Jake Name Meaning

The name Jake means “supplanter” or “one who follows.” This reflects the biblical story of Jacob, who was born after his twin brother Esau and was later given the birthright that was meant for Esau.

Origins of the Name Jake

The name Jake is a shortened form of Jacob, which has roots in the Hebrew language. Jacob is a name that was popular in the Bible and was the name of one of the twelve patriarchs of the Jewish people. The name Jacob was widely used in the Middle Ages and later became a popular name in England, where it was often shortened to Jake.

Popularity of the Name Jake

Jake is a popular name in the United States, where it has been a top 100 name for boys for many years. The name is often chosen by parents looking for a short, simple, and easy-to-pronounce name for their son.

Final Thoughts on the Name Jake

In conclusion, the name Jake is a classic and timeless name with a simple and straightforward charm. Whether you’re a fan of its biblical roots or simply love the way it sounds, there’s no denying the popularity and significance of this charming and enduring name.

Infographic of Jake name meaning, which is A shortened form of Jacob, Jake is an English name meaning supplanter.
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Jake Name Popularity

How popular is the name Jake? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 183 114 0.0324%
1911 229 82 0.022%
1912 246 165 0.0327%
1913 261 173 0.0305%
1914 261 236 0.0339%
1915 252 326 0.0359%
1916 259 326 0.0337%
1917 296 276 0.0276%
1918 274 342 0.0319%
1919 293 308 0.0294%
1920 296 331 0.0298%
1921 301 327 0.0286%
1922 324 283 0.0254%
1923 316 295 0.0263%
1924 330 274 0.0236%
1925 330 270 0.0239%
1926 366 217 0.0197%
1927 357 230 0.0208%
1928 399 187 0.0175%
1929 357 213 0.0206%
1930 400 174 0.0167%
1931 383 180 0.0182%
1932 383 177 0.0179%
1933 401 148 0.0159%
1934 395 157 0.0162%
1935 397 145 0.0149%
1936 393 154 0.016%
1937 456 115 0.0117%
1938 436 134 0.0131%
1939 428 140 0.0138%
1940 435 136 0.0128%
1941 424 148 0.0131%
1942 434 166 0.0131%
1943 495 121 0.0093%
1944 487 116 0.0094%
1945 463 121 0.0099%
1946 450 160 0.0108%
1947 502 140 0.0084%
1948 498 135 0.0085%
1949 489 145 0.009%
1950 460 164 0.0102%
1951 493 149 0.0088%
1952 524 135 0.0077%
1953 548 123 0.0069%
1954 544 132 0.0072%
1955 613 103 0.0056%
1956 648 93 0.0049%
1957 616 110 0.0057%
1958 627 105 0.0056%
1959 656 95 0.005%
1960 643 102 0.0054%
1961 610 124 0.0066%
1962 686 81 0.0044%
1963 636 108 0.006%
1964 694 78 0.0044%
1965 642 95 0.0058%
1966 721 60 0.0038%
1967 817 41 0.0027%
1968 716 64 0.0043%
1969 687 84 0.0055%
1970 719 86 0.0054%
1971 653 114 0.0076%
1972 494 208 0.0153%
1973 454 255 0.0197%
1974 455 264 0.0203%
1975 439 281 0.0219%
1976 378 372 0.0289%
1977 372 397 0.0295%
1978 365 399 0.0297%
1979 352 463 0.0328%
1980 328 543 0.0371%
1981 320 566 0.0385%
1982 298 647 0.0433%
1983 263 748 0.0507%
1984 276 721 0.0485%
1985 221 1,048 0.069%
1986 170 1,538 0.1019%
1987 164 1,624 0.1064%
1988 161 1,704 0.1093%
1989 154 1,946 0.1206%
1990 140 2,210 0.1333%
1991 118 2,766 0.1697%
1992 117 2,925 0.1833%
1993 111 3,186 0.2044%
1994 104 3,461 0.2255%
1995 108 3,495 0.2319%
1996 114 3,443 0.2299%
1997 101 3,830 0.259%
1998 102 3,782 0.2527%
1999 97 3,924 0.262%
2000 96 4,083 0.2673%
2001 100 3,832 0.2543%
2002 102 3,777 0.252%
2003 98 4,395 0.2889%
2004 98 4,469 0.2932%
2005 103 4,152 0.2716%
2006 108 4,019 0.2567%
2007 112 3,879 0.2459%
2008 111 3,783 0.2448%
2009 125 3,381 0.2262%
2010 115 3,431 0.2381%
2011 128 3,097 0.2174%
2012 152 2,673 0.1876%
2013 166 2,428 0.1705%
2014 189 2,152 0.1477%
2015 205 1,901 0.1307%
2016 240 1,555 0.1079%
2017 247 1,472 0.1055%
2018 261 1,344 0.0978%
2019 293 1,137 0.084%
2020 319 984 0.0773%
2021 332 943 0.0771%
2022 413 750 0.0569%

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Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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He who supplants





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Find a name that’s like Jake, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Short form of Baker



To heal



Jade stone



Blue crested bird; talent; riches

American, Asian, Latin


He who supplants



To heal



Blue crested bird





Lists With Jake

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Jake.


  1. Jake is one of my favorite boy names and I want to name my first son Jake Everett.

  2. It is a strong name for when he is an adult. His older brother’s name is Lukas, and I liked Luke and Jake. My daughter started calling him Jake while I was still pregnant and it was so cute, the name stuck.

  3. We actually didn’t come up with our boy’s name until after he was born. My husband and I had such a hard time agreeing on anything; I wanted something unique while he wanted something classic, easy to understand and didn’t rhyme with anything to eliminate the possibility of name calling. Thus, we decided to go with Jake. The major reason this was chosen was the alliteration it gave his name; “Jake Johnson“. We specifically chose “Jake” instead of “Jacob” hoping that might lower the number of kids who share his name in the classrooms.

  4. Names him after my bunny his a very grumpy baby especial if he don’t get what he wants straight away

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