290 0.0182%
1993 647 297 0.0191%
1994 705 247 0.0161%
1995 677 265 0.0176%
1996 669 286 0.0191%
1997 627 308 0.0208%
1998 623 335 0.0224%
1999 602 365 0.0244%
2000 637 347 0.0227%
2001 599 374 0.0248%
2002 653 347 0.0232%
2003 660 358 0.0235%
2004 688 347 0.0228%
2005 659 375 0.0245%
2006 706 354 0.0226%
2007 767 325 0.0206%
2008 753 337 0.0218%
2009 752 324 0.0217%
2010 728 334 0.0232%
2011 750 310 0.0218%
2012 731 321 0.0225%
2013 735 313 0.022%
2014 766 302 0.0207%
2015 817 275 0.0189%
2016 780 298 0.0207%
2017 831 253 0.0181%
2018 868 234 0.017%
2019 780 269 0.0199%
2020 816 278 0.0218%
2021 807 277 0.0227%
2022 888 262 0.0199%

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District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL)

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Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

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Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

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Mississippi (MS)

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Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Data via

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What names are variants of Celia?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Blind; sixth; heaven



Blind; sixth; heaven



Blind; sixth; heavenly; the moon





What names sound like Celia?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Blind; sixth



Blind; sixth; the moon; heavenly



Blind; sixth; the moon




What names are similar to Celia?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Heaven; the moon






The moon





Lists With Celia

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Siblings of Celia

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God's gift





1 Comment

  1. I chose the name Celia because it means “heavenly” and I wanted her to be connected to a Saint as well (Saint Cecilia).
    I like that I can call her “Celi” for short. The name Celia also flows well with the middle name we chose (which is my mom’s middle name), Celia Anne.

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