Boy Bernard “Bold and durable as a bear.” Based on the Teutonic bero (bear) and hart (bold, hardy). Bernard Name Origin: German Pronunciation: b(e)-rna-rd, ber-nard See what 2 people think about Bernard Share Popularity Alternatives Lists Comments Infographic of Bernard name meaning, which is "Bold and durable as a bear.” Based on the Teutonic bero (bear) and hart (bold, hardy). Ask your friends & family about Bernard… Share Pin Tweet Email Text Bernard Name Popularity How popular is the name Bernard? Here’s everything we know. Chart Raw Data By State Year Rank # Births % Births 1910 68 509 0.1446% 1911 55 733 0.1968% 1912 59 1,422 0.282% 1913 52 1,899 0.3349% 1914 50 2,420 0.3473% 1915 49 3,285 0.3616% 1916 49 3,463 0.3585% 1917 49 3,705 0.3703% 1918 47 4,089 0.381% 1919 45 3,911 0.3735% 1920 46 4,153 0.3735% 1921 45 4,478 0.3911% 1922 46 4,391 0.3941% 1923 46 4,363 0.3895% 1924 46 4,491 0.3867% 1925 48 4,243 0.3754% 1926 49 4,156 0.3779% 1927 50 4,159 0.3757% 1928 49 4,060 0.3795% 1929 51 3,806 0.3674% 1930 52 3,823 0.366% 1931 54 3,499 0.3545% 1932 59 3,241 0.328% 1933 63 2,996 0.3216% 1934 65 3,132 0.324% 1935 67 2,921 0.3006% 1936 68 2,848 0.2957% 1937 72 2,666 0.2706% 1938 75 2,705 0.2642% 1939 75 2,620 0.2576% 1940 82 2,456 0.2311% 1941 87 2,494 0.2216% 1942 90 2,716 0.2151% 1943 92 2,738 0.2097% 1944 94 2,610 0.2106% 1945 97 2,383 0.1954% 1946 102 2,589 0.1755% 1947 100 2,988 0.179% 1948 107 2,707 0.1696% 1949 111 2,668 0.1659% 1950 109 2,628 0.1632% 1951 107 2,760 0.1628% 1952 111 2,741 0.157% 1953 119 2,730 0.1543% 1954 123 2,725 0.1491% 1955 127 2,557 0.139% 1956 131 2,457 0.1301% 1957 137 2,518 0.1309% 1958 145 2,384 0.1261% 1959 152 2,260 0.119% 1960 152 2,295 0.1211% 1961 156 2,134 0.113% 1962 162 1,948 0.1061% 1963 164 1,931 0.1076% 1964 164 1,864 0.1059% 1965 170 1,661 0.1016% 1966 177 1,488 0.0953% 1967 178 1,424 0.0938% 1968 189 1,282 0.0854% 1969 200 1,243 0.0807% 1970 213 1,153 0.0725% 1971 204 1,143 0.0761% 1972 214 1,017 0.0747% 1973 227 912 0.0703% 1974 239 820 0.0631% 1975 241 822 0.064% 1976 249 756 0.0587% 1977 263 719 0.0533% 1978 267 717 0.0533% 1979 270 728 0.0516% 1980 278 724 0.0495% 1981 292 655 0.0446% 1982 297 649 0.0434% 1983 313 583 0.0395% 1984 316 578 0.0389% 1985 316 610 0.0402% 1986 335 544 0.036% 1987 344 543 0.0356% 1988 344 579 0.0372% 1989 351 605 0.0375% 1990 433 469 0.0283% 1991 410 515 0.0316% 1992 428 482 0.0302% 1993 439 461 0.0296% 1994 498 365 0.0238% 1995 499 380 0.0252% 1996 574 270 0.018% 1997 564 289 0.0195% 1998 616 250 0.0167% 1999 635 229 0.0153% 2000 643 239 0.0156% 2001 679 222 0.0147% 2002 740 187 0.0125% 2003 828 164 0.0108% 2004 763 193 0.0127% 2005 841 172 0.0112% 2006 924 152 0.0097% 2007 902 169 0.0107% 2008 937 159 0.0103% 2009 961 148 0.0099% 2010 1,074 117 0.0081% 2011 1,089 106 0.0074% 2012 1,076 112 0.0079% 2013 1,034 119 0.0084% 2014 1,077 114 0.0078% 2015 1,135 100 0.0069% 2016 1,112 106 0.0074% 2017 1,068 111 0.008% 2018 1,058 115 0.0084% 2019 1,145 98 0.0072% 2020 1,302 86 0.0068% 2021 1,253 104 0.0085% 2022 1,278 98 0.0074% Alaska (AK) Alabama (AL) Arkansas (AR) Arizona (AZ) California (CA) Colorado (CO) Connecticut (CT) District of Columbia (DC) Delaware (DE) Florida (FL) Georgia (GA) Hawaii (HI) Iowa (IA) Idaho (ID) Illinois (IL) Indiana (IN) Kansas (KS) Kentucky (KY) Louisiana (LA) Massachusetts (MA) Maryland (MD) Maine (ME) Michigan (MI) Minnesota (MN) Missouri (MO) Mississippi (MS) Montana (MT) North Carolina (NC) North Dakota (ND) Nebraska (NE) New Hampshire (NH) New Jersey (NJ) New Mexico (NM) Nevada (NV) New York (NY) Ohio (OH) Oklahoma (OK) Oregon (OR) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) South Carolina (SC) South Dakota (SD) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) Utah (UT) Virginia (VA) Vermont (VT) Washington (WA) Wisconsin (WI) West Virginia (WV) Wyoming (WY) Data via Names Like Bernard If you like Bernard, you’ll love these other names like Bernard. What names are diminutives of Bernard? A diminutive is a name that’s like Bernard sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Bernard, but shorter. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Barney A diminutive form of Barnabas and Bernard. Modern Bernie Bear; strong, brave bear German What names are variants of Bernard? Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Bernard. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Barnard Strong, brave bear German Barnardo Strong, brave bear German Barney A diminutive form of Barnabas and Bernard. Modern Barnhard Strong, brave bear German Barnhardo Strong, brave bear German Barnie Son of consolation; burned clearing; strong, brave bear Greek Barny Son of consolation; strong, brave bear Greek Bear Strong, brave bear German Bearnard Strong, brave bear German Berend Strong, brave bear German Bern Bear German Bernardino Strong, brave bear German Bernardo Strong, brave bear German Bernarr Strong, brave bear German Bernd Strong, brave bear German Berndt Strong, brave bear German Bernhard Strong, brave bear German Bernhardo Strong, brave bear German Bernie Bear; strong, brave bear German Bernis Strong, brave bear German Bernt Strong, brave bear German Burnard Strong, brave bear German Vernados Strong, brave bear German What names sound like Bernard? If you like how Bernard sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Bernard. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Brainard Courageous raven English Braynard Courageous raven English What names are similar to Bernard? Find a name that’s like Bernard, but just a little bit different. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Berry Berry English Lists With Bernard Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Bernard. Catholic Boy Names With Virtue and Valor // 248 names Find faith and meaning in Catholic boy names. Browse our collection of these devoted darlings, including papal picks, apostles, and saints. Legendary Boy Names With Awesome Associations // 223 names Capture incredible wonder and awe with legendary boy names. These mighty monikers are cut from a different cloth, containing everything from famed associations to majestic meanings. Check out our collection of them. European Boy Names for Your Globetrotter // 269 names European boy names contain a diverse mix of cultures, histories, and incredible meanings. From common classics to rare treasures, meet them on our list. Old Boy Names Bound for a Comeback // 156 names Old boy names have the charm and wisdom of the past with plenty of potential for the future. Explore our list of these wise old friends. Bilingual Boy Names for Your Multicultural Cutie // 139 names Bilingual boy names flow between languages and borders with ease. Check out our list of these powerful picks. Share Your Thoughts 2 Comments Lisa Apr 15 at 7:39 am Bernard was my dad’s name Reply Mary Jul 13 at 10:56 am I named him Bernard because it’s a common name and it’s beautiful Reply Share your thoughts on the name Bernard Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. 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