Boy Girl’s name Coree Coree Pronunciation: c(o)-ree Share your thoughts about Coree Share Popularity Alternatives Infographic of Coree name meaning, which is Ask your friends & family about Coree… Share Pin Tweet Email Text Coree Name Popularity How popular is the name Coree? Here’s everything we know. Sorry, popularity data for the name Coree is not available. Names Like Coree If you like Coree, you’ll love these other names like Coree. What names sound like Coree? If you like how Coree sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Coree. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Corey Hill hollow Irish Corie Hill hollow Irish Cree What names are similar to Coree? Find a name that’s like Coree, but just a little bit different. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Carel Free man German Carew Chariot Latin Carewe Chariot Latin Carey A variant form of Caradoc. Carne Defender of the castle English Cobe Hungarian Cobey Hungarian Cobie Hungarian Codey Descendant of Cuidightheach Irish Codie Descendant of Cuidightheach Irish Coe Hollow in the hill Irish Cole Charcoal English Coley Swarthy, coal-black, charcoal French Colle Young creature Scottish Coney Rabbit English Cooke Cook Latin Cope Cape English Corbie A diminutive form of Corbin. Corby Young crow French Cord Cord maker; lamb Spanish Coren Spear Latin Corin Spear Latin Cork Swamp, marsh Irish Corley Hill hollow; benevolent, cheery Irish Corney Horn Latin Correy Hill hollow Irish Corrie Hill hollow Irish Corry Hill hollow Irish Cort Courtier, court attendant; brave German Corty Courtier, court attendant; brave German Cory From the hollow English Courey Covey Brood of birds English Cowrey Cowrie American Coye Coyle Leader in battle; follows the battle Irish Coyne Modest French Creed Belief; guiding principle; I believe Latin Creek Small river Crew Group Latin Crewe Chariot Latin Dore Fist; stranger, exile; descendant of Dorus; from Doris; gift of Isis Irish Free A free man, one freed from bound servitude to an overlord English Gore Spear; wedge-shaped object English Goren Barn floor, granary Hebrew Jorey Scandinavian Jorie Koren Gleaming Hebrew Korey More Swarthy, dark-skinned; bog; noble, great Gaelic Morey Dark-skinned, Moorish Latin Nyree Armenian Rorey Red king Irish Tore Thunder; little hills Scandinavian Torey Thor Scandinavian Torre Thunder; tower Scandinavian Tyree Modern Share your thoughts on the name Coree Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. All fields are required *Name * Email * Your Thoughts * Δ Search Baby Names Quick Search Search Go Advanced Search Name Starts With Ends With Gender Any Boys Girls Only show unisex names Current Popularity [U.S.] Any More Popular Less Popular Origin Select origin… English Latin Hebrew Greek German Irish French American Spanish Arabic Aboriginal African American Ancient Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian Arthurian Legend Asian Aztec (Nahuatl) Bulgarian Celtic Chinese Danish Dutch Egyptian English European French Gaelic German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indian (Sanskrit) Indonesian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Latin Modern Native American Persian Polish Polynesian Portuguese Russian Scandinavian Scottish Slavic Spanish Turkish Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Meaning Number of Letters Min Max Syllables [BETA] Min Max Search Baby Names