Grady Name Meaning

The name Grady is often associated with the qualities of kindness, friendliness, and good humor. People named Grady are believed to be warm, approachable, and easy-going, with a positive outlook on life and a desire to make the world a better place.

Origins of the Name Grady

The name Grady is of Irish origin and is derived from the Irish Gaelic word “O’Grady,” which means “descendant of Grady.” The original Grady was a personal name that was used in Ireland many centuries ago.

Over time, the name Grady evolved into a given name and became popular in the United States, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Popularity of the Name Grady

The name Grady has been a popular choice for baby boys in the United States for many decades. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the name was particularly popular and was consistently ranked among the top 100 names for baby boys. In recent decades, the popularity of the name Grady has declined slightly, but it remains a popular and timeless choice for parents.

Final Thoughts on the Name Grady

Overall, Grady is a charming, classic, and friendly name that has been a popular choice for baby boys for generations. Whether you’re looking for a traditional name with roots in Irish history or a modern name with a warm and friendly feel, Grady is definitely worth considering!

Infographic of Grady name meaning, which is An Irish name, Grady means descendant of nobility.
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Grady Name Popularity

How popular is the name Grady? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 190 106 0.0301%
1911 162 167 0.0448%
1912 207 232 0.046%
1913 183 338 0.0596%
1914 192 404 0.058%
1915 209 486 0.0535%
1916 205 510 0.0528%
1917 207 514 0.0514%
1918 214 562 0.0524%
1919 202 594 0.0567%
1920 208 591 0.0532%
1921 212 599 0.0523%
1922 228 559 0.0502%
1923 213 576 0.0514%
1924 230 558 0.0481%
1925 241 515 0.0456%
1926 226 563 0.0512%
1927 243 504 0.0455%
1928 244 487 0.0455%
1929 239 485 0.0468%
1930 242 490 0.0469%
1931 249 423 0.0429%
1932 240 452 0.0458%
1933 236 445 0.0478%
1934 240 442 0.0457%
1935 239 457 0.047%
1936 236 447 0.0464%
1937 232 477 0.0484%
1938 248 437 0.0427%
1939 235 469 0.0461%
1940 241 466 0.0438%
1941 265 427 0.0379%
1942 269 458 0.0363%
1943 280 445 0.0341%
1944 279 422 0.034%
1945 288 394 0.0323%
1946 309 400 0.0271%
1947 315 449 0.0269%
1948 325 386 0.0242%
1949 316 426 0.0265%
1950 329 385 0.0239%
1951 320 439 0.0259%
1952 329 405 0.0232%
1953 348 361 0.0204%
1954 344 390 0.0213%
1955 357 371 0.0202%
1956 388 332 0.0176%
1957 400 333 0.0173%
1958 410 328 0.0174%
1959 409 333 0.0175%
1960 421 316 0.0167%
1961 426 305 0.0162%
1962 432 301 0.0164%
1963 472 236 0.0131%
1964 443 284 0.0161%
1965 461 239 0.0146%
1966 455 240 0.0154%
1967 485 199 0.0131%
1968 495 187 0.0125%
1969 472 221 0.0143%
1970 481 242 0.0152%
1971 511 209 0.0139%
1972 484 214 0.0157%
1973 502 192 0.0148%
1974 513 189 0.0145%
1975 547 167 0.013%
1976 643 115 0.0089%
1977 631 129 0.0096%
1978 681 103 0.0077%
1979 771 80 0.0057%
1980 743 91 0.0062%
1981 744 89 0.0061%
1982 692 109 0.0073%
1983 848 62 0.0042%
1984 783 78 0.0052%
1985 777 84 0.0055%
1986 773 89 0.0059%
1987 808 85 0.0056%
1988 748 112 0.0072%
1989 801 106 0.0066%
1990 812 108 0.0065%
1991 1,071 59 0.0036%
1992 912 87 0.0055%
1993 770 136 0.0087%
1994 764 139 0.0091%
1995 845 115 0.0076%
1996 871 106 0.0071%
1997 1,071 71 0.0048%
1998 817 133 0.0089%
1999 810 142 0.0095%
2000 763 171 0.0112%
2001 728 191 0.0127%
2002 616 281 0.0188%
2003 580 333 0.0219%
2004 540 387 0.0254%
2005 518 431 0.0282%
2006 472 526 0.0336%
2007 339 925 0.0586%
2008 282 1,186 0.0767%
2009 285 1,130 0.0756%
2010 311 999 0.0693%
2011 302 1,068 0.075%
2012 330 921 0.0646%
2013 342 896 0.0629%
2014 343 924 0.0634%
2015 348 936 0.0643%
2016 352 912 0.0633%
2017 368 851 0.061%
2018 402 739 0.0538%
2019 401 722 0.0533%
2020 395 731 0.0574%
2021 418 702 0.0574%
2022 408 753 0.0571%

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Keeper of the garden







Spear ruler; spear brave



Spear ruler; spear brave


Lists With Grady

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Grady.


  1. We chose this name for one of our twins boys–Baby B. We struggled to find a name to complement baby A–Griffin. It just came to me one day. It fits him so well!

  2. We loved this simple strong name and felt it was unique and masculine.

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