Infographic of Wilson name meaning, which is “The son of Will (iam),” derived from Will (diminutive of William) and son (son).
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Wilson Name Popularity

How popular is the name Wilson? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 230 64 0.0182%
1911 228 82 0.022%
1912 130 461 0.0914%
1913 123 613 0.1081%
1914 153 575 0.0825%
1915 155 731 0.0805%
1916 144 874 0.0905%
1917 143 886 0.0886%
1918 122 1,367 0.1274%
1919 158 819 0.0782%
1920 224 542 0.0487%
1921 217 575 0.0502%
1922 236 526 0.0472%
1923 245 487 0.0435%
1924 246 513 0.0442%
1925 270 411 0.0364%
1926 265 421 0.0383%
1927 268 419 0.0379%
1928 274 387 0.0362%
1929 279 360 0.0348%
1930 279 377 0.0361%
1931 302 304 0.0308%
1932 300 310 0.0314%
1933 283 316 0.0339%
1934 288 316 0.0327%
1935 294 306 0.0315%
1936 269 363 0.0377%
1937 288 314 0.0319%
1938 279 350 0.0342%
1939 274 360 0.0354%
1940 263 412 0.0388%
1941 267 422 0.0375%
1942 275 446 0.0353%
1943 286 417 0.0319%
1944 282 412 0.0332%
1945 300 353 0.0289%
1946 311 399 0.027%
1947 329 397 0.0238%
1948 319 401 0.0251%
1949 345 337 0.0209%
1950 360 310 0.0193%
1951 364 315 0.0186%
1952 356 325 0.0186%
1953 358 331 0.0187%
1954 385 300 0.0164%
1955 394 299 0.0163%
1956 431 269 0.0142%
1957 413 315 0.0164%
1958 435 284 0.015%
1959 452 266 0.014%
1960 479 230 0.0121%
1961 491 220 0.0117%
1962 466 252 0.0137%
1963 462 251 0.014%
1964 495 214 0.0122%
1965 486 211 0.0129%
1966 442 260 0.0167%
1967 468 218 0.0144%
1968 487 194 0.0129%
1969 498 198 0.0129%
1970 474 248 0.0156%
1971 501 218 0.0145%
1972 501 199 0.0146%
1973 550 159 0.0123%
1974 582 141 0.0108%
1975 559 160 0.0125%
1976 546 171 0.0133%
1977 581 158 0.0117%
1978 561 177 0.0132%
1979 554 193 0.0137%
1980 511 231 0.0158%
1981 535 201 0.0137%
1982 530 214 0.0143%
1983 540 192 0.013%
1984 540 207 0.0139%
1985 529 223 0.0147%
1986 515 247 0.0164%
1987 529 243 0.0159%
1988 500 289 0.0185%
1989 542 270 0.0167%
1990 479 372 0.0224%
1991 476 389 0.0239%
1992 429 479 0.03%
1993 480 395 0.0253%
1994 537 324 0.0211%
1995 507 363 0.0241%
1996 527 329 0.022%
1997 534 331 0.0224%
1998 522 360 0.0241%
1999 510 377 0.0252%
2000 535 365 0.0239%
2001 506 411 0.0273%
2002 463 482 0.0322%
2003 515 426 0.028%
2004 465 509 0.0334%
2005 479 481 0.0315%
2006 500 481 0.0307%
2007 552 426 0.027%
2008 531 458 0.0296%
2009 537 447 0.0299%
2010 572 399 0.0277%
2011 596 363 0.0255%
2012 589 386 0.0271%
2013 622 344 0.0242%
2014 583 415 0.0285%
2015 605 393 0.027%
2016 606 392 0.0272%
2017 615 367 0.0263%
2018 609 381 0.0277%
2019 621 372 0.0275%
2020 645 361 0.0284%
2021 711 318 0.026%
2022 696 337 0.0255%

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Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Data via

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Will helmet, protection; son of William


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Son of the noble



Son of Ellis



Son of Ellis; Elli's town


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A willing protector


Lists With Wilson

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Siblings of Wilson

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Son of Harry



  1. I chose the name Wilson for my son because it is my maiden name. My grandparents had two daughters who also had daughters, so I wanted to stop the name from ending there.

  2. My moms maiden name is Wilson. It represents a legacy of generations and generations of farmers in California, and honors my mother who is the most selfless, hard working woman I know. His full name is Wilson Giovanni (middle name from husbands Italian line). We call him Willie and couldn’t be happier with I our name choice

  3. My moms maiden name is Wilson. It represents a legacy of generations and generations of farmers in California, and honors my mother who is the most selfless, hard working woman I know. His full name is Wilson Giovanni (middle name from husbands Italian line). We call him Willie and couldn’t be happier with I our name choice ?

  4. I have always desired to have my first born to be a boy, who will protect his little sister and mom, so Wilson simply means a desire…. He my desire, my will, a determined protector

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