Infographic of Arturo name meaning, which is An Italian and Spanish form of Arthur.
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Arturo Name Popularity

How popular is the name Arturo? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 444 12 0.0034%
1911 583 6 0.0016%
1912 784 8 0.0016%
1913 542 32 0.0056%
1914 652 28 0.004%
1915 693 38 0.0042%
1916 853 21 0.0022%
1917 686 43 0.0043%
1918 752 38 0.0035%
1919 600 66 0.0063%
1920 522 102 0.0092%
1921 566 90 0.0079%
1922 504 113 0.0101%
1923 494 116 0.0104%
1924 479 130 0.0112%
1925 481 119 0.0105%
1926 459 135 0.0123%
1927 448 148 0.0134%
1928 424 160 0.015%
1929 384 186 0.018%
1930 409 164 0.0157%
1931 421 141 0.0143%
1932 417 146 0.0148%
1933 428 123 0.0132%
1934 414 139 0.0144%
1935 430 131 0.0135%
1936 480 99 0.0103%
1937 426 132 0.0134%
1938 437 134 0.0131%
1939 435 134 0.0132%
1940 418 153 0.0144%
1941 427 146 0.013%
1942 398 192 0.0152%
1943 380 222 0.017%
1944 367 230 0.0186%
1945 378 211 0.0173%
1946 372 265 0.018%
1947 380 284 0.017%
1948 367 300 0.0188%
1949 344 337 0.0209%
1950 341 350 0.0217%
1951 344 355 0.0209%
1952 332 395 0.0226%
1953 331 415 0.0234%
1954 339 402 0.022%
1955 351 388 0.0211%
1956 352 400 0.0212%
1957 365 394 0.0205%
1958 353 433 0.0229%
1959 353 452 0.0238%
1960 365 429 0.0226%
1961 361 450 0.0238%
1962 348 473 0.0258%
1963 354 444 0.0247%
1964 369 410 0.0233%
1965 362 412 0.0252%
1966 341 441 0.0282%
1967 356 403 0.0266%
1968 347 463 0.0308%
1969 361 439 0.0285%
1970 333 533 0.0335%
1971 333 519 0.0345%
1972 309 557 0.0409%
1973 309 529 0.0408%
1974 312 548 0.0422%
1975 300 598 0.0465%
1976 276 655 0.0508%
1977 297 618 0.0458%
1978 284 642 0.0478%
1979 294 657 0.0466%
1980 274 734 0.0502%
1981 262 785 0.0534%
1982 285 689 0.0461%
1983 280 697 0.0472%
1984 269 730 0.0491%
1985 274 727 0.0479%
1986 285 703 0.0466%
1987 281 749 0.0491%
1988 286 780 0.0501%
1989 288 816 0.0506%
1990 260 998 0.0602%
1991 271 958 0.0588%
1992 268 1,032 0.0647%
1993 274 1,018 0.0653%
1994 274 965 0.0629%
1995 278 976 0.0648%
1996 270 1,015 0.0678%
1997 283 964 0.0652%
1998 292 937 0.0626%
1999 285 981 0.0655%
2000 296 998 0.0653%
2001 284 1,033 0.0686%
2002 290 995 0.0664%
2003 305 954 0.0627%
2004 314 977 0.0641%
2005 307 1,051 0.0687%
2006 325 966 0.0617%
2007 331 932 0.0591%
2008 351 874 0.0565%
2009 385 753 0.0504%
2010 420 621 0.0431%
2011 434 589 0.0413%
2012 476 528 0.0371%
2013 506 480 0.0337%
2014 521 484 0.0332%
2015 518 504 0.0346%
2016 534 496 0.0344%
2017 570 424 0.0304%
2018 594 399 0.029%
2019 594 405 0.0299%
2020 582 426 0.0335%
2021 660 367 0.03%
2022 579 452 0.0343%

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  1. Arturo Case named for my husbands grandfather who is Spanish/Mexican! And Case for my maiden name!

  2. My boyfriend is the one that chose the name. Before we even knew it was a boy.

  3. .

  4. ? with our new member he is amazing

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