Infographic of Harris name meaning, which is son of Harry
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Harris Name Popularity

How popular is the name Harris? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 483 12 0.0032%
1912 469 35 0.0069%
1913 407 70 0.0123%
1914 444 79 0.0113%
1915 384 159 0.0175%
1916 398 155 0.016%
1917 447 119 0.0119%
1918 394 186 0.0173%
1919 421 154 0.0147%
1920 391 189 0.017%
1921 387 212 0.0185%
1922 404 180 0.0162%
1923 402 182 0.0162%
1924 426 167 0.0144%
1925 427 159 0.0141%
1926 413 173 0.0157%
1927 432 163 0.0147%
1928 407 179 0.0167%
1929 414 165 0.0159%
1930 456 130 0.0124%
1931 413 146 0.0148%
1932 458 117 0.0118%
1933 427 123 0.0132%
1934 437 126 0.013%
1935 404 142 0.0146%
1936 522 82 0.0085%
1937 470 107 0.0109%
1938 517 92 0.009%
1939 512 86 0.0085%
1940 500 95 0.0089%
1941 476 117 0.0104%
1942 461 138 0.0109%
1943 520 106 0.0081%
1944 476 122 0.0098%
1945 443 142 0.0116%
1946 517 114 0.0077%
1947 493 144 0.0086%
1948 534 113 0.0071%
1949 542 115 0.0071%
1950 511 131 0.0081%
1951 592 92 0.0054%
1952 598 95 0.0054%
1953 579 110 0.0062%
1954 626 95 0.0052%
1955 622 98 0.0053%
1956 657 88 0.0047%
1957 686 77 0.004%
1958 695 74 0.0039%
1959 717 69 0.0036%
1960 748 63 0.0033%
1961 867 39 0.0021%
1962 812 45 0.0025%
1963 800 49 0.0027%
1964 856 39 0.0022%
1965 913 28 0.0017%
1966 754 52 0.0033%
1967 769 49 0.0032%
1968 989 22 0.0015%
1969 975 27 0.0018%
1970 916 38 0.0024%
1971 1,184 18 0.0012%
1972 1,029 25 0.0018%
1973 947 32 0.0025%
1974 1,004 30 0.0023%
1975 945 37 0.0029%
1976 1,606 7 0.0005%
1977 980 36 0.0027%
1978 1,113 25 0.0019%
1979 1,021 36 0.0026%
1980 1,645 9 0.0006%
1981 1,125 28 0.0019%
1982 1,101 30 0.002%
1983 1,121 29 0.002%
1984 1,146 27 0.0018%
1985 1,024 40 0.0026%
1986 1,250 23 0.0015%
1987 1,282 24 0.0016%
1988 932 63 0.004%
1989 969 65 0.004%
1990 1,074 55 0.0033%
1991 1,061 60 0.0037%
1992 1,042 64 0.004%
1993 951 80 0.0051%
1994 1,110 57 0.0037%
1995 972 82 0.0054%
1996 1,142 55 0.0037%
1997 1,066 72 0.0049%
1998 1,020 85 0.0057%
1999 1,029 85 0.0057%
2000 1,067 84 0.0055%
2001 1,008 101 0.0067%
2002 1,068 89 0.0059%
2003 1,067 93 0.0061%
2004 1,105 91 0.006%
2005 1,248 72 0.0047%
2006 1,258 77 0.0049%
2007 1,129 104 0.0066%
2008 1,300 75 0.0049%
2009 1,397 64 0.0043%
2010 1,428 56 0.0039%
2011 1,280 72 0.0051%
2012 1,188 89 0.0062%
2013 1,134 99 0.007%
2014 1,041 124 0.0085%
2015 993 140 0.0096%
2016 971 143 0.0099%
2017 998 135 0.0097%
2018 1,006 134 0.0098%
2019 981 140 0.0103%
2020 1,067 138 0.0108%
2021 976 175 0.0143%
2022 1,221 112 0.0085%

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Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Michigan (MI)

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Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Son of Harry



“A maker of timepieces,” from the Latin hora, an hour.




Latin, Spanish



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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Home ruler



Ecclesiastical locality


Lists With Harris

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Harris.


  1. Harris came from a Christian music composer that we learned about from church.

  2. Great middle name!

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