Infographic of Carolyn name meaning, which is free man
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Carolyn Name Popularity

How popular is the name Carolyn? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 196 289 0.0821%
1911 185 347 0.0932%
1912 183 490 0.0972%
1913 170 640 0.1129%
1914 169 811 0.1164%
1915 166 1,072 0.118%
1916 162 1,192 0.1234%
1917 164 1,199 0.1198%
1918 165 1,314 0.1224%
1919 166 1,307 0.1248%
1920 151 1,545 0.139%
1921 146 1,743 0.1522%
1922 144 1,690 0.1517%
1923 132 1,994 0.178%
1924 127 2,205 0.1899%
1925 127 2,179 0.1928%
1926 114 2,405 0.2187%
1927 99 2,795 0.2525%
1928 92 2,836 0.2651%
1929 77 3,267 0.3154%
1930 72 3,716 0.3557%
1931 60 4,000 0.4053%
1932 46 4,580 0.4636%
1933 41 5,030 0.5399%
1934 33 6,468 0.6691%
1935 28 6,960 0.7162%
1936 23 7,905 0.8206%
1937 20 8,934 0.9066%
1938 15 10,584 1.0339%
1939 14 11,289 1.1098%
1940 15 12,657 1.1908%
1941 11 16,269 1.4455%
1942 10 19,978 1.5821%
1943 11 20,357 1.5593%
1944 11 18,670 1.5064%
1945 12 17,239 1.4135%
1946 12 19,900 1.3486%
1947 15 20,743 1.2427%
1948 14 18,617 1.1662%
1949 17 17,403 1.0818%
1950 20 15,589 0.9682%
1951 22 15,210 0.8971%
1952 24 14,276 0.8178%
1953 25 12,907 0.7293%
1954 27 12,156 0.665%
1955 30 11,173 0.6074%
1956 33 10,639 0.5633%
1957 33 11,569 0.6012%
1958 37 10,805 0.5717%
1959 42 9,735 0.5124%
1960 43 9,404 0.4963%
1961 42 10,503 0.5563%
1962 46 9,692 0.5279%
1963 56 8,122 0.4525%
1964 56 8,065 0.4582%
1965 58 6,969 0.4262%
1966 60 6,119 0.3919%
1967 60 5,711 0.3763%
1968 61 5,537 0.3687%
1969 71 5,131 0.3331%
1970 84 4,517 0.2838%
1971 104 3,602 0.2397%
1972 110 2,987 0.2193%
1973 116 2,566 0.1979%
1974 118 2,471 0.1901%
1975 119 2,337 0.1819%
1976 129 2,104 0.1632%
1977 129 2,186 0.1622%
1978 129 2,172 0.1616%
1979 138 2,048 0.1452%
1980 147 1,914 0.1309%
1981 144 1,945 0.1323%
1982 148 1,994 0.1334%
1983 151 1,900 0.1288%
1984 155 1,813 0.1219%
1985 155 1,817 0.1197%
1986 162 1,724 0.1142%
1987 148 1,809 0.1185%
1988 157 1,786 0.1146%
1989 159 1,797 0.1114%
1990 169 1,701 0.1026%
1991 191 1,538 0.0944%
1992 196 1,507 0.0944%
1993 200 1,456 0.0934%
1994 229 1,213 0.079%
1995 240 1,151 0.0764%
1996 233 1,180 0.0788%
1997 277 1,029 0.0696%
1998 325 875 0.0585%
1999 301 993 0.0663%
2000 306 1,009 0.0661%
2001 347 832 0.0552%
2002 362 795 0.0531%
2003 423 675 0.0444%
2004 420 686 0.045%
2005 486 592 0.0387%
2006 515 549 0.0351%
2007 598 457 0.029%
2008 667 406 0.0263%
2009 680 377 0.0252%
2010 732 329 0.0228%
2011 712 335 0.0235%
2012 736 320 0.0225%
2013 769 294 0.0206%
2014 710 337 0.0231%
2015 743 315 0.0216%
2016 782 296 0.0205%
2017 790 271 0.0194%
2018 808 260 0.0189%
2019 859 230 0.017%
2020 961 210 0.0165%
2021 1,133 151 0.0124%
2022 1,176 153 0.0116%

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Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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What names are variants of Carolyn?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Carolyn.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man


What names sound like Carolyn?

If you like how Carolyn sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Carolyn.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Beloved; friend; free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man



Free man


What names are similar to Carolyn?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender


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Siblings of Carolyn

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Jehovah will increase



  1. I like the name bc it’s my name plus also sometimes I wish I had a different name….

  2. Like- it is classic, traditional but not over used
    Not as a big a fan of- there are not any nicknames that I love, the lyn and line endings get mixed a lot by friends and teachers

    • I like the name, Carolyn because that’s my mom’s name but not knowing that when I search the meaning of it it said the name means Freeman when she’s not even a free man cause she’s not a man she’s the woman that’s pretty a goofy meaning

    • I also like the name too wait is your name Carolyn also, same with my mom’s that’s crazy!?

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