Boy Seton “The man with the bristly face,” ultimately from the Latin seta, a bristle. Seton Name Origin: English Pronunciation: s(e)-ton Share your thoughts about Seton Share Popularity Alternatives Lists Infographic of Seton name meaning, which is “The man with the bristly face,” ultimately from the Latin seta, a bristle. Ask your friends & family about Seton… Share Pin Tweet Email Text Seton Name Popularity How popular is the name Seton? Here’s everything we know. Sorry, popularity data for the name Seton is not available. Names Like Seton If you like Seton, you’ll love these other names like Seton. What names sound like Seton? If you like how Seton sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Seton. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Seeton Town by the sea English Stan Stony meadow English Sten Stone German Stone Stone English Sutton Southern settlement English What names are similar to Seton? Find a name that’s like Seton, but just a little bit different. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Aston East town; ash tree settlement English Deion American Deon Deston Destiny French Eaton Island settlement English Eston Eastern town English Eton Island settlement English Eyton Island settlement English Gaeton Italian Jeston Welsh Keaton Place of hawks English Keeton Place of hawks English Ledon Judgment is mine Hebrew Leyton Meadow settlement English Newton New town English Paton Fighter's town English Peyton From Pacca's town English Salton Manor settlement; willow settlement English Sean God is gracious Irish Seann God is gracious Hebrew Seaton Town by the sea English Sefton Town in the rushes English Seldon Willow valley English Simon He has heard Hebrew Stefon Crown, garland Greek Stevon English Symon To hear, to be heard; reputation Hebrew Syon Followed by good luck Indian (Sanskrit) Teyton Weston West town English Zenon Hospitable; gift of Zeus Greek Lists With Seton Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Seton. Water Names for Boys That Will Float Your Boat // 168 names Water names for boys have natural might and style. Meet some of these amazing monikers on our list. Rare Boy Names Ready for the Spotlight // 185 names Looking for something unexpected? Rare boy names offer up some of the most unique names out there! Check out our list of rare boy names to find your next favorite! Share your thoughts on the name Seton Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. All fields are required *Name * Email * Your Thoughts * Δ Search Baby Names Quick Search Search Go Advanced Search Name Starts With Ends With Gender Any Boys Girls Only show unisex names Current Popularity [U.S.] Any More Popular Less Popular Origin Select origin… English Latin Hebrew Greek German Irish French American Spanish Arabic Aboriginal African American Ancient Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian Arthurian Legend Asian Aztec (Nahuatl) Bulgarian Celtic Chinese Danish Dutch Egyptian English European French Gaelic German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indian (Sanskrit) Indonesian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Latin Modern Native American Persian Polish Polynesian Portuguese Russian Scandinavian Scottish Slavic Spanish Turkish Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Meaning Number of Letters Min Max Syllables [BETA] Min Max Search Baby Names