Infographic of Rene name meaning, which is rebirth
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Rene Name Popularity

How popular is the name Rene? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 483 10 0.0028%
1911 435 16 0.0043%
1912 568 21 0.0042%
1913 724 14 0.0025%
1914 485 64 0.0092%
1915 529 77 0.0085%
1916 513 86 0.0089%
1917 478 105 0.0105%
1918 524 95 0.0089%
1919 564 78 0.0074%
1920 507 108 0.0097%
1921 471 132 0.0115%
1922 440 153 0.0137%
1923 438 156 0.0139%
1924 448 150 0.0129%
1925 437 152 0.0134%
1926 424 166 0.0151%
1927 405 184 0.0166%
1928 393 191 0.0179%
1929 396 176 0.017%
1930 429 152 0.0146%
1931 440 128 0.013%
1932 393 166 0.0168%
1933 425 126 0.0135%
1934 431 132 0.0137%
1935 414 137 0.0141%
1936 420 135 0.014%
1937 412 143 0.0145%
1938 420 144 0.0141%
1939 379 183 0.018%
1940 439 135 0.0127%
1941 411 158 0.014%
1942 400 190 0.015%
1943 393 204 0.0156%
1944 407 177 0.0143%
1945 379 211 0.0173%
1946 354 294 0.0199%
1947 367 308 0.0185%
1948 353 321 0.0201%
1949 364 303 0.0188%
1950 342 347 0.0216%
1951 360 326 0.0192%
1952 338 380 0.0218%
1953 338 378 0.0214%
1954 331 432 0.0236%
1955 324 483 0.0263%
1956 327 479 0.0254%
1957 330 507 0.0263%
1958 325 513 0.0271%
1959 309 598 0.0315%
1960 295 670 0.0354%
1961 294 659 0.0349%
1962 284 686 0.0374%
1963 292 662 0.0369%
1964 280 729 0.0414%
1965 276 694 0.0424%
1966 289 626 0.0401%
1967 264 727 0.0479%
1968 277 666 0.0444%
1969 260 765 0.0497%
1970 262 826 0.0519%
1971 279 723 0.0481%
1972 259 731 0.0537%
1973 272 642 0.0495%
1974 267 682 0.0525%
1975 276 656 0.051%
1976 279 645 0.05%
1977 287 650 0.0482%
1978 286 637 0.0474%
1979 284 680 0.0482%
1980 300 625 0.0427%
1981 297 619 0.0421%
1982 305 606 0.0406%
1983 258 773 0.0524%
1984 275 723 0.0486%
1985 281 698 0.046%
1986 283 705 0.0467%
1987 303 674 0.0442%
1988 309 697 0.0447%
1989 324 693 0.0429%
1990 308 796 0.048%
1991 314 784 0.0481%
1992 335 703 0.044%
1993 343 684 0.0439%
1994 335 711 0.0463%
1995 351 655 0.0435%
1996 373 597 0.0399%
1997 383 589 0.0398%
1998 404 566 0.0378%
1999 404 563 0.0376%
2000 387 623 0.0408%
2001 423 541 0.0359%
2002 434 537 0.0358%
2003 467 501 0.0329%
2004 462 519 0.0341%
2005 499 456 0.0298%
2006 502 477 0.0305%
2007 527 448 0.0284%
2008 569 412 0.0267%
2009 606 371 0.0248%
2010 618 344 0.0239%
2011 636 321 0.0225%
2012 728 262 0.0184%
2013 743 252 0.0177%
2014 760 248 0.017%
2015 779 235 0.0162%
2016 830 205 0.0142%
2017 818 210 0.015%
2018 866 182 0.0132%
2019 851 189 0.014%
2020 950 174 0.0137%
2021 951 187 0.0153%
2022 952 188 0.0143%

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

Data via

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