Girl Agnes “The chaste one,” from the Greek hagne, chaste. Agnes Name Origin: Greek Pronunciation: ag-nes See what 6 people think about Agnes Share Popularity Alternatives Lists Comments Infographic of Agnes name meaning, which is “The chaste one,” from the Greek hagne, chaste. Ask your friends & family about Agnes… Share Pin Tweet Email Text Agnes Name Popularity How popular is the name Agnes? Here’s everything we know. Chart Raw Data By State Year Rank # Births % Births 1910 41 2,149 0.6104% 1911 39 2,307 0.6195% 1912 40 2,936 0.5822% 1913 40 3,202 0.5648% 1914 44 3,717 0.5334% 1915 45 4,790 0.5272% 1916 50 4,851 0.5022% 1917 48 5,062 0.506% 1918 47 5,283 0.4922% 1919 50 4,899 0.4679% 1920 54 4,901 0.4408% 1921 56 4,794 0.4187% 1922 62 4,478 0.4019% 1923 63 4,217 0.3765% 1924 63 4,234 0.3646% 1925 69 3,909 0.3458% 1926 77 3,523 0.3203% 1927 82 3,332 0.301% 1928 85 3,016 0.2819% 1929 94 2,763 0.2667% 1930 101 2,504 0.2397% 1931 103 2,292 0.2322% 1932 114 2,108 0.2134% 1933 117 1,864 0.2001% 1934 119 1,920 0.1986% 1935 138 1,569 0.1615% 1936 138 1,573 0.1633% 1937 153 1,406 0.1427% 1938 157 1,382 0.135% 1939 162 1,285 0.1263% 1940 170 1,179 0.1109% 1941 179 1,066 0.0947% 1942 187 1,110 0.0879% 1943 201 1,029 0.0788% 1944 206 939 0.0758% 1945 231 790 0.0648% 1946 243 838 0.0568% 1947 264 807 0.0483% 1948 269 800 0.0501% 1949 287 687 0.0427% 1950 286 710 0.0441% 1951 310 618 0.0364% 1952 331 582 0.0333% 1953 323 613 0.0346% 1954 375 489 0.0268% 1955 364 536 0.0291% 1956 398 476 0.0252% 1957 424 441 0.0229% 1958 466 374 0.0198% 1959 470 379 0.0199% 1960 475 385 0.0203% 1961 488 350 0.0185% 1962 520 307 0.0167% 1963 538 278 0.0155% 1964 598 230 0.0131% 1965 601 213 0.013% 1966 690 147 0.0094% 1967 700 146 0.0096% 1968 829 101 0.0067% 1969 899 87 0.0056% 1970 1,056 66 0.0041% 1971 951 84 0.0056% 1972 1,069 60 0.0044% 1973 1,315 35 0.0027% 1974 1,305 38 0.0029% 1975 1,309 40 0.0031% 1976 1,519 27 0.0021% 1977 1,692 22 0.0016% 1978 1,707 23 0.0017% 1979 1,606 28 0.002% 1980 1,550 32 0.0022% 1981 1,254 56 0.0038% 1982 1,416 41 0.0027% 1983 1,536 32 0.0022% 1984 1,595 29 0.0019% 1985 1,605 32 0.0021% 1986 1,516 37 0.0025% 1987 1,651 32 0.0021% 1988 1,601 37 0.0024% 1989 1,607 43 0.0027% 1990 1,839 34 0.0021% 1991 1,897 31 0.0019% 1992 2,123 24 0.0015% 1993 1,983 29 0.0019% 1994 1,919 36 0.0023% 1995 1,985 28 0.0019% 1996 1,947 29 0.0019% 1997 2,871 10 0.0007% 1998 1,826 37 0.0025% 1999 2,294 22 0.0015% 2000 1,907 38 0.0025% 2001 2,406 21 0.0014% 2002 2,347 22 0.0015% 2003 2,231 27 0.0018% 2004 2,437 21 0.0014% 2005 2,822 14 0.0009% 2006 2,440 24 0.0015% 2007 2,704 17 0.0011% 2008 2,814 14 0.0009% 2009 2,392 24 0.0016% 2010 2,338 24 0.0017% 2011 1,913 41 0.0029% 2012 1,795 48 0.0034% 2013 1,728 54 0.0038% 2014 1,125 147 0.0101% 2015 1,170 137 0.0094% 2016 1,028 179 0.0124% 2017 1,110 141 0.0101% 2018 1,088 141 0.0103% 2019 1,023 161 0.0119% 2020 1,292 120 0.0094% 2021 1,181 136 0.0111% 2022 1,124 165 0.0125% Alaska (AK) Alabama (AL) Arkansas (AR) Arizona (AZ) California (CA) Colorado (CO) Connecticut (CT) District of Columbia (DC) Delaware (DE) Florida (FL) Georgia (GA) Hawaii (HI) Iowa (IA) Idaho (ID) Illinois (IL) Indiana (IN) Kansas (KS) Kentucky (KY) Louisiana (LA) Massachusetts (MA) Maryland (MD) Maine (ME) Michigan (MI) Minnesota (MN) Missouri (MO) Mississippi (MS) Montana (MT) North Carolina (NC) North Dakota (ND) Nebraska (NE) New Hampshire (NH) New Jersey (NJ) New Mexico (NM) New York (NY) Ohio (OH) Oklahoma (OK) Oregon (OR) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) South Carolina (SC) South Dakota (SD) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) Utah (UT) Virginia (VA) Vermont (VT) Washington (WA) Wisconsin (WI) West Virginia (WV) Wyoming (WY) Data via Names Like Agnes If you like Agnes, you’ll love these other names like Agnes. What names are diminutives of Agnes? A diminutive is a name that’s like Agnes sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Agnes, but shorter. