Infographic of Melvin name meaning, which is “A friend of the assembly,” from the Anglo-Saxon mael (a council) and wine (friend).
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Melvin Name Popularity

How popular is the name Melvin? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 75 462 0.1312%
1911 70 577 0.1549%
1912 71 1,168 0.2316%
1913 61 1,616 0.285%
1914 59 2,049 0.294%
1915 60 2,760 0.3038%
1916 57 2,967 0.3071%
1917 57 3,143 0.3142%
1918 56 3,467 0.323%
1919 56 3,367 0.3215%
1920 54 3,706 0.3333%
1921 53 3,875 0.3384%
1922 50 3,898 0.3499%
1923 48 4,002 0.3573%
1924 48 4,165 0.3587%
1925 50 4,142 0.3665%
1926 47 4,179 0.38%
1927 48 4,195 0.379%
1928 48 4,238 0.3961%
1929 49 4,085 0.3944%
1930 50 4,048 0.3875%
1931 51 3,692 0.3741%
1932 51 3,764 0.381%
1933 51 3,585 0.3848%
1934 55 3,695 0.3822%
1935 57 3,590 0.3694%
1936 53 3,724 0.3866%
1937 50 3,883 0.3941%
1938 54 3,813 0.3725%
1939 51 3,847 0.3782%
1940 53 3,925 0.3693%
1941 56 3,949 0.3509%
1942 60 4,179 0.3309%
1943 64 4,060 0.311%
1944 67 3,735 0.3014%
1945 78 3,394 0.2783%
1946 85 3,736 0.2532%
1947 85 4,146 0.2484%
1948 81 4,050 0.2537%
1949 82 3,960 0.2462%
1950 87 3,881 0.241%
1951 88 3,817 0.2251%
1952 91 3,908 0.2239%
1953 91 3,807 0.2151%
1954 92 3,696 0.2022%
1955 95 3,643 0.1981%
1956 101 3,625 0.1919%
1957 113 3,390 0.1762%
1958 122 3,135 0.1659%
1959 122 3,160 0.1663%
1960 125 2,999 0.1583%
1961 128 2,826 0.1497%
1962 137 2,561 0.1395%
1963 133 2,538 0.1414%
1964 134 2,410 0.1369%
1965 138 2,219 0.1357%
1966 142 2,029 0.13%
1967 150 1,827 0.1204%
1968 150 1,788 0.1191%
1969 161 1,761 0.1143%
1970 170 1,653 0.1039%
1971 170 1,557 0.1036%
1972 171 1,430 0.105%
1973 170 1,360 0.1049%
1974 189 1,164 0.0896%
1975 190 1,177 0.0916%
1976 193 1,141 0.0885%
1977 198 1,122 0.0832%
1978 198 1,129 0.084%
1979 204 1,131 0.0802%
1980 218 1,069 0.0731%
1981 227 1,030 0.0701%
1982 227 1,009 0.0675%
1983 236 915 0.062%
1984 240 884 0.0594%
1985 251 864 0.0569%
1986 258 833 0.0552%
1987 264 795 0.0521%
1988 263 863 0.0554%
1989 273 871 0.054%
1990 275 918 0.0554%
1991 304 813 0.0499%
1992 324 752 0.0471%
1993 339 700 0.0449%
1994 352 662 0.0431%
1995 364 621 0.0412%
1996 396 552 0.0369%
1997 400 551 0.0373%
1998 411 543 0.0363%
1999 427 508 0.0339%
2000 454 488 0.0319%
2001 463 477 0.0317%
2002 313 881 0.0588%
2003 402 612 0.0402%
2004 429 573 0.0376%
2005 428 590 0.0386%
2006 425 637 0.0407%
2007 438 604 0.0383%
2008 462 559 0.0362%
2009 505 496 0.0332%
2010 551 416 0.0289%
2011 618 337 0.0237%
2012 608 350 0.0246%
2013 605 363 0.0255%
2014 647 345 0.0237%
2015 686 310 0.0213%
2016 716 287 0.0199%
2017 703 281 0.0201%
2018 687 288 0.021%
2019 720 264 0.0195%
2020 757 262 0.0206%
2021 797 258 0.0211%
2022 820 254 0.0193%

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A variant form of Melvin.


Little bald one; prevailing


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Lists With Melvin

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  1. This is my husband’s grandfathers name. Our son is Melvin Louis and we call him Louie! My husbands grandpa is Melvin, mine is Louie and oddly enough my husband has a nickname of Louie back at home. His name was easy for us and we love it so much!!

  2. My husband decide the name for the baby

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