Malakai Name Meaning

The meaning of the name Malakai is “messenger of God”, and it is associated with faith and spirituality. It is a name that suggests a connection to a higher power, making it a popular choice for parents who want to instill strong religious values in their son.

Origins of the Name Malakai

The name Malakai is of Hebrew origin, with the meaning of “messenger of God”. It is the Hawaiian version of the name Malachi, which was one of the twelve minor prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible. The name was relatively uncommon in the English-speaking world until recently, but has seen a rise in popularity in recent years.

Popularity of the Name Malakai

The popularity of the name Malakai has been steadily increasing over the past few years, and it is now a popular choice for parents who are looking for a unique name for their son. It’s a stylish and modern name that is well-liked for its Hawaiian roots and religious meaning.

Final Thoughts on the Name Malakai

Malakai, the messenger of God! If you’re looking for a name that instills strong religious values in your son, then look no further than Malakai. This stylish and modern name is sure to turn heads and make a statement. And who wouldn’t want their little man to be a messenger of God?

Infographic of Malakai name meaning, which is A variant of Malachi, Malakai is a Hebrew meaning my messenger.
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Malakai Name Popularity

How popular is the name Malakai? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
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1922 0 0%
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1930 0 0%
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1932 0 0%
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1934 0 0%
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1936 0 0%
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1966 0 0%
1967 0 0%
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1988 0 0%
1989 0 0%
1990 0 0%
1991 0 0%
1992 0 0%
1993 0 0%
1994 0 0%
1995 0 0%
1996 0 0%
1997 0 0%
1998 2,357 7 0.0005%
1999 2,371 7 0.0005%
2000 2,359 8 0.0005%
2001 1,249 56 0.0037%
2002 964 113 0.0075%
2003 923 129 0.0085%
2004 796 177 0.0116%
2005 719 234 0.0153%
2006 733 244 0.0156%
2007 727 266 0.0169%
2008 629 345 0.0223%
2009 639 340 0.0227%
2010 565 402 0.0279%
2011 613 339 0.0238%
2012 561 415 0.0291%
2013 550 430 0.0302%
2014 509 500 0.0343%
2015 482 563 0.0387%
2016 422 691 0.0479%
2017 391 773 0.0554%
2018 380 796 0.0579%
2019 307 1,053 0.0778%
2020 286 1,124 0.0883%
2021 256 1,354 0.1108%
2022 230 1,502 0.1139%

Alaska (AK)

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

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Florida (FL)

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Hawaii (HI)

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Indiana (IN)

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South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

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West Virginia (WV)

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Lists With Malakai

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Malakai.

Siblings of Malakai

Mamas with kids named Malakai also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Broken land



  1. I’ve always loved the name. Also it’s a strong name for a man and I feel as if my son will be strong yet sweet, and also it’s in the Bible although I did spell it differently.

  2. We wanted a biblical name that wasn’t taken by extended family. We liked the name malachi but decided it would be easier for his nickname “kai” to be spelled malakai.

    • That’s exactly what I thought as well. The nick name Kai, instead of Mal. But honestly Noone calls him that !! Everyone calls him Malakai

  3. We chose it for its two meanings, “angel” and “messenger of God.” I chose this spelling so we could call him Kai as a nickname!

  4. I have a son name Malakai David I truly love his name he is now 19 and his nickname is Mali that’s what my dad calls him his nickname fits but when I’m he gets my buttons I call him Mallory lol

  5. We choose Malakai cause it felt right in our hearts and hace a beautiful meaning “the messages of god” I don’t like about it that some people can call him Kai ?
    Malakai is a book in the Bible and we believe he choose us to be his parents cause we all have a call for Share the Message of God.

  6. We liked the name Malachi, but since my husband is from Hawaii we changed the spelling. It’s a cute baby name that becomes a handsome man name later on!

  7. I wanted a name that was not very popular in the states yet still had significant meaning. I can still nickname him “kai” which was a name we had originally chosen anyways Malakai is Hebrew in origen and is not the traditional spelling but still means ” messenger of god”.For my husband and I it was a middle ground since he is of Hebrew descent and I of Afro-Latin descent I wanted my son to keep his African identity in the name (Malakai has been used in the African American community).

  8. I love this sweet name ?

  9. My best friend and husband actually named our boy! We was actually in Florida on vacation when we found out what we was having and then they both yelled Malakai and we stuck with it ever since now he’s 10 in a half months and bright blue eyes! He was our rainbow baby!!!

  10. Always loved the name so much, and always intended to nickname him Kai. ironically, we got a job in Hawaii and heard that Kai’s a VERY popular hawaiian name! Ha! God is never lacking a sense of humor in my life

    • We named our 3rd son Malakai. I wanted to use the name Kai on the end as nickname. I liked the name kai and learned that it meant ocean in Hawaiian. But this child is now 12 years old and looks totally Hawaiian. He looks like the character Maui from the Disney movie Muana. My other older two boys are slim blonde and blue eyed.

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