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Haytham Name Popularity

How popular is the name Haytham? Here’s everything we know.

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  1. Haytham is an Arabic, Assyrian & Greek male name meaning “young eagle/hawk”. It is popular in the Middle East and Mediterranean.

  2. My fiance is a Muslim. And I am Christian.
    His first name starts with H and mine starts with M.

    I wanted letter “A” since he was our first.

    Most of the names starting with that letter seemed hard to pronounce and secondly my fiance didn’t like letter A.
    So we searched the internet for Muslim names( boys) through all letters of the alphabet. While checking for meanings and so forth; However, my partner chose from the list.
    When I searched for the meaning. I settled up for it.
    Being Christian. The meaning was stronger ” a young hawk”
    Through the Bible God identified with an eagle and a dove. So it was amazing if my baby’s name had a meaning as a ‘young one of an eagle’

    That story above. Makes me like the name so much.

    Why I should dislike the name is that…most people can not pronounce the name properly, at hospital during registry, it’s hard unless I spell it out.

    Haytham is a blessing to us. He has a smile for everyone and sometimes we feel he is growing more than his age.( Reaches milestones very fast.

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