Infographic of Donnie name meaning, which is Short form of Donald
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Donnie Name Popularity

How popular is the name Donnie? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 733 13 0.0023%
1914 1,046 7 0.001%
1915 1,016 13 0.0014%
1916 868 20 0.0021%
1917 1,015 15 0.0015%
1918 1,185 9 0.0008%
1919 812 31 0.003%
1920 1,110 14 0.0013%
1921 1,256 9 0.0008%
1922 866 29 0.0026%
1923 881 28 0.0025%
1924 1,030 18 0.0016%
1925 896 25 0.0022%
1926 805 32 0.0029%
1927 743 40 0.0036%
1928 562 81 0.0076%
1929 509 97 0.0094%
1930 450 136 0.013%
1931 347 214 0.0217%
1932 314 268 0.0271%
1933 297 290 0.0311%
1934 265 380 0.0393%
1935 260 393 0.0404%
1936 224 480 0.0498%
1937 198 590 0.0599%
1938 206 565 0.0552%
1939 196 613 0.0603%
1940 194 649 0.0611%
1941 187 755 0.0671%
1942 191 804 0.0637%
1943 179 887 0.0679%
1944 171 954 0.077%
1945 168 964 0.079%
1946 166 1,245 0.0844%
1947 169 1,377 0.0825%
1948 163 1,463 0.0916%
1949 156 1,589 0.0988%
1950 150 1,688 0.1048%
1951 151 1,693 0.0999%
1952 156 1,780 0.102%
1953 156 1,767 0.0998%
1954 163 1,740 0.0952%
1955 170 1,638 0.0891%
1956 174 1,697 0.0899%
1957 177 1,689 0.0878%
1958 181 1,569 0.083%
1959 184 1,597 0.0841%
1960 192 1,545 0.0815%
1961 208 1,339 0.0709%
1962 213 1,266 0.069%
1963 224 1,113 0.062%
1964 226 1,082 0.0615%
1965 236 935 0.0572%
1966 239 842 0.0539%
1967 242 808 0.0532%
1968 242 844 0.0562%
1969 251 799 0.0519%
1970 253 882 0.0554%
1971 251 860 0.0572%
1972 246 828 0.0608%
1973 252 745 0.0575%
1974 256 724 0.0557%
1975 266 697 0.0542%
1976 272 677 0.0525%
1977 302 605 0.0449%
1978 304 553 0.0411%
1979 322 548 0.0389%
1980 339 505 0.0345%
1981 366 443 0.0301%
1982 383 407 0.0272%
1983 390 390 0.0264%
1984 429 338 0.0227%
1985 464 298 0.0196%
1986 487 280 0.0185%
1987 496 277 0.0182%
1988 527 257 0.0165%
1989 567 246 0.0152%
1990 552 289 0.0174%
1991 613 233 0.0143%
1992 627 220 0.0138%
1993 657 199 0.0128%
1994 714 162 0.0106%
1995 797 128 0.0085%
1996 759 147 0.0098%
1997 749 152 0.0103%
1998 781 151 0.0101%
1999 870 125 0.0083%
2000 896 124 0.0081%
2001 1,041 92 0.0061%
2002 1,042 95 0.0063%
2003 1,109 86 0.0057%
2004 1,162 82 0.0054%
2005 1,160 85 0.0056%
2006 1,325 68 0.0043%
2007 1,116 106 0.0067%
2008 1,282 78 0.005%
2009 1,270 80 0.0054%
2010 1,282 75 0.0052%
2011 1,536 44 0.0031%
2012 1,281 73 0.0051%
2013 1,390 57 0.004%
2014 1,272 73 0.005%
2015 1,347 64 0.0044%
2016 1,489 49 0.0034%
2017 1,420 54 0.0039%
2018 1,827 24 0.0017%
2019 1,494 45 0.0033%
2020 2,334 19 0.0015%
2021 1,765 44 0.0036%
2022 2,004 35 0.0027%

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California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

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Nebraska (NE)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

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Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Data via

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God is my judge



The Dane's village; follower of Dionysius




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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Hound, wolf; high; brave, bold ruler or counsel; horn



God is gracious






Mountain of strength; ruler's counselor





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