Cataleya Name Meaning

The name Cataleya is said to symbolize beauty and elegance. The orchid that the name is derived from is known for its stunning appearance, and the name Cataleya embodies that same sense of beauty and grace. Additionally, the name is also said to represent individuality and uniqueness, as the orchid is a rare and unusual flower.

Origins of the Name Cataleya

Cataleya is a name of Colombian origin, specifically from the Spanish-speaking country of Colombia. The name is derived from the word “cataleya,” which is the name of a type of orchid native to Colombia. The orchid is known for its bright, vibrant colors and intricate patterns, much like the name Cataleya itself.

Popularity of the Name Cataleya

The name Cataleya has been on the rise in popularity in recent years. This can be attributed to several factors, including the popularity of Latinx culture and the growing number of Latinx families in the United States. Additionally, the name has been featured in popular media, such as the film Colombiana, in which the protagonist is named Cataleya.

Famous Cataleyas

While the name may not be as common as more traditional names, there are still a few famous people who bear the name Cataleya. For example, there’s Cataleya Restrepo, a Colombian-American actress, and Cataleya Lopez, a Colombian-American singer.

Final Thoughts on the Name Cataleya

In conclusion, the name Cataleya is a unique and beautiful name with a rich history and meaning. Its origins can be traced back to Colombia, where it is derived from a type of orchid known for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns. The name symbolizes beauty, elegance, individuality, and uniqueness. It’s been on the rise in popularity, especially in the United States, due to the growing number of Latinx families and the popularity of Latinx culture. So, if you’re looking for a name that stands out from the crowd, Cataleya might just be the perfect choice.

Infographic of Cataleya name meaning, which is Meaning orchid, Cataleya is a Spanish name.
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Cataleya Name Popularity

How popular is the name Cataleya? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
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1930 0 0%
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1932 0 0%
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1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
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1954 0 0%
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1956 0 0%
1957 0 0%
1958 0 0%
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1960 0 0%
1961 0 0%
1962 0 0%
1963 0 0%
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1966 0 0%
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1968 0 0%
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2002 0 0%
2003 0 0%
2004 0 0%
2005 0 0%
2006 0 0%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 0 0%
2010 0 0%
2011 8 0.0006%
2012 618 0.0434%
2013 653 0.0459%
2014 656 0.045%
2015 684 0.047%
2016 564 0.0391%
2017 595 0.0426%
2018 618 0.045%
2019 727 0.0537%
2020 380 764 0.06%
2021 290 980 0.0802%
2022 341 907 0.0688%

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Names Like Cataleya

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Delicate; weary; meadow or pasture



Weary one


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender








What names are similar to Cataleya?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Beautiful girl.






Night rain or the end

Japanese, Spanish








Crown, garland



Wolf valley






He has heard



Palm tree


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From Hadria



  1. I love the name Cataleya, I feel in love with the name also from the movie. I am a foster parent of a beautiful baby girl and am now ready to adopt her. I have always wanted a baby girl. I have 4 boys and now God has blessed me with a baby girl. I am choosing this name for her because she is very special to me and the rest of the family.

    • This is so beautiful and peaceful about my name. I think it’s so great. Thank you for this information. It has fully encouraged me and brought all my doubts away. Thank you for letting me know about this??

      • My daughter’s name is cataleyah I picked the name because of it’s uniqueness and also because it represents individuality and I loved the character in the movie daughter is 10 years old also and beautiful and amazing I’m so proud of her

  2. I love nature! And orchids are beautiful flowers that captured my heart. Cataleya is from the root word Cattleya Orchid.

  3. I love Catalina but my husband wasn’t a fan because there was no “true” nickname. I came across Cataleya in an app and instantly knew this was the name. Of course, my husband being a movie junky he was a fan with “leya”

    I love that this name is unique in the sense that not many will share her name.

    I’ve learned that it’s a flower; an orchid type and a “popular” movie called Colombiana, which we did not like. Hehe

  4. I am so happy my name is catalya Bedford because Cataleya mean Spanish

  5. Wow to read all these comments ot makes me to melt from inside. I am from jamaica but raised in cura?ao so spanish is apart of us. I I love the spanish culture, food and people. And I’m inlove with orchids so when I was pregnant I did saw colombiana and I fell in love with the name also and my princess name is LUSHENN? CATALEYA. First name I made from me and the dad but my little orchid so I had to name her cataleya just like the flower

    • It’s a beautiful name my granddaughters is Catylia ( kat-a-lia) Rose .. and the idea came from the movie Columbiana

      • My granddaughter whomI am raising because my daughter passed away in an accident! Her name is Cataleya Maryann, my daughter said it was a beautiful Columbia flower/orchard and she also loved the movie Columbana that came out in 2015 I believe when my granddaughter was born, she is nine yrs old! She is a miracle, my daughter went into premature labor right at 5mons pregnant. Cataleya didn’t weigh 2lbs (right at it) all the nurses talked about her skin though Nurses talked about her skin though How beautiful it was that they had never seen such beautiful skin On a baby born at that gestational period! Her father is Hispanic & her mother is 50% Caucasian and 50% African American and she is just beautiful and my heart! So thought I would share. Thank you??

  6. my princess is as beautifull as the orchid, but also behaving like the charater of the colobiana

  7. Thats awesome how much people named there babies cataleya. I myself fell in love with the movie Colombiana I loved every bit of the movie and I was also pregnant .9 years LATER NOW my BIG BABY GIRL HAS ALWAYS BEEN AS BEAUTIFUL AS AN ORCHID I GOT 5 GIRLS AND 3 OF THEM HAVE UNIQUE NAMES .MY DAUGHTERS NAME IS KATALEYA Len?? .I enjoyed everyone’s comments ..

  8. I fall in love with the name so much when I watched the movie Colombiana. Not yet married but I pray God to give me a baby girl in the future and I will name her Catalaya.

    • i thought the same thing thats why i want to name my daughter that

  9. My husband picked our daughter name he got it from the movie colombiana

    • Hay wife

  10. I so much love the Cataleya. I fell in love with the name after watching the movie ‘Colombiana’. So I sought for the meaning. It’s a lovely name.

    • the same reason I search for it??

  11. My “Kataliya” is now 9 and I had no idea about the colombiana movie til after age was here. I love orchids anyways so I felt she was beautiful and delicate just like the flower

  12. Im colombian no idea about this name but my son named my granddaughter cataleya. Sounds so beautiful so sweet. I love it! Great choice.

  13. I fell in love with the name Cataleya after watching Columbiana movie, a year later I became pregnant and I decided to name my unborn baby Cataleya even before knowing the gender. When I did an ultrasound scan, I was very happy that I was carrying a baby girl. My little princess is Cataleya.

    • OMG I’m literally watching Colombina right now n I’m not pregnant or whatever but I was thinking of naming my future daughter Cataleya too

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