Emmett Name Meaning

The name Emmett has traditionally been seen as a strong, determined name. It carries a sense of strength, courage, and leadership. It also has a sense of humor and wit, and is often associated with being clever and intelligent.

Origins of the Name Emmett

The name Emmett has been around for centuries, and its origins can be traced to Germanic and Old English roots. The earliest known usage of the name Emmett can be found in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles from the year 845 AD. The name is derived from the Germanic name “Emma”, meaning “entire”.

Popularity of the Name Emmett

In recent years, Emmett has become increasingly popular as a boy’s name. It is currently in the top 500 most popular baby names in the United States, and is rising in popularity in the United Kingdom and Australia as well.

Final Thoughts on the Name Emmett

The name Emmett has a lighthearted, witty side to it as well. It can often be used as a nickname for people with a sense of humor or a playful nature. It can also be used as a way to show affection or camaraderie, as it often carries connotations of good-naturedness.

In conclusion, the name Emmett has a strong and determined meaning, but also carries a playful, witty side to it. It has been popular for centuries, and is currently one of the most popular baby names in the United States and other countries. Whether you are looking for a strong name to give your son, or just a lighthearted nickname to call a friend, Emmett can fit the bill.

Infographic of Emmett name meaning, which is Emmett is derived from an English surname and means universal.
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Emmett Name Popularity

How popular is the name Emmett? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 189 109 0.031%
1911 214 93 0.025%
1912 205 234 0.0464%
1913 195 306 0.054%
1914 206 370 0.0531%
1915 187 560 0.0616%
1916 215 475 0.0492%
1917 212 501 0.0501%
1918 208 575 0.0536%
1919 198 602 0.0575%
1920 211 585 0.0526%
1921 215 586 0.0512%
1922 233 543 0.0487%
1923 234 530 0.0473%
1924 224 566 0.0487%
1925 225 544 0.0481%
1926 240 509 0.0463%
1927 260 456 0.0412%
1928 266 425 0.0397%
1929 272 382 0.0369%
1930 269 402 0.0385%
1931 273 366 0.0371%
1932 286 325 0.0329%
1933 273 326 0.035%
1934 289 315 0.0326%
1935 282 334 0.0344%
1936 304 271 0.0281%
1937 306 276 0.028%
1938 304 285 0.0278%
1939 289 324 0.0319%
1940 303 297 0.0279%
1941 324 286 0.0254%
1942 325 310 0.0245%
1943 334 300 0.023%
1944 317 322 0.026%
1945 344 260 0.0213%
1946 346 316 0.0214%
1947 336 373 0.0223%
1948 349 328 0.0205%
1949 397 248 0.0154%
1950 388 261 0.0162%
1951 379 283 0.0167%
1952 370 300 0.0172%
1953 413 247 0.014%
1954 419 251 0.0137%
1955 420 263 0.0143%
1956 425 274 0.0145%
1957 447 253 0.0131%
1958 477 226 0.012%
1959 466 250 0.0132%
1960 546 167 0.0088%
1961 514 195 0.0103%
1962 528 179 0.0098%
1963 557 159 0.0089%
1964 545 163 0.0093%
1965 546 151 0.0092%
1966 564 135 0.0086%
1967 540 146 0.0096%
1968 536 151 0.0101%
1969 575 139 0.009%
1970 633 119 0.0075%
1971 693 94 0.0063%
1972 658 100 0.0073%
1973 727 76 0.0059%
1974 751 71 0.0055%
1975 743 74 0.0058%
1976 714 87 0.0068%
1977 783 70 0.0052%
1978 843 59 0.0044%
1979 822 66 0.0047%
1980 931 49 0.0034%
1981 989 41 0.0028%
1982 845 68 0.0046%
1983 798 72 0.0049%
1984 877 58 0.0039%
1985 1,038 39 0.0026%
1986 1,022 41 0.0027%
1987 1,001 46 0.003%
1988 1,027 49 0.0031%
1989 872 84 0.0052%
1990 1,060 57 0.0034%
1991 996 69 0.0042%
1992 793 124 0.0078%
1993 816 118 0.0076%
1994 832 115 0.0075%
1995 823 120 0.008%
1996 895 99 0.0066%
1997 754 151 0.0102%
1998 906 110 0.0073%
1999 853 130 0.0087%
2000 736 183 0.012%
2001 684 214 0.0142%
2002 728 194 0.0129%
2003 670 249 0.0164%
2004 633 286 0.0188%
2005 605 328 0.0215%
2006 569 396 0.0253%
2007 575 407 0.0258%
2008 539 446 0.0289%
2009 330 935 0.0626%
2010 269 1,260 0.0874%
2011 219 1,594 0.1119%
2012 186 2,018 0.1416%
2013 173 2,351 0.1651%
2014 156 2,630 0.1805%
2015 138 3,030 0.2082%
2016 136 3,029 0.2101%
2017 125 3,137 0.2248%
2018 114 3,408 0.2481%
2019 105 3,541 0.2616%
2020 109 3,245 0.2549%
2021 103 3,638 0.2976%
2022 117 3,204 0.2429%

Alaska (AK)

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A variant spelling of Emmett.





