- Basim Name Origin: Arabic
- Pronunciation: b(a)-sim
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Basim Name Popularity
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Names Like Basim
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What names are variants of Basim?
Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Basim.
Name | Meaning | Origin | Popularity | Other Gender |
Bassam |
Smile |
Arabic |
Lists With Basim
Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Basim.
Funny Boy Names Fit for a Lifetime of Laughter // 115 names
Funny boy names coax a smile with laugh-focused meanings and comedic associations. Browse our collection of these funny friends and meanings.
Exotic Boy Names With International Charm // 202 names
Do you want a magnetic name destined for travel and greatness? Look no further than exotic boy names, hailing from all corners of the globe.
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