Infographic of Phillip name meaning, which is horse lover
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Phillip Name Popularity

How popular is the name Phillip? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 179 118 0.0335%
1911 167 162 0.0435%
1912 189 265 0.0525%
1913 182 338 0.0596%
1914 167 498 0.0715%
1915 176 608 0.0669%
1916 171 693 0.0717%
1917 172 700 0.07%
1918 180 699 0.0651%
1919 176 713 0.0681%
1920 164 818 0.0736%
1921 161 896 0.0782%
1922 164 891 0.08%
1923 170 815 0.0728%
1924 166 879 0.0757%
1925 160 926 0.0819%
1926 153 1,009 0.0917%
1927 152 1,025 0.0926%
1928 149 1,062 0.0993%
1929 151 1,002 0.0967%
1930 145 1,152 0.1103%
1931 140 1,162 0.1177%
1932 128 1,303 0.1319%
1933 125 1,315 0.1411%
1934 112 1,571 0.1625%
1935 106 1,769 0.182%
1936 102 1,829 0.1899%
1937 98 1,994 0.2024%
1938 95 2,142 0.2092%
1939 92 2,166 0.2129%
1940 79 2,613 0.2458%
1941 77 2,852 0.2534%
1942 77 3,372 0.267%
1943 81 3,234 0.2477%
1944 83 2,996 0.2417%
1945 85 3,074 0.2521%
1946 83 3,763 0.255%
1947 75 4,777 0.2862%
1948 69 5,012 0.314%
1949 66 5,197 0.3231%
1950 64 5,056 0.314%
1951 79 4,907 0.2894%
1952 75 4,986 0.2856%
1953 76 5,088 0.2875%
1954 75 5,149 0.2817%
1955 74 5,400 0.2936%
1956 76 5,412 0.2865%
1957 79 5,536 0.2877%
1958 81 5,274 0.2791%
1959 74 5,587 0.2941%
1960 66 6,030 0.3183%
1961 69 5,974 0.3164%
1962 68 5,883 0.3204%
1963 70 5,649 0.3147%
1964 67 5,501 0.3125%
1965 70 4,895 0.2993%
1966 71 4,399 0.2817%
1967 73 4,051 0.2669%
1968 73 3,975 0.2647%
1969 74 3,995 0.2593%
1970 74 4,268 0.2682%
1971 76 3,847 0.256%
1972 78 3,524 0.2587%
1973 71 3,852 0.2971%
1974 70 3,927 0.3021%
1975 72 3,847 0.2994%
1976 69 3,777 0.2931%
1977 70 3,965 0.2942%
1978 67 4,359 0.3242%
1979 68 4,420 0.3135%
1980 65 4,634 0.3169%
1981 66 4,537 0.3086%
1982 67 4,521 0.3025%
1983 66 4,467 0.3027%
1984 70 4,228 0.2842%
1985 69 4,487 0.2956%
1986 70 4,706 0.3118%
1987 68 4,811 0.3153%
1988 71 4,571 0.2933%
1989 75 4,719 0.2924%
1990 81 4,446 0.2682%
1991 98 3,843 0.2358%
1992 107 3,368 0.211%
1993 117 2,995 0.1921%
1994 131 2,658 0.1732%
1995 138 2,496 0.1656%
1996 150 2,293 0.1531%
1997 166 2,069 0.1399%
1998 176 1,873 0.1251%
1999 188 1,796 0.1199%
2000 200 1,744 0.1142%
2001 209 1,692 0.1123%
2002 226 1,527 0.1019%
2003 233 1,443 0.0949%
2004 249 1,296 0.085%
2005 270 1,208 0.079%
2006 284 1,200 0.0766%
2007 292 1,153 0.0731%
2008 303 1,071 0.0693%
2009 338 898 0.0601%
2010 354 829 0.0575%
2011 377 736 0.0517%
2012 347 851 0.0597%
2013 360 833 0.0585%
2014 389 761 0.0522%
2015 400 733 0.0504%
2016 426 684 0.0474%
2017 415 699 0.0501%
2018 440 633 0.0461%
2019 495 521 0.0385%
2020 517 500 0.0393%
2021 526 521 0.0426%
2022 563 485 0.0368%

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Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Horse lover



Horse lover



Horse lover


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Horse lover; son of Philip



Horse lover



Horse lover


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Siblings of Phillip

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Lady; mistress of the house; mighty in battle



Rose flower



  1. He is Phillip III so he is named after his dad and grandfather. 2’wonderful men and wanted to keep it going in the family! Phillip is also a good, classic name

  2. He is named after my daddy.

  3. I chose the name Phillip in honor of my father who passed away on my birthday almost 5 years ago. My father passed away 2 weeks after my wedding so thankfully he was able to escort me down the aisle but unfortunately he didn’t make it to see me have my children which is painful to think about but I know that he is smiling down from heaven at my two beautiful kids?

  4. We chose the name Phillip Thomas to honor both of our fathers, who are deceased. There are more than 20 boys in my family with the first name Thomas, so I love that itis his middle name.

  5. Named because it was a good solid name without being overbearingly masculine.

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