Bradley Name Meaning

The name Bradley means “broad clearing” or “broad meadow.” It symbolizes spaciousness, openness, and a connection to nature.

Origins of the Name Bradley

The name Bradley has Anglo-Saxon roots and was originally used as a surname. The name refers to someone who lived near or worked in a broad clearing in a wood or a broad meadow.

Bradley is an English surname originating from a place name meaning “broad wood” or “broad meadow.” The name first became popular as a given name in the United States in the mid-20th century.

Popularity of the Name Bradley

Bradley was a popular name in the United States in the mid-20th century and has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years. It’s considered a classic, timeless name that never goes out of style.

Fun Facts on the Name Bradley

In conclusion, Bradley is a versatile and classic name with Anglo-Saxon roots and a strong connection to nature. Its popularity has endured for decades, making it a great choice for parents looking for a timeless and meaningful name for their son.

Infographic of Bradley name meaning, which is Meaning broad meadow, Bradley is an English name.
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Bradley Name Popularity

How popular is the name Bradley? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 629 5 0.0014%
1911 0 0%
1912 1,006 5 0.001%
1913 749 13 0.0023%
1914 0 0%
1915 788 26 0.0029%
1916 838 22 0.0023%
1917 1,163 10 0.001%
1918 848 27 0.0025%
1919 1,078 13 0.0012%
1920 724 46 0.0041%
1921 993 20 0.0017%
1922 832 33 0.003%
1923 870 28 0.0025%
1924 850 31 0.0027%
1925 840 30 0.0027%
1926 786 35 0.0032%
1927 672 54 0.0049%
1928 599 67 0.0063%
1929 706 43 0.0042%
1930 621 61 0.0058%
1931 477 103 0.0104%
1932 508 92 0.0093%
1933 436 116 0.0125%
1934 485 101 0.0104%
1935 354 199 0.0205%
1936 384 165 0.0171%
1937 383 167 0.0169%
1938 409 157 0.0153%
1939 409 156 0.0153%
1940 410 159 0.015%
1941 354 231 0.0205%
1942 330 299 0.0237%
1943 340 292 0.0224%
1944 349 246 0.0198%
1945 345 258 0.0212%
1946 272 515 0.0349%
1947 222 800 0.0479%
1948 193 1,000 0.0626%
1949 174 1,289 0.0801%
1950 154 1,611 0.1001%
1951 144 1,800 0.1062%
1952 140 2,039 0.1168%
1953 117 2,760 0.1559%
1954 106 3,226 0.1765%
1955 107 3,175 0.1726%
1956 104 3,498 0.1852%
1957 107 3,521 0.183%
1958 108 3,716 0.1966%
1959 103 4,044 0.2128%
1960 90 4,739 0.2501%
1961 87 4,730 0.2505%
1962 87 4,635 0.2525%
1963 82 4,767 0.2656%
1964 77 4,964 0.282%
1965 72 4,784 0.2925%
1966 68 4,553 0.2916%
1967 67 4,338 0.2859%
1968 57 4,801 0.3197%
1969 53 6,394 0.415%
1970 47 6,824 0.4288%
1971 58 5,782 0.3848%
1972 61 4,830 0.3546%
1973 63 4,743 0.3659%
1974 58 5,169 0.3977%
1975 52 5,895 0.4587%
1976 51 5,978 0.4638%
1977 49 6,432 0.4772%
1978 53 6,100 0.4537%
1979 47 6,931 0.4916%
1980 51 7,213 0.4933%
1981 50 6,897 0.4692%
1982 51 6,979 0.467%
1983 52 6,741 0.4568%
1984 53 6,569 0.4416%
1985 53 7,009 0.4618%
1986 54 7,038 0.4663%
1987 56 6,913 0.453%
1988 57 7,010 0.4498%
1989 58 6,977 0.4324%
1990 65 6,431 0.388%
1991 67 5,724 0.3512%
1992 72 5,096 0.3193%
1993 73 5,133 0.3292%
1994 83 4,674 0.3046%
1995 78 4,764 0.3161%
1996 83 4,752 0.3174%
1997 94 4,120 0.2786%
1998 101 3,788 0.2531%
1999 104 3,571 0.2385%
2000 131 3,008 0.1969%
2001 145 2,724 0.1808%
2002 149 2,634 0.1758%
2003 165 2,376 0.1562%
2004 176 2,295 0.1506%
2005 173 2,396 0.1567%
2006 188 2,125 0.1357%
2007 194 2,056 0.1303%
2008 201 1,934 0.1251%
2009 195 1,943 0.13%
2010 186 1,976 0.1371%
2011 179 2,137 0.15%
2012 169 2,279 0.1599%
2013 175 2,309 0.1622%
2014 183 2,313 0.1588%
2015 173 2,385 0.1639%
2016 197 2,025 0.1404%
2017 228 1,627 0.1166%
2018 246 1,462 0.1064%
2019 252 1,413 0.1044%
2020 272 1,190 0.0935%
2021 312 1,031 0.0843%
2022 344 931 0.0706%

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Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

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Indiana (IN)

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Louisiana (LA)

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Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

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Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

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North Dakota (ND)

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Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

Names Like Bradley

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What names are variants of Bradley?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Bradley.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Broad, wide



Broad, wide; broad meadow



Broad meadow



Broad meadow



Broad meadow



Broad meadow



Broad meadow



Broad meadow



Pasture or meadow


What names sound like Bradley?

If you like how Bradley sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Bradley.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Son of Talmai (the farmer)



Son of Talmai (the farmer)



Birch tree meadow



Hill of birds



Hill of birds


Lists With Bradley

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Bradley.


  1. My son was born breach, in the back of an ambulance en route to hospital. The ambulance had broken down by the side of the road (in a wide open space in the middle of the fens (UK) He was originally going to be named Louis but soon changed to Bradley. He’ll be 21 this month.

  2. My husband actually came up with the name Bradley after I had done asked him hundreds of names & he said no I told him to pick something the first couple we both didn’t agree on & we both like the name Bradley

  3. I kept asking my husband about different names & then gave up after asking him over 400-500 names & told him to pick a name & he came up with a couple different names & we both agreed on Bradley Ray

  4. Just love it. Super simple. He can pronounce it

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