Infographic of Keith name meaning, which is “Refreshing as the wind,” from the Gaelic.
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Keith Name Popularity

How popular is the name Keith? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 504 11 0.003%
1912 278 121 0.024%
1913 266 168 0.0296%
1914 260 239 0.0343%
1915 236 387 0.0426%
1916 225 438 0.0453%
1917 217 474 0.0474%
1918 215 543 0.0506%
1919 196 615 0.0587%
1920 177 769 0.0692%
1921 150 972 0.0849%
1922 160 947 0.085%
1923 145 1,089 0.0972%
1924 150 1,037 0.0893%
1925 147 1,100 0.0973%
1926 148 1,096 0.0996%
1927 141 1,209 0.1092%
1928 139 1,202 0.1123%
1929 137 1,213 0.1171%
1930 129 1,337 0.128%
1931 124 1,347 0.1365%
1932 131 1,287 0.1303%
1933 129 1,284 0.1378%
1934 125 1,331 0.1377%
1935 126 1,343 0.1382%
1936 122 1,371 0.1423%
1937 125 1,311 0.133%
1938 120 1,503 0.1468%
1939 117 1,482 0.1457%
1940 125 1,493 0.1405%
1941 119 1,639 0.1456%
1942 122 1,761 0.1395%
1943 108 2,379 0.1822%
1944 103 2,287 0.1845%
1945 107 2,151 0.1764%
1946 96 2,849 0.1931%
1947 91 3,680 0.2205%
1948 89 3,652 0.2288%
1949 84 3,875 0.2409%
1950 78 4,563 0.2834%
1951 59 5,767 0.3401%
1952 49 7,171 0.4108%
1953 47 7,375 0.4167%
1954 45 8,359 0.4573%
1955 39 10,410 0.5659%
1956 36 11,476 0.6076%
1957 36 12,424 0.6456%
1958 37 11,895 0.6294%
1959 39 11,743 0.6181%
1960 35 12,188 0.6433%
1961 35 12,277 0.6503%
1962 36 11,619 0.6329%
1963 33 12,245 0.6822%
1964 34 11,660 0.6624%
1965 35 10,679 0.653%
1966 32 11,613 0.7438%
1967 34 11,007 0.7253%
1968 35 9,868 0.6572%
1969 36 9,448 0.6133%
1970 38 9,614 0.6041%
1971 37 9,860 0.6562%
1972 38 9,155 0.6722%
1973 41 8,168 0.63%
1974 44 7,394 0.5689%
1975 49 6,819 0.5307%
1976 48 6,750 0.5237%
1977 48 6,604 0.4899%
1978 49 6,172 0.4591%
1979 52 6,193 0.4392%
1980 56 5,886 0.4026%
1981 58 5,620 0.3823%
1982 59 5,619 0.376%
1983 61 5,318 0.3604%
1984 61 5,326 0.358%
1985 64 5,213 0.3435%
1986 66 5,036 0.3336%
1987 69 4,782 0.3134%
1988 70 4,941 0.3171%
1989 70 4,889 0.303%
1990 80 4,478 0.2702%
1991 89 4,124 0.253%
1992 102 3,619 0.2267%
1993 109 3,260 0.2091%
1994 126 2,781 0.1812%
1995 142 2,445 0.1622%
1996 159 2,174 0.1452%
1997 171 1,986 0.1343%
1998 190 1,769 0.1182%
1999 206 1,642 0.1096%
2000 222 1,508 0.0987%
2001 237 1,411 0.0936%
2002 247 1,305 0.0871%
2003 250 1,292 0.0849%
2004 252 1,288 0.0845%
2005 285 1,141 0.0746%
2006 276 1,235 0.0789%
2007 294 1,138 0.0721%
2008 315 1,031 0.0667%
2009 329 938 0.0628%
2010 346 857 0.0595%
2011 368 776 0.0545%
2012 357 821 0.0576%
2013 393 720 0.0506%
2014 405 728 0.05%
2015 418 690 0.0474%
2016 474 597 0.0414%
2017 489 541 0.0388%
2018 500 516 0.0376%
2019 543 462 0.0341%
2020 599 406 0.0319%
2021 594 425 0.0348%
2022 694 338 0.0256%

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West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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Bearing Christ



Bearing Christ


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender







Keeper of the keys; earth; happy, rejoicing



Govern with discretion



Dusky; dark-haired; dark-skinned, swarthy



Fire born; good-looking



Broad river





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  1. I am 66 and my mother is 20 years older than me. She was named “Belle Keith (plus last name) by her mother. My Great Grandmother was living when my mother was born.
    I have no idea why “Keith” was chosen for her middle name – never thought to ask. However, I DO know my mother never used “Belle”. While I never questioned it because it was her name, it seemed to suit her.
    My Great Grandmother lived into my 20’s. She definitely participated in raising my mother. My Grandmother died when she was 60. She was an alcoholic and her lifespan was shortened by that disease. My mother says she started drinking when she began to lose her looks around 40.
    My mother (Keith) is in an adult living facility and is very lucid, as far as I can tell from phone conversations.
    Although the meanings of the Keith that I found online don’t describe her very well, I suppose the name was chosen by her mother for some reason that I never knew. What I do know is she’s likely to be the only female Keith you’ll ever hear of! ?

  2. I am a keith and i love this name ..i have two names and people who know me as keith love me Greatly

  3. My 9 year old is called Keith. He’s the only Keith in his school. He was named after his pappy who died before he was born. My now husband said it took a while to get used to a then 2 year old called keith but now couldn’t imagine him being called anything else x

  4. We are struggling for a boy’s name and am loving Keith now that I have read this post. but other sources say Keith means forest or woods, nothing about “refreshing as the wind.” I think both meanings are great, just curious to your source of the meaning?

  5. I had a crush on a Keith in elementary school. He later went to join the army. I love the name Keith because it has that cute K, uncommon, fits my nature themes, and has a southern charm. My first sons name is Ranger which means forest guardian, so Keith is perfect and I’ve been looking for a name for months. I’m due anyway now.

    • I’ve never herd someone say such nice things about my name. Thank You !! Congrats on your new baby. Much Love & GOD Bless!!
      Keith W.

      • W rizz

  6. Hes a named after his dad n his personality

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