Infographic of Adela name meaning, which is noble
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Adela Name Popularity

How popular is the name Adela? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 561 22 0.0062%
1911 449 45 0.0121%
1912 549 42 0.0083%
1913 679 27 0.0048%
1914 645 41 0.0059%
1915 553 90 0.0099%
1916 528 114 0.0118%
1917 582 94 0.0094%
1918 530 129 0.012%
1919 543 118 0.0113%
1920 555 122 0.011%
1921 568 119 0.0104%
1922 658 81 0.0073%
1923 650 86 0.0077%
1924 632 96 0.0083%
1925 639 91 0.0081%
1926 642 84 0.0076%
1927 637 85 0.0077%
1928 652 75 0.007%
1929 616 84 0.0081%
1930 620 82 0.0079%
1931 669 58 0.0059%
1932 588 81 0.0082%
1933 664 56 0.006%
1934 736 45 0.0047%
1935 617 68 0.007%
1936 686 53 0.0055%
1937 780 39 0.004%
1938 681 61 0.006%
1939 694 55 0.0054%
1940 683 62 0.0058%
1941 670 67 0.006%
1942 719 63 0.005%
1943 760 60 0.0046%
1944 646 87 0.007%
1945 624 93 0.0076%
1946 654 103 0.007%
1947 709 98 0.0059%
1948 653 114 0.0071%
1949 742 89 0.0055%
1950 714 99 0.0061%
1951 703 109 0.0064%
1952 809 79 0.0045%
1953 730 110 0.0062%
1954 782 97 0.0053%
1955 784 100 0.0054%
1956 838 93 0.0049%
1957 840 99 0.0051%
1958 900 82 0.0043%
1959 879 91 0.0048%
1960 917 83 0.0044%
1961 961 79 0.0042%
1962 911 85 0.0046%
1963 903 83 0.0046%
1964 924 79 0.0045%
1965 945 69 0.0042%
1966 1,013 58 0.0037%
1967 1,083 48 0.0032%
1968 1,143 45 0.003%
1969 1,118 52 0.0034%
1970 988 76 0.0048%
1971 1,108 58 0.0039%
1972 1,172 46 0.0034%
1973 1,056 59 0.0046%
1974 1,000 72 0.0055%
1975 1,159 53 0.0041%
1976 1,111 59 0.0046%
1977 1,186 56 0.0042%
1978 1,241 52 0.0039%
1979 1,255 53 0.0038%
1980 1,301 50 0.0034%
1981 1,227 58 0.0039%
1982 1,344 46 0.0031%
1983 1,289 50 0.0034%
1984 1,303 49 0.0033%
1985 1,517 36 0.0024%
1986 1,377 47 0.0031%
1987 1,453 44 0.0029%
1988 1,640 35 0.0022%
1989 1,372 62 0.0038%
1990 1,364 69 0.0042%
1991 1,298 79 0.0048%
1992 1,500 58 0.0036%
1993 1,416 67 0.0043%
1994 1,282 82 0.0053%
1995 1,365 69 0.0046%
1996 1,491 58 0.0039%
1997 1,334 78 0.0053%
1998 1,171 107 0.0071%
1999 1,340 82 0.0055%
2000 1,364 84 0.0055%
2001 1,466 74 0.0049%
2002 1,427 79 0.0053%
2003 1,502 74 0.0049%
2004 1,508 74 0.0049%
2005 1,390 94 0.0061%
2006 1,428 95 0.0061%
2007 1,416 101 0.0064%
2008 1,517 88 0.0057%
2009 1,394 102 0.0068%
2010 1,597 70 0.0049%
2011 1,308 109 0.0077%
2012 1,158 142 0.01%
2013 1,085 156 0.011%
2014 1,265 114 0.0078%
2015 1,022 182 0.0125%
2016 1,098 151 0.0105%
2017 1,146 130 0.0093%
2018 1,109 135 0.0098%
2019 1,110 131 0.0097%
2020 1,176 143 0.0112%
2021 1,215 130 0.0106%
2022 1,120 166 0.0126%

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Names Like Adela

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What names are variants of Adela?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Adela.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God is my refuge; noble one



God is my refuge; noble one



Noble; noble kind; noble, soft, tender



Noble; noble kind



Noble; small winged one



Noble; noble kind



Noble; noble kind






Noble; noble kind





What names sound like Adela?

If you like how Adela sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Adela.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God is my refuge; noble one



God is eternal



The crown brings honor



Righteous, fair



The crown brings honor





What names are similar to Adela?

Find a name that’s like Adela, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender



Small winged one





Lists With Adela

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Adela.


  1. I wanted to choose a name that reflected my and my husband’s heritages while keeping the name easy to pronounce in English, Spanish and Romanian. I also think that the meaning of Adela is a fitting name for a child born in the 2020s given current social and economic trends of the decade. Also the Spanish dimunitive is “Adelita” which was the doting moniker for women who fought during the Mexican Revolution starting in 1910 which I think is a strong historical context for a young girl growing up in such a dog-eat-dog world. Plus Adela can also look up to more historic figures who share the long form of her name such as Queen Adelaide of England and the medieval noblewoman Adela who birthed some of the greatest monarchs of Norman England. The name also fulfilled my desire to follow the trend of naming girls after cities without triggering my family since I wanted to name her after the beachtown of Adelaide in Australia. Noble, strong and compassionate are attributes I want my daughter to emulate thus “Adela” whose meaning is exactly that is perfect for my firstborn!

  2. It was my grandmothers name

  3. I am Adela myself..i want to know what people think of us but one thing i knw , we are great, rare people

  4. Por un familiar

  5. It was the ideal name for her. When we listened to it, we knew it was the one

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