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Aggie Good, pure Greek What names are variants of Agnes? Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Agnes. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Ag Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Agafi Pure, holy Greek Agafia Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Agafon Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Aggi Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Aggie Good, pure Greek Aggy Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Aggye Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Aghna Pure, holy Greek Agi Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Agie Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Agna Pure, holy Greek Agnella Pure, holy Greek Agnelle Pure, holy Greek Agnese Pure, holy Greek Agness Pure, holy Greek Agnessa Pure, holy Greek Agnethe Pure, holy Greek Agnetta Pure, holy Greek Agnie Pure, holy Greek Agnieszka Pure, holy Greek Agnola Angel Italian Agnolah Pure, holy Greek Agnus Pure, holy Greek Agot Pure, holy Greek Agota Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Agote Pure, holy Greek Agoti Pure, holy Greek Agy Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Agye Good, honorable; pure, holy Greek Aigneis Pure Celtic Ainah Pure, holy Greek Anais Grace Hebrew Anessa Pure, holy; satisfaction Greek Anis Pure, holy; satisfaction Greek Anise Modern Anissa Pure, holy; satisfaction; He (God) has favored me Hebrew Annais Pure, holy Greek Annest Pure, holy Greek Annice Pure, holy; satisfaction; He (God) has favored me Hebrew Anniesse Pure, holy Greek Annis Satisfaction Greek Annisa Pure, holy; satisfaction Greek Annise Pure, holy; He (God) has favored me Hebrew Ina “The symbol of femininity,” in allusion to the Latin feminine suffix ina, as in regina, Christina, etc. Inah Pure, holy Greek Ines Pure, holy; chaste Spanish Inessa Pure, holy Spanish Inez “The chaste one,” from the Greek lwgne, chaste. Spanish Nesi Pure, holy Greek Nessa Pure, holy; butterfly Greek Nessah Pure, holy Greek Nessie Pure Scottish Nessy Pure, holy; butterfly Greek Nesta Pure Welsh Nestah Pure, holy Greek Neysa Pure, holy Greek Oona Lamb Scottish Oonagh Pure, holy Scottish Oonah Pure, holy Greek Senga Scottish Una One Latin Ynes Pure, holy; chaste Spanish Ynez Chaste Spanish What names sound like Agnes? If you like how Agnes sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Agnes. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Annes Satisfaction Greek Annus He (God) has favored me Hebrew Annys Satisfaction Greek Innes One choice Celtic What names are similar to Agnes? Find a name that’s like Agnes, but just a little bit different. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Anice Satisfaction Greek Annette A French variant of Anna. French Lists With Agnes Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Agnes. Catholic Girl Names to Honor Your Beliefs // 227 names Catholic girl names range from timeless treasures to ultra-unique finds. Check out our collection of these devout darlings. Nerdy Girl Names for Your Brainiac // 124 names Nerdy girl names are nothing to shy away from, as these brainy beauties are connected to brilliant minds and natural wonders. Find out more about these mega-minded monikers with our list. Old School Girl Names With Retro Charm // 190 names Travel back in time and tap into vintage vibes with old school girl names. From trendsetters of yesteryear to timeless treasures, we’ve got them all in this beautiful bounty of names. Filipino Girl Names With Endless Beauty // 162 names Filipino girl names range from well-known classics around the world to island-specific stunners. Discover these amazing names with us. Classy Girl Names With Poise and Polish // 151 names Classy girl names stand out with their chic styling and amazing associations. Browse our list of these bold beauties. Siblings of Agnes Mamas with kids named Agnes also have kids with these names. