Infographic of Rudy name meaning, which is A diminutive form of Rudolph.
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Rudy Name Popularity

How popular is the name Rudy? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 732 11 0.0022%
1913 541 33 0.0058%
1914 872 13 0.0019%
1915 560 63 0.0069%
1916 573 62 0.0064%
1917 554 76 0.0076%
1918 668 51 0.0048%
1919 714 42 0.004%
1920 600 70 0.0063%
1921 630 68 0.0059%
1922 567 90 0.0081%
1923 475 127 0.0113%
1924 431 159 0.0137%
1925 413 170 0.015%
1926 301 316 0.0287%
1927 309 307 0.0277%
1928 319 278 0.026%
1929 287 339 0.0327%
1930 275 385 0.0369%
1931 276 360 0.0365%
1932 271 374 0.0379%
1933 271 334 0.0359%
1934 251 420 0.0434%
1935 271 362 0.0373%
1936 281 325 0.0337%
1937 292 301 0.0305%
1938 252 426 0.0416%
1939 264 385 0.0378%
1940 273 385 0.0362%
1941 280 381 0.0339%
1942 279 427 0.0338%
1943 264 502 0.0385%
1944 244 517 0.0417%
1945 262 462 0.0379%
1946 247 590 0.04%
1947 235 716 0.0429%
1948 243 673 0.0422%
1949 243 687 0.0427%
1950 274 546 0.0339%
1951 268 597 0.0352%
1952 274 595 0.0341%
1953 281 592 0.0334%
1954 273 630 0.0345%
1955 282 619 0.0337%
1956 280 659 0.0349%
1957 277 710 0.0369%
1958 284 687 0.0364%
1959 286 724 0.0381%
1960 280 774 0.0409%
1961 280 729 0.0386%
1962 298 636 0.0346%
1963 296 650 0.0362%
1964 325 544 0.0309%
1965 311 557 0.0341%
1966 334 477 0.0306%
1967 314 525 0.0346%
1968 339 474 0.0316%
1969 351 468 0.0304%
1970 376 430 0.027%
1971 381 407 0.0271%
1972 368 420 0.0308%
1973 366 403 0.0311%
1974 364 400 0.0308%
1975 365 416 0.0324%
1976 345 455 0.0353%
1977 342 487 0.0361%
1978 326 499 0.0371%
1979 338 498 0.0353%
1980 364 437 0.0299%
1981 351 459 0.0312%
1982 352 484 0.0324%
1983 356 457 0.031%
1984 364 445 0.0299%
1985 362 466 0.0307%
1986 349 505 0.0335%
1987 359 501 0.0328%
1988 357 538 0.0345%
1989 380 542 0.0336%
1990 392 549 0.0331%
1991 413 513 0.0315%
1992 395 543 0.034%
1993 443 456 0.0292%
1994 438 481 0.0313%
1995 467 439 0.0291%
1996 473 419 0.028%
1997 467 426 0.0288%
1998 523 354 0.0237%
1999 530 352 0.0235%
2000 554 337 0.0221%
2001 537 358 0.0238%
2002 566 342 0.0228%
2003 584 331 0.0218%
2004 583 339 0.0222%
2005 602 331 0.0216%
2006 643 319 0.0204%
2007 705 282 0.0179%
2008 645 333 0.0215%
2009 721 276 0.0185%
2010 760 239 0.0166%
2011 728 259 0.0182%
2012 775 234 0.0164%
2013 799 214 0.015%
2014 859 194 0.0133%
2015 821 212 0.0146%
2016 839 200 0.0139%
2017 844 194 0.0139%
2018 799 213 0.0155%
2019 820 203 0.015%
2020 913 187 0.0147%
2021 813 246 0.0201%
2022 860 231 0.0175%

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

South Carolina (SC)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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Lists With Rudy

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Rudy.


  1. Daddy pick out the boys names
    And mommy do the same with the girls.

  2. My Mom’s favorite movie was Rudy. She passed away when I was 23. If I have a boy, his first or middle name will be Rudy in honor of my mom.

  3. We liked the movie rudy

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