Camille Name Meaning

Camille means “young ceremonial attendant.” But it can also be interpreted to mean “free-born servant” or “young attendant at a religious ceremony.” It’s a name that connotes service and dedication, making it a great choice for a girl who will grow up to be kind-hearted and hardworking.

Origins of the name Camille

The name Camille has French origins and is the feminine version of the name Camillus. The name Camillus itself is of Etruscan origin and means “young ceremonial attendant.” The French version of the name, Camille, has been used since the Middle Ages and was popularized by the play “Camille” by Alexandre Dumas, père in 1852.

Popularity of the Name Camille

Camille has been steadily decreasing in popularity over the past few decades. In the year 2000, it was the 259th most popular name for girls, but by 2019, it had fallen to the 948th spot.

Famous Camilles

Now let’s talk about some famous Camilles. One of the most well-known Camilles is Camille Claudel, a French sculptor who was a student and lover of Auguste Rodin. Claudel was a talented artist in her own right, and her work is considered some of the best of her time.

Another famous Camille is Camille Pissarro, a French Impressionist painter. He was a leading member of the Impressionist movement and a mentor to many other artists of the time.

Finally, Camille Saint-Saëns, a French composer, pianist, and organist. He composed in almost every genre and wrote a number of operas, ballets, and orchestral works.

Final Thoughts on the Name Camille

So even though the name Camille may not be as popular as it once was, it’s a name with a rich history and a beautiful meaning. And with famous Camilles like Claudel, Pissarro, and Saint-Saëns, it’s clear that the name Camille has a certain je ne sais quoi that makes it stand out. If you’re looking for a name with French flair, Camille might be the perfect choice for your little girl.

Infographic of Camille name meaning, which is Camille is a French version of Camilla, meaning religious helper.
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Camille Name Popularity

How popular is the name Camille? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 481 35 0.0099%
1911 472 40 0.0107%
1912 484 59 0.0117%
1913 513 61 0.0108%
1914 524 75 0.0108%
1915 486 121 0.0133%
1916 471 142 0.0147%
1917 551 109 0.0109%
1918 471 157 0.0146%
1919 542 118 0.0113%
1920 503 144 0.013%
1921 585 109 0.0095%
1922 593 108 0.0097%
1923 548 127 0.0113%
1924 551 129 0.0111%
1925 596 104 0.0092%
1926 543 121 0.011%
1927 588 103 0.0093%
1928 510 139 0.013%
1929 531 118 0.0114%
1930 531 115 0.011%
1931 496 126 0.0128%
1932 514 120 0.0121%
1933 511 115 0.0123%
1934 486 130 0.0134%
1935 470 135 0.0139%
1936 448 159 0.0165%
1937 379 242 0.0246%
1938 378 261 0.0255%
1939 352 288 0.0283%
1940 399 245 0.0231%
1941 348 317 0.0282%
1942 329 403 0.0319%
1943 299 498 0.0381%
1944 308 436 0.0352%
1945 367 317 0.026%
1946 324 492 0.0333%
1947 359 458 0.0274%
1948 368 412 0.0258%
1949 348 462 0.0287%
1950 373 422 0.0262%
1951 397 377 0.0222%
1952 428 359 0.0206%
1953 385 441 0.0249%
1954 401 424 0.0232%
1955 394 453 0.0246%
1956 403 463 0.0245%
1957 415 458 0.0238%
1958 401 489 0.0259%
1959 406 497 0.0262%
1960 445 437 0.0231%
1961 419 500 0.0265%
1962 432 463 0.0252%
1963 444 425 0.0237%
1964 453 424 0.0241%
1965 451 399 0.0244%
1966 437 417 0.0267%
1967 417 459 0.0302%
1968 393 509 0.0339%
1969 321 765 0.0497%
1970 325 789 0.0496%
1971 372 590 0.0393%
1972 395 475 0.0349%
1973 360 545 0.042%
1974 425 420 0.0323%
1975 429 423 0.0329%
1976 407 457 0.0355%
1977 389 492 0.0365%
1978 374 529 0.0393%
1979 370 576 0.0409%
1980 354 636 0.0435%
1981 371 591 0.0402%
1982 361 604 0.0404%
1983 365 584 0.0396%
1984 367 592 0.0398%
1985 329 694 0.0457%
1986 349 648 0.0429%
1987 344 666 0.0436%
1988 306 776 0.0498%
1989 294 857 0.0531%
1990 242 1,151 0.0694%
1991 264 1,024 0.0628%
1992 258 1,059 0.0663%
1993 273 984 0.0631%
1994 286 932 0.0607%
1995 279 963 0.0639%
1996 300 916 0.0612%
1997 284 983 0.0665%
1998 283 1,048 0.07%
1999 271 1,126 0.0752%
2000 266 1,186 0.0776%
2001 261 1,203 0.0798%
2002 266 1,165 0.0777%
2003 255 1,257 0.0826%
2004 253 1,252 0.0821%
2005 288 1,121 0.0733%
2006 305 1,052 0.0672%
2007 305 1,083 0.0686%
2008 297 1,086 0.0703%
2009 284 1,134 0.0759%
2010 269 1,195 0.0829%
2011 238 1,296 0.091%
2012 232 1,325 0.093%
2013 235 1,305 0.0917%
2014 247 1,261 0.0865%
2015 241 1,281 0.088%
2016 238 1,278 0.0886%
2017 248 1,226 0.0878%
2018 248 1,250 0.091%
2019 252 1,236 0.0913%
2020 262 1,115 0.0876%
2021 279 1,025 0.0838%
2022 237 1,249 0.0947%

