Edwin Name Meaning

Origins of the Name Edwin

The name Edwin is of Old English origin and means “wealthy friend”. It was a popular given name in England during the Middle Ages, particularly among royalty.

Popularity of the Name Edwin

The name Edwin is often associated with generosity, kindness, and a love of people, reflecting the friendly and approachable nature of many people with this name. It has been a popular name in many English-speaking countries, particularly in the United States, where it has been consistently ranked among the top 1000 names for boys.

Final Thoughts on the Name Edwin

If you know an Edwin, you know someone who is as generous and kind as they come. They likely have a warm and friendly personality, and they are always eager to lend a helping hand.

With a name like Edwin, you were born to be the life of the party! Whether it’s cracking jokes or just spreading good cheer, Edwins are always the ones everyone wants to be around.

So if you’re ever in need of a friend, look no further than an Edwin. They are sure to be a generous and supportive companion who will always be there for you, and they’ll make sure you never feel alone. And with their infectious sense of humor and positive outlook, they’ll make every moment a happy one.

Infographic of Edwin name meaning, which is An English name, Edwin means wealthy friend.
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Edwin Name Popularity

How popular is the name Edwin? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 69 505 0.1434%
1911 62 660 0.1772%
1912 54 1,498 0.297%
1913 55 1,808 0.3189%
1914 53 2,378 0.3412%
1915 53 3,144 0.346%
1916 53 3,289 0.3405%
1917 55 3,338 0.3337%
1918 55 3,481 0.3243%
1919 52 3,449 0.3294%
1920 53 3,731 0.3356%
1921 54 3,743 0.3269%
1922 52 3,828 0.3436%
1923 56 3,641 0.3251%
1924 55 3,789 0.3263%
1925 57 3,547 0.3138%
1926 55 3,482 0.3166%
1927 57 3,376 0.305%
1928 58 3,158 0.2951%
1929 66 2,888 0.2788%
1930 65 2,968 0.2841%
1931 66 2,698 0.2734%
1932 72 2,563 0.2594%
1933 77 2,320 0.249%
1934 80 2,333 0.2413%
1935 88 2,252 0.2317%
1936 83 2,265 0.2351%
1937 88 2,254 0.2287%
1938 90 2,240 0.2188%
1939 96 2,058 0.2023%
1940 96 2,112 0.1987%
1941 97 2,204 0.1958%
1942 106 2,282 0.1807%
1943 107 2,380 0.1823%
1944 106 2,230 0.1799%
1945 117 1,945 0.1595%
1946 112 2,371 0.1607%
1947 114 2,577 0.1544%
1948 116 2,427 0.152%
1949 122 2,367 0.1471%
1950 117 2,483 0.1542%
1951 119 2,562 0.1511%
1952 118 2,624 0.1503%
1953 123 2,635 0.1489%
1954 129 2,530 0.1384%
1955 124 2,658 0.1445%
1956 124 2,774 0.1469%
1957 134 2,701 0.1404%
1958 137 2,586 0.1368%
1959 137 2,563 0.1349%
1960 141 2,461 0.1299%
1961 145 2,434 0.1289%
1962 144 2,392 0.1303%
1963 147 2,225 0.124%
1964 153 2,159 0.1227%
1965 158 1,887 0.1154%
1966 152 1,850 0.1185%
1967 161 1,650 0.1087%
1968 160 1,670 0.1112%
1969 162 1,760 0.1142%
1970 168 1,702 0.1069%
1971 176 1,507 0.1003%
1972 177 1,366 0.1003%
1973 178 1,284 0.099%
1974 192 1,139 0.0876%
1975 183 1,217 0.0947%
1976 189 1,152 0.0894%
1977 180 1,262 0.0936%
1978 194 1,199 0.0892%
1979 186 1,256 0.0891%
1980 191 1,265 0.0865%
1981 189 1,306 0.0888%
1982 188 1,310 0.0877%
1983 197 1,173 0.0795%
1984 184 1,324 0.089%
1985 189 1,301 0.0857%
1986 192 1,302 0.0863%
1987 193 1,365 0.0894%
1988 183 1,526 0.0979%
1989 173 1,732 0.1073%
1990 170 1,793 0.1082%
1991 164 1,936 0.1188%
1992 177 1,788 0.112%
1993 177 1,797 0.1153%
1994 175 1,778 0.1159%
1995 187 1,661 0.1102%
1996 197 1,558 0.1041%
1997 198 1,575 0.1065%
1998 198 1,683 0.1124%
1999 204 1,663 0.111%
2000 196 1,774 0.1161%
2001 187 1,960 0.1301%
2002 179 2,127 0.1419%
2003 181 2,153 0.1415%
2004 174 2,332 0.153%
2005 178 2,284 0.1494%
2006 158 2,650 0.1692%
2007 171 2,376 0.1506%
2008 175 2,249 0.1455%
2009 193 1,959 0.1311%
2010 209 1,691 0.1173%
2011 236 1,497 0.1051%
2012 268 1,291 0.0906%
2013 279 1,208 0.0848%
2014 295 1,161 0.0797%
2015 309 1,126 0.0774%
2016 313 1,085 0.0753%
2017 326 1,000 0.0716%
2018 329 968 0.0705%
2019 343 921 0.068%
2020 346 876 0.0688%
2021 352 889 0.0727%
2022 357 884 0.067%

Alaska (AK)

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Wealthy spear; wealthy protector; wealthy guard; wealthy friend


What names are variants of Edwin?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Edwin.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Wealthy friend



Wealthy spear; wealthy protector; wealthy guard; wealthy friend



Wealthy guard



Wealthy spear; son of Edward; wealthy protector; wealthy guard; wealthy friend



Noble; wealthy friend



Wealthy friend



Wealthy friend



A diminutive form of Edward.



Wealthy spear; wealthy friend



A diminutive form of Edward, Theodore, and Theodoric.


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Fire; ornamented



Place of pleasure






Place of pleasure



Fire; place of pleasure



Place of pleasure





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Sea friend


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Poecc's settlement



Winding valley


He who supplants



God supports






  1. Edwin is the definition of sweetness

  2. We named our son after his grandfather Edwin. We love the name and feel it suits him well. We chose a middle name from the other side of the family to make it more personal for our family.

  3. I like my name

  4. Edwin is a family name on my dad’s side! He had a brother that passed away as a baby due to a congenital heart defect before they knew how to fix it! His nephew also had the name!

    • My long lost papa also had the name Edwin and he too had an unfortunate defect which was involving his teeth.He struggled for years with it as he found it hard to chew, meaning he missed out on a lot of delicious foods which he then sadly passed due to it.

  5. This is my husbands Grandpa’s name. Loved passing this on

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