Infographic of Elvin name meaning, which is “Wise, because friendly with the elves.” Based on the Anglo-Saxon aelf, an elf. The elves were reputed to be wise counselors. Also spelled Elwin.
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Elvin Name Popularity

How popular is the name Elvin? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 569 6 0.0017%
1911 331 33 0.0089%
1912 398 53 0.0105%
1913 379 83 0.0146%
1914 366 127 0.0182%
1915 281 272 0.0299%
1916 327 224 0.0232%
1917 307 263 0.0263%
1918 315 282 0.0263%
1919 309 280 0.0267%
1920 314 297 0.0267%
1921 312 307 0.0268%
1922 309 301 0.027%
1923 338 263 0.0235%
1924 319 288 0.0248%
1925 301 321 0.0284%
1926 300 317 0.0288%
1927 284 362 0.0327%
1928 318 278 0.026%
1929 324 251 0.0242%
1930 306 310 0.0297%
1931 313 262 0.0265%
1932 345 216 0.0219%
1933 334 220 0.0236%
1934 343 216 0.0223%
1935 347 210 0.0216%
1936 360 187 0.0194%
1937 363 182 0.0185%
1938 401 161 0.0157%
1939 374 189 0.0186%
1940 415 155 0.0146%
1941 423 148 0.0131%
1942 411 181 0.0143%
1943 406 190 0.0146%
1944 434 155 0.0125%
1945 460 122 0.01%
1946 480 138 0.0094%
1947 454 176 0.0105%
1948 489 141 0.0088%
1949 503 132 0.0082%
1950 534 118 0.0073%
1951 530 124 0.0073%
1952 542 124 0.0071%
1953 514 144 0.0081%
1954 561 127 0.0069%
1955 557 130 0.0071%
1956 553 140 0.0074%
1957 580 131 0.0068%
1958 531 170 0.009%
1959 561 147 0.0077%
1960 586 135 0.0071%
1961 561 150 0.0079%
1962 628 106 0.0058%
1963 609 123 0.0069%
1964 649 96 0.0055%
1965 671 78 0.0048%
1966 655 82 0.0053%
1967 665 82 0.0054%
1968 693 70 0.0047%
1969 664 97 0.0063%
1970 710 87 0.0055%
1971 713 86 0.0057%
1972 735 72 0.0053%
1973 795 57 0.0044%
1974 810 56 0.0043%
1975 802 61 0.0047%
1976 744 78 0.0061%
1977 786 69 0.0051%
1978 746 83 0.0062%
1979 746 87 0.0062%
1980 828 70 0.0048%
1981 885 57 0.0039%
1982 829 70 0.0047%
1983 834 63 0.0043%
1984 798 75 0.005%
1985 783 82 0.0054%
1986 835 73 0.0048%
1987 979 49 0.0032%
1988 842 80 0.0051%
1989 922 72 0.0045%
1990 857 95 0.0057%
1991 947 80 0.0049%
1992 869 96 0.006%
1993 934 85 0.0055%
1994 1,026 69 0.0045%
1995 1,071 65 0.0043%
1996 1,160 54 0.0036%
1997 1,024 78 0.0053%
1998 1,021 85 0.0057%
1999 921 113 0.0075%
2000 1,060 87 0.0057%
2001 1,025 96 0.0064%
2002 1,035 97 0.0065%
2003 1,043 98 0.0064%
2004 954 126 0.0083%
2005 932 137 0.009%
2006 1,040 118 0.0075%
2007 906 169 0.0107%
2008 983 142 0.0092%
2009 1,090 111 0.0074%
2010 1,123 103 0.0071%
2011 1,138 97 0.0068%
2012 1,143 96 0.0067%
2013 1,210 83 0.0058%
2014 1,192 88 0.006%
2015 1,186 89 0.0061%
2016 1,336 68 0.0047%
2017 1,369 61 0.0044%
2018 1,314 66 0.0048%
2019 1,254 79 0.0058%
2020 1,407 71 0.0056%
2021 1,709 48 0.0039%
2022 1,739 51 0.0039%

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Names Like Elvin

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What names are variants of Elvin?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Elvin.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Elf or magical being, friend



Elf or magical being, friend



Elf or magical being, friend



Elf or magical being, friend



Elf or magical being, friend



White, fair, holy



Elf or magical being, friend


What names sound like Elvin?

If you like how Elvin sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Elvin.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From Alba; elf or magical being, friend



Elf or magical being, friend



Elf or magical being, friend


What names are similar to Elvin?

Find a name that’s like Elvin, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Spring, greening


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