Infographic of Zephyrus name meaning, which is west wind
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Zephyrus Name Popularity

How popular is the name Zephyrus? Here’s everything we know.

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Names Like Zephyrus

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What names are similar to Zephyrus?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

West wind


Siblings of Zephyrus

Mamas with kids named Zephyrus also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Hooked nose



Dark red



  1. I love this name. Very serious and does not follow the trends.

  2. Zephryus fits in really well with older brothers Phoenix and Gryphon. I love everything about his name. ( Although for some reason I have a tendency to transpose the y and r when trying to remember how to spell his name. lol ) It was important to find a name that tied in with the names of my older children.

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