Infographic of Ernesto name meaning, which is serious; battle to the death
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Ernesto Name Popularity

How popular is the name Ernesto? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 542 6 0.0017%
1911 497 11 0.003%
1912 564 21 0.0042%
1913 616 22 0.0039%
1914 672 26 0.0037%
1915 679 39 0.0043%
1916 649 47 0.0049%
1917 644 52 0.0052%
1918 652 54 0.005%
1919 545 86 0.0082%
1920 610 69 0.0062%
1921 545 96 0.0084%
1922 543 99 0.0089%
1923 488 120 0.0107%
1924 508 115 0.0099%
1925 506 108 0.0096%
1926 465 130 0.0118%
1927 504 109 0.0098%
1928 471 129 0.0121%
1929 449 133 0.0128%
1930 418 158 0.0151%
1931 435 133 0.0135%
1932 453 119 0.012%
1933 460 106 0.0114%
1934 424 134 0.0139%
1935 452 119 0.0122%
1936 431 128 0.0133%
1937 493 95 0.0096%
1938 474 111 0.0108%
1939 436 132 0.013%
1940 465 114 0.0107%
1941 475 117 0.0104%
1942 449 151 0.012%
1943 468 134 0.0103%
1944 437 152 0.0123%
1945 413 167 0.0137%
1946 428 182 0.0123%
1947 445 186 0.0111%
1948 416 220 0.0138%
1949 402 242 0.015%
1950 386 263 0.0163%
1951 416 223 0.0132%
1952 402 250 0.0143%
1953 432 231 0.0131%
1954 453 209 0.0114%
1955 434 242 0.0132%
1956 420 286 0.0151%
1957 409 317 0.0165%
1958 429 295 0.0156%
1959 428 308 0.0162%
1960 417 322 0.017%
1961 468 255 0.0135%
1962 413 339 0.0185%
1963 409 342 0.0191%
1964 412 339 0.0193%
1965 411 328 0.0201%
1966 395 325 0.0208%
1967 403 317 0.0209%
1968 381 378 0.0252%
1969 403 354 0.023%
1970 378 420 0.0264%
1971 359 464 0.0309%
1972 370 415 0.0305%
1973 358 429 0.0331%
1974 348 449 0.0345%
1975 334 478 0.0372%
1976 313 530 0.0411%
1977 330 524 0.0389%
1978 320 511 0.038%
1979 330 514 0.0365%
1980 307 594 0.0406%
1981 291 657 0.0447%
1982 312 587 0.0393%
1983 310 596 0.0404%
1984 318 574 0.0386%
1985 324 588 0.0387%
1986 317 602 0.0399%
1987 331 584 0.0383%
1988 301 723 0.0464%
1989 310 738 0.0457%
1990 314 770 0.0465%
1991 319 771 0.0473%
1992 315 802 0.0502%
1993 324 769 0.0493%
1994 319 781 0.0509%
1995 332 730 0.0484%
1996 334 734 0.049%
1997 330 764 0.0517%
1998 336 770 0.0514%
1999 331 794 0.053%
2000 350 749 0.049%
2001 331 813 0.054%
2002 326 815 0.0544%
2003 336 821 0.054%
2004 349 778 0.051%
2005 368 772 0.0505%
2006 381 754 0.0482%
2007 411 680 0.0431%
2008 413 681 0.0441%
2009 463 549 0.0367%
2010 499 476 0.033%
2011 493 485 0.034%
2012 553 423 0.0297%
2013 642 325 0.0228%
2014 642 349 0.024%
2015 628 363 0.0249%
2016 674 310 0.0215%
2017 691 292 0.0209%
2018 685 290 0.0211%
2019 748 245 0.0181%
2020 788 239 0.0188%
2021 919 197 0.0161%
2022 886 220 0.0167%

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Serious; battle to the death



Serious; battle to the death



Serious; battle to the death


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Illustrious warrior



Honest man


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