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What names sound like Camille?

If you like how Camille sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Camille.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest; perfect


What names are similar to Camille?

Find a name that’s like Camille, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Slim and fair; darling, beloved



Helper to the priest



Young religious servant



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Helper to the priest



Garden, orchard



Garden, orchard



Garden, orchard



Rival; laborious; eager



Beautiful; lovely



Beautiful; lovely



Helper to the priest



Honey; all sweetness



God heard


Lists With Camille

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Camille.

Siblings of Camille

Mamas with kids named Camille also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Whole heart



  1. I’m still TBD on it

  2. Pretty, unique and there is a St. Camillus!

  3. We liked the name and didn’t know anyone named Camille. It sounds elegant and sweet

  4. I am obsessed with this name, I am absolutely in love with this french name and of course my favourite pronunciation of this name is the French way “Camie“, not pronouncing with the “ll”.
    Camille is my number 1 favourite French name and my 2nd favourite name ever after Elisa. I’ll be using the name Camille on my 2nd daughter after Elisa.
    I just love how this name is so sassy, simple, youthful and girly. Very feminine, it’s the perfect name for a cute girl, my little princess and my world.

  5. I am obsessed with this name, I am absolutely in love with this french name and of course my favourite pronunciation of this name is the French way “Camie“, not pronouncing with the “ll”.
    Camille is my number 1 favourite French name and my 2nd favourite name ever after Elisa. I’ll be using the name Camille on my 2nd daughter after Elisa.
    I just love how this name so sassy, simple, youthful and girly. Very feminine, irs the perfect name for a cute girl, my little princess and my world. ???

  6. I have always loved the name and it’s my moms middle name.

  7. I’ve loved the name since high school, I named a mannequin named Camille. I also love the nickname Millie. I feel like it’s a cute girls name and a lovely woman’s name!

    • It’s really nice you said this as my name is Camille and was and still called Millie (spelt the same way) to this day and I’m 36 years old lol.
      My mum and dad would always call me “Millie muffet” as well.
      My mum past when I was 17 years if age but have such fond memories of her calling me Millie muffet which was her version of “little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds away, along came a spider who sat down besides her qnd frightened Miss muffet away” lol.
      My mum wouldn’t call me Millie in a shop though as she loved the name Camille so much but at home with family it was Millie, Mil or Mel…the latter of which my dad calls me to this day plus in public lol.

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