Infographic of Grantly name meaning, which is the large fields
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What names sound like Grantly?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Tall, big; the large fields


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Hill, mount



Meadow with the cranes


1 Comment

  1. We discovered this name when I read the book Childbirth Without Fear by Grantly Dick-Read, which played a large part in the decisions I made regarding the birth of my son. It’s an uncommon and unique name but not outlandishly so. I feel like it’s cute now in 2021-22 but that it has a timeless quality to it, and will age well. It does seem like most people automatically assume that it’s spelled with an -ley as opposed to the -ly that we went with. That might be a minor inconvenience for him unfortunately. Overall I’m super happy with his name, and I’m excited to see him grow into it.

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