Infographic of Dwight name meaning, which is “The valiant,” from the Middle English wiht, courageous.
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Dwight Name Popularity

How popular is the name Dwight? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 438 12 0.0034%
1911 310 40 0.0107%
1912 270 128 0.0254%
1913 277 154 0.0272%
1914 263 233 0.0334%
1915 268 298 0.0328%
1916 256 338 0.035%
1917 290 287 0.0287%
1918 267 359 0.0335%
1919 274 336 0.0321%
1920 277 364 0.0327%
1921 251 457 0.0399%
1922 272 400 0.0359%
1923 274 394 0.0352%
1924 268 412 0.0355%
1925 261 438 0.0388%
1926 261 432 0.0393%
1927 265 433 0.0391%
1928 269 403 0.0377%
1929 259 440 0.0425%
1930 236 509 0.0487%
1931 218 532 0.0539%
1932 202 598 0.0605%
1933 228 476 0.0511%
1934 241 440 0.0455%
1935 241 445 0.0458%
1936 265 374 0.0388%
1937 264 381 0.0387%
1938 261 397 0.0388%
1939 282 342 0.0336%
1940 261 414 0.0389%
1941 237 507 0.045%
1942 209 691 0.0547%
1943 157 1,222 0.0936%
1944 138 1,488 0.1201%
1945 126 1,740 0.1427%
1946 137 1,740 0.1179%
1947 160 1,530 0.0917%
1948 153 1,632 0.1022%
1949 151 1,706 0.1061%
1950 147 1,800 0.1118%
1951 132 2,043 0.1205%
1952 123 2,398 0.1374%
1953 122 2,692 0.1521%
1954 145 2,025 0.1108%
1955 142 2,140 0.1163%
1956 139 2,347 0.1243%
1957 159 2,014 0.1047%
1958 175 1,684 0.0891%
1959 186 1,575 0.0829%
1960 181 1,708 0.0901%
1961 185 1,652 0.0875%
1962 202 1,496 0.0815%
1963 202 1,437 0.0801%
1964 216 1,236 0.0702%
1965 204 1,204 0.0736%
1966 215 1,026 0.0657%
1967 224 954 0.0629%
1968 232 916 0.061%
1969 209 1,167 0.0758%
1970 230 1,003 0.063%
1971 250 876 0.0583%
1972 261 729 0.0535%
1973 267 668 0.0515%
1974 271 664 0.0511%
1975 287 638 0.0496%
1976 299 572 0.0444%
1977 326 534 0.0396%
1978 346 457 0.034%
1979 336 500 0.0355%
1980 350 479 0.0328%
1981 350 464 0.0316%
1982 364 441 0.0295%
1983 341 494 0.0335%
1984 333 527 0.0354%
1985 372 451 0.0297%
1986 367 471 0.0312%
1987 357 502 0.0329%
1988 405 451 0.0289%
1989 425 439 0.0272%
1990 442 456 0.0275%
1991 459 429 0.0263%
1992 494 371 0.0232%
1993 529 332 0.0213%
1994 548 312 0.0203%
1995 595 253 0.0168%
1996 658 206 0.0138%
1997 667 199 0.0135%
1998 672 207 0.0138%
1999 704 188 0.0126%
2000 737 183 0.012%
2001 850 143 0.0095%
2002 1,036 97 0.0065%
2003 922 129 0.0085%
2004 898 144 0.0094%
2005 1,041 108 0.0071%
2006 1,071 111 0.0071%
2007 1,055 123 0.0078%
2008 1,204 91 0.0059%
2009 1,100 110 0.0074%
2010 1,186 90 0.0062%
2011 1,225 80 0.0056%
2012 1,240 80 0.0056%
2013 1,188 88 0.0062%
2014 1,261 75 0.0051%
2015 1,423 56 0.0038%
2016 1,445 52 0.0036%
2017 1,524 43 0.0031%
2018 1,587 38 0.0028%
2019 1,847 23 0.0017%
2020 1,868 36 0.0028%
2021 2,331 22 0.0018%
2022 3,552 6 0.0005%

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Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Follower of Dionysius



Dark traveller



Cheerful, happy





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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Power, strength

Indian (Sanskrit)


Dark wise one


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1 Comment

  1. I Love His Name , It’s A Joke Everyone Makes Saying The White Around Your Lips ? I Dislike That!!! He’s So Handsome And Humble. This My First Son ? It’s So Amazing Being A Boy Mom

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