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Rocco Name Popularity

How popular is the name Rocco? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 296 35 0.0099%
1911 260 64 0.0172%
1912 307 106 0.021%
1913 274 155 0.0273%
1914 303 181 0.026%
1915 277 276 0.0304%
1916 285 288 0.0298%
1917 278 308 0.0308%
1918 306 289 0.0269%
1919 290 316 0.0302%
1920 279 359 0.0323%
1921 295 333 0.0291%
1922 279 364 0.0327%
1923 299 316 0.0282%
1924 295 341 0.0294%
1925 313 299 0.0265%
1926 316 292 0.0265%
1927 307 313 0.0283%
1928 322 269 0.0251%
1929 321 261 0.0252%
1930 359 214 0.0205%
1931 362 200 0.0203%
1932 380 180 0.0182%
1933 352 193 0.0207%
1934 403 149 0.0154%
1935 380 160 0.0165%
1936 400 146 0.0152%
1937 458 114 0.0116%
1938 446 126 0.0123%
1939 447 124 0.0122%
1940 483 104 0.0098%
1941 467 120 0.0107%
1942 448 152 0.012%
1943 479 131 0.01%
1944 511 102 0.0082%
1945 487 112 0.0092%
1946 507 122 0.0083%
1947 478 154 0.0092%
1948 469 160 0.01%
1949 460 166 0.0103%
1950 477 155 0.0096%
1951 474 161 0.0095%
1952 472 175 0.01%
1953 466 188 0.0106%
1954 482 182 0.01%
1955 471 201 0.0109%
1956 453 231 0.0122%
1957 461 233 0.0121%
1958 485 215 0.0114%
1959 490 210 0.0111%
1960 495 214 0.0113%
1961 544 165 0.0087%
1962 550 160 0.0087%
1963 546 167 0.0093%
1964 542 167 0.0095%
1965 550 148 0.0091%
1966 566 133 0.0085%
1967 573 127 0.0084%
1968 573 129 0.0086%
1969 585 130 0.0084%
1970 630 122 0.0077%
1971 633 124 0.0083%
1972 630 112 0.0082%
1973 639 108 0.0083%
1974 629 117 0.009%
1975 699 92 0.0072%
1976 638 116 0.009%
1977 647 125 0.0093%
1978 702 97 0.0072%
1979 584 168 0.0119%
1980 651 129 0.0088%
1981 668 117 0.008%
1982 674 115 0.0077%
1983 673 110 0.0075%
1984 688 109 0.0073%
1985 710 106 0.007%
1986 745 97 0.0064%
1987 730 110 0.0072%
1988 796 92 0.0059%
1989 789 110 0.0068%
1990 787 119 0.0072%
1991 900 89 0.0055%
1992 847 101 0.0063%
1993 846 109 0.007%
1994 888 99 0.0065%
1995 868 107 0.0071%
1996 983 79 0.0053%
1997 984 84 0.0057%
1998 1,075 73 0.0049%
1999 1,118 69 0.0046%
2000 1,044 91 0.006%
2001 720 194 0.0129%
2002 738 189 0.0126%
2003 661 253 0.0166%
2004 538 388 0.0255%
2005 544 400 0.0262%
2006 483 511 0.0326%
2007 451 582 0.0369%
2008 420 664 0.043%
2009 386 743 0.0497%
2010 391 688 0.0477%
2011 406 657 0.0461%
2012 411 659 0.0462%
2013 423 643 0.0452%
2014 454 604 0.0415%
2015 455 617 0.0424%
2016 444 646 0.0448%
2017 450 623 0.0446%
2018 477 560 0.0408%
2019 500 520 0.0384%
2020 496 534 0.042%
2021 512 534 0.0437%
2022 516 537 0.0407%

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Home ruler


Lists With Rocco

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  1. he is pretty cool guy but he can be mean

  2. I wanted an Italian name that didn’t seem too “italian” to me – there were already too many joey’s and mikey’s in the family. I always thought Rocco was a really cool name (Madonna naming her son that a long time ago inspired me and it stuck as a favorite) I finally won my husband over and now we can’t imagine his name being anything but. It’s different enough without being too unique, though I doubt I’ll find any personalized mugs with his name on it in the stores. I just don’t want anyone calling him Rocky!

    • I named my son Rocco, also. It was actually a last minute, at the hospital, change by my husband, which I agreed with, of course. Our family thought we were nuts after thinking we were set on another name, and it was sort of out of no where. I love his name and couldn’t imagine him being anything else, just like you! He is 17 now and I think he likes his name too, it’s unique, there are no other Rocco’s we know…yet. Cheers!

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