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Jewel Plaything, delight French Willow Willow tree English Adrien From Hadria Latin Damien To tame French Persephone Bringer of destruction Greek Sebastien Revered Greek Phoenix Dark red Greek Leverett Young Hare French Iris Rainbow Greek Freya Lady Scandinavian Rowan Of the rowan tree Gaelic Wyatt Brave in battle English Briar Shrub, Small Tree English Rose Rose flower English Sage Healing herb Latin Share Your Thoughts 6 Comments Emilia Oct 20 at 6:14 pm It is my grandma’s name, and I love the meaning – female version of Agnus, lamb. Today a lot of people associate the name with older, especially Catholic women – see saint Agnes Reply Anonymous May 22 at 8:21 am Agnes after Saint Agnes, Agnes then Mary. Reply Natasha Jun 3 at 10:44 am Family name. I love that it’s unique and timeless. Plus Aggie is an adorable nickname! Reply Natalie Jan 14 at 11:39 am We named our daughter after St Agnes. My husband and I first met at St Agnes Church, and he did a novena to St Agnes right before we met! It was meant to be! So we decided to name our first born after her, since St Agnes is the reason we are together! Reply Paola Jul 17 at 6:31 pm We always give names of Saints to our children so we can follow their example and Agnes is not the exception, it means pure, chaste and it’s the name of two really exemplary saints: Saint Agnes of Rome and Mother Teresa of Calcuta ( That’s her birth name ) Reply Megan Sep 25 at 8:09 pm Family tradition. Irish immigrants who came over on the ship St Agnes. Reply Share your thoughts on the name Agnes Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. All fields are required *Name * Email * Your Thoughts * Δ Search Baby Names Quick Search Search Go Advanced Search Name Starts With Ends With Gender Any Boys Girls Only show unisex names Current Popularity [U.S.] Any More Popular Less Popular Origin Select origin… English Latin Hebrew Greek German Irish French American Spanish Arabic Aboriginal African American Ancient Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian Arthurian Legend Asian Aztec (Nahuatl) Bulgarian Celtic Chinese Danish Dutch Egyptian English European French Gaelic German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indian (Sanskrit) Indonesian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Latin Modern Native American Persian Polish Polynesian Portuguese Russian Scandinavian Scottish Slavic Spanish Turkish Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Meaning Number of Letters Min Max Syllables [BETA] Min Max Search Baby Names
Emilia Oct 20 at 6:14 pm It is my grandma’s name, and I love the meaning – female version of Agnus, lamb. Today a lot of people associate the name with older, especially Catholic women – see saint Agnes Reply
Natasha Jun 3 at 10:44 am Family name. I love that it’s unique and timeless. Plus Aggie is an adorable nickname! Reply
Natalie Jan 14 at 11:39 am We named our daughter after St Agnes. My husband and I first met at St Agnes Church, and he did a novena to St Agnes right before we met! It was meant to be! So we decided to name our first born after her, since St Agnes is the reason we are together! Reply
Paola Jul 17 at 6:31 pm We always give names of Saints to our children so we can follow their example and Agnes is not the exception, it means pure, chaste and it’s the name of two really exemplary saints: Saint Agnes of Rome and Mother Teresa of Calcuta ( That’s her birth name ) Reply