Reuben Name Meaning

The Bible says: “And the Lord saw that Leah was hated, and He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. And Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben; for she said: ‘Because the Lord hath looked upon my affliction, for now my husband will love me’.”

Infographic of Reuben name meaning, which is behold, a son
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Reuben Name Popularity

How popular is the name Reuben? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 256 50 0.0142%
1911 267 59 0.0158%
1912 249 159 0.0315%
1913 216 256 0.0452%
1914 218 325 0.0466%
1915 228 400 0.044%
1916 240 399 0.0413%
1917 245 388 0.0388%
1918 250 419 0.039%
1919 258 395 0.0377%
1920 252 434 0.039%
1921 274 371 0.0324%
1922 273 396 0.0355%
1923 273 396 0.0354%
1924 270 405 0.0349%
1925 302 321 0.0284%
1926 295 327 0.0297%
1927 296 340 0.0307%
1928 329 261 0.0244%
1929 334 241 0.0233%
1930 342 232 0.0222%
1931 365 199 0.0202%
1932 361 203 0.0205%
1933 361 183 0.0196%
1934 378 173 0.0179%
1935 366 182 0.0187%
1936 390 158 0.0164%
1937 391 162 0.0164%
1938 385 179 0.0175%
1939 457 114 0.0112%
1940 451 126 0.0119%
1941 407 161 0.0143%
1942 436 163 0.0129%
1943 452 153 0.0117%
1944 427 164 0.0132%
1945 462 121 0.0099%
1946 421 189 0.0128%
1947 500 142 0.0085%
1948 477 153 0.0096%
1949 482 149 0.0093%
1950 461 163 0.0101%
1951 472 164 0.0097%
1952 456 199 0.0114%
1953 501 154 0.0087%
1954 566 122 0.0067%
1955 499 173 0.0094%
1956 516 169 0.0089%
1957 496 196 0.0102%
1958 525 175 0.0093%
1959 523 184 0.0097%
1960 511 200 0.0106%
1961 540 171 0.0091%
1962 547 161 0.0088%
1963 509 207 0.0115%
1964 519 185 0.0105%
1965 531 163 0.01%
1966 575 122 0.0078%
1967 568 129 0.0085%
1968 559 134 0.0089%
1969 647 108 0.007%
1970 531 184 0.0116%
1971 523 197 0.0131%
1972 519 182 0.0134%
1973 553 158 0.0122%
1974 512 190 0.0146%
1975 573 150 0.0117%
1976 504 205 0.0159%
1977 480 238 0.0177%
1978 493 224 0.0167%
1979 538 202 0.0143%
1980 525 217 0.0148%
1981 504 231 0.0157%
1982 538 210 0.0141%
1983 544 191 0.0129%
1984 543 207 0.0139%
1985 532 221 0.0146%
1986 529 238 0.0158%
1987 541 235 0.0154%
1988 576 211 0.0135%
1989 594 225 0.0139%
1990 575 267 0.0161%
1991 627 218 0.0134%
1992 665 193 0.0121%
1993 674 183 0.0117%
1994 657 204 0.0133%
1995 721 169 0.0112%
1996 698 182 0.0122%
1997 816 130 0.0088%
1998 731 176 0.0118%
1999 727 176 0.0118%
2000 806 153 0.01%
2001 799 162 0.0108%
2002 778 170 0.0113%
2003 785 173 0.0114%
2004 813 169 0.0111%
2005 877 157 0.0103%
2006 879 174 0.0111%
2007 987 139 0.0088%
2008 918 167 0.0108%
2009 896 176 0.0118%
2010 981 142 0.0099%
2011 987 135 0.0095%
2012 1,000 131 0.0092%
2013 891 174 0.0122%
2014 851 198 0.0136%
2015 856 198 0.0136%
2016 871 187 0.013%
2017 859 187 0.0134%
2018 894 171 0.0124%
2019 855 188 0.0139%
2020 986 161 0.0126%
2021 890 208 0.017%
2022 867 227 0.0172%

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Names Like Reuben

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What names are variants of Reuben?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Reuben.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

See, a son



See, a son



See, a son



See, a son



See, a son



Behold, a son



See, a son



See, a son



See, a son


What names sound like Reuben?

If you like how Reuben sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Reuben.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Bright fame



Bright fame



Bright fame





A variant form of Robert.



Bright fame


Lists With Reuben

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Reuben.

Siblings of Reuben

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

To bind



Royal, kingly



Holy plants



  1. My husband came up with the name. I wasn’t so sure about it, initially. However, the name grew on me and it is very fitting for our baby boy.

  2. Rueben is a biblical name. The first born of the twelve tribes of Israel. I dislike that it is also the name of a sandwich. I love how timeless it is and it sounds good at every age!

  3. Me and my partner really wanted a name that would stand out and be different to regular boy names you hear. We love the Name Reuben, it really suits my son

  4. I always enjoyed Reuben sandwiches and joked that my first son would be named Reuben. Years later when we started seriously thinking about baby names it was still my top choice. We wanted a name that wasn’t trending. I like that it is a Biblical name too. I did not realize how often it would be misspelled, but it happens all the time. One doctors office even called him Reven!

  5. It’s just the name that stuck the most as we started saying it. It also means behold a boy and I felt connected to that name and behold we we’re having a baby boy!! It also has very cute nicknames that go with it. Reu reu Woo woo..

  6. Reuben was my Great Grandfather’s name and he was one of the most influential and important people in my life. Only thing I dislike is other people’s judgments telling me I should name him something more “normal” and to make Reuben his middle name.. They can f-off! 🙂

  7. We are a bilingual family and when considering a name for our boy, we wanted a name that sounded good in both languages. After many, many lists, we came across Reuben and it resonated with us in both languages.

    Later, I was interested in reading about the Biblical Reuben, son of Jacob, and came across Jacob’s blessing of Reuben in this verse:

    “Reuben, you are my firstborn, My might and the beginning of my strength, The excellency of dignity and the excellency of power.” Genesis 49:3

    Since our son is a firstborn, it confirmed our choice.

    We thought we were so clever but anytime someone asks his name in church and we say “Reuben,” the immediate response is
    “Oh, he’s a firstborn.”

    Clever or not, we love the name and believe it suits our son very well.

  8. I liked the nickname Reu (Roo). His grandpa named him.

  9. My husband and I couldn’t agree on a name. He finally picked Reuben and I loved the name Reu so I allowed it. But when my son was born he just looked like a Reuben! Of course we loved it because it was a biblical name and we are bible believing Christians.

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