Respelling of Emmett






What names sound like Emmett?

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Highly praised or one who constantly thanks God



Highly praised or one who constantly thanks God



God's love



God's love



Highly praised or one who constantly thanks God



Comrade, friend



God's love



Desire, goal

Indian (Sanskrit)

Lists With Emmett

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Siblings of Emmett

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble born



  1. My husband’s grandfather and great grandfather name

  2. Kinder app: just had to swipe for months before we found a name dad and I both liked.

  3. I have never met another one, great name! Thanks Mom and Dad!

  4. I’ve always loved this name. So far we don’t have a nickname because it’s easy to say and fits nicely for baby and adult. I’ve been surprised by how many people misspell it Emmet or Emmit.

  5. Wanted something that was uncommon but familiar. And it sounds good with sibling names: Riley and Hudson. This little boy is also a redhead and we like how Emmett fits with that.

  6. We were going through name lists and it was literally the only name my husband and I could agree on

  7. Grandfather’s name and we love that it’s a timeless classic name.

  8. Always loved the name

  9. I like the name Emmett because it has a good ring to it you know. and it just so happens to be my besties name

  10. N/A

  11. My name is Emmett and I like it. It’s cool

    • Indeed it is cool

  12. A boy name was hard for us! My husband suggested Emmett and I vetoed it at first but after awhile it grew on me and I brought it up again. We did a little research and loved the Irish history of the name Emmett (I am very Irish, my name is Irish). The name also means “powerful” and “truth” which was the strong male name we were looking for. It just checked all the boxes! We also were using my husband’s middle name, and Emmett Christopher just flowed so beautifully ?

  13. Emmett James was our go-to name when we had our 6th. All our other kids had names that had meanings behind them, Like Heather Francis, Heather means heath and she was a preemie baby. my 2nd born, Phoenix Lennon was born as we were moving to Canada from Phoenix. My 3rd Eden Scott was a bright and happy baby. Eden means a delightful man. River Kaden and Beckett Lewis are twins, River means “River” and Beckett means “little brook”. But with Emmett James, we just liked the name.

    • Wow! That’s a lot of kids what are their ages?

      • Where exping our 7 & 8th! Twins again! We are going to stop after the new twins, even with a nanny it’s a lot of work. Heather is 12 right now coming up on her 13th birthday. Phoenix is 10, Eden just turned 8. (pandemic birthday) 🙁 River and Beckett are 5, and Emmett is 3. the twins are a boy and girl and we have names picked out already. Otis Harrison for the boy (My Fathers name) Jayden Georgina (Frist name is going to be their birthstone, Middle name is my wife’s name)

  14. It was the first boy name that both my husband and I agreed on. He was also 4 weeks early and the name Emmett means universal or whole. Despite being premature he has had zero complications and has been perfectly healthy. He was made completely whole by the Lord! We praise Jesus for that. He was just ready to join us a little bit ahead of the game!

    • What a beautiful story. 🙂

  15. We chose the name Emmett because one of the meanings (there were many) was hardworking. Another was truth. Name meanings were important in all out kids names.

  16. I had hoped my fourth baby was going to be a girl so I could finally use the girl name I’ve had for three pregnancies… my 22 week ultrasound showed me that wasn’t the case. I had a boy name picked out just in case but after I found out it was going to be my third boy, the name Logan just didn’t feel like the right one. While I was driving home the name just came to me, along with the middle name. I wound up with Emmett Flynn. The one I had prior was Logan Wade. Our first born we named Megan Thea. I was due June 3rd, 2014 with her. The name Megan means pearl and the birthstone for June is a pearl. It fit perfectly and her middle name Thea, means a gift from God. She was our only one who I named with names that meant something specific. Our second born was a boy so I chose Mason James. James was my father’s middle name. Well, 3 months postpartum we were shocked to find out we were pregnant again. Our second boy we named Jaxon Quinn. We both have Irish ancestors so I chose to have at least each name with an Irish name. Unfortunately my Dad had a sudden heart attack with a bad fall in May and we all decided he wouldn’t want to live his last days hooked up to machines. So we let him pass away being surrounded with love and family. I had chosen to add my Dad’s name to Emmett’s as a second middle name to honor his legacy. Emmett Flynn-Robert Heater was Born 6/14/19 at 38 weeks 5 days and was 6.9lbs and 18 inches. Emmett fits him perfectly. I believe God gave me his name like he did with my other 3 